
Ignorance of Youth

The ignorance of our youth was when we took advantage of whatever we are given with, without caring about the consequence of our actions.


Roar of laughter filled the palace; a young little boy with phoenix eyes hurriedly locked the palace's treasury door. A loud bang filled the glorious castle, petrifying the two pursuers dressed in silver armour; their face painted in horror and fear. They looked at each other's faces then decided to inform his Royal Majesty with their lives hanging between life and death.

Ruddy cheeks, long thick eyelashes, sword-like brows, phoenix eyes, aloof long nose and an enchanting smirk planted in the little prince's plump red lips. His eyes glistens in victory somewhat pleased on playing underhanded over the treasury's royal guards. After numerous failures, he finally developed a crafty technique to trick them. Leisurely walking forward as if he is walking on his own garden. In fact, the castle is his own garden; he is the crown prince of Xian. The future emperor in the distant future.

However, right now, he is the crooked prince of Xian! Xian Junzu smacked his lips and his bright eyes immediately became even more brighter after witnessing the treasury filled of precious jewelleries, paintings of past monarch elaborated in gold, ancient gold coins etc.

Greed arose on Junzu's heart. Swiftly combing his hair between his fingers, he thrown himself forward the bundle of golds.

*Pang* Abruptly, the door creaked then snapped open to reveal the angry emperor dressed in red dragon robes delicately designed in the most expensive fabric and accessories and black gold crown with veins building on his handsome face. "Take that insolent child away! Imprison him to the temple!"


A bit resentful towards his royal father, he escaped the temple full of monks. His royal father thought that they could teach him what 'moral' is, how to be a 'good' person or at least, exorcise the 'demon' on his body. Of course, he is no demon! Just a curious kid who loves to trouble others.

In the distant place called the 'palace', the Son of Heaven (the Emperor) roared like a raging lion, "Little imbecile! You never learn, whose son are you? Wait until we (I), Zhen (the Emperor) get you." Like before his head was bulging in blue veins to further expressed his anger towards his child's mischievousness. Next to him, his empress chuckled, somehow entertained on her husband's every move.

This made the Emperor's face from sour to bitter, an expression that any painter would not dare to paint. He needed to relax, he thought. After-thought, he marched towards is Harem Place, eager to meet his lovely concubines and shower from their affections.

Nevertheless, unknowingly, his actions made the Empress swallow another bitter pill. In a split second, pain flashed on the Empress' eyes and vanished in the thin air.


Under the endless vast ocean sky, laid the crown prince underneath it. Autumn wind gently brushed off his hair and rub his cheeks in affection. Butterflies flew near him (despite his unfriendly looks), one butterfly smoothly landed in his nose causing him to frown in disdain. A little staring war occurred between the butterfly and him, both refused to back down.

Losing his patience, his hand moved to crush the poor butterfly between his finger to make it suffer, then he would tea tear those annoyingly bright blazing-red wings little by little, slowly murder the little thing. Fortunately, his twisted imagination didn't happen as the brave butterfly swiftly dodged the attacked coming.

He attacked it again and again and again. Yet, it dodged and dodged and dodged. He, the young prince, has studied martial arts and sword styles at a young age, although he is not that accurate or precise, it should be enough to kill this beautiful thing off but… It nimbly dodged him again and again! Burning with malicious intent, he managed to catch one of its wing with enough strength to cripple its wings. Smiling sinisterly towards the trapped beauty between his fingers, erupting his twisted desires hidden in Pandora box.

Sharp slip in his sword eyes sparked. As he approached slowly the pitiful one, ready to pounce his prey.

"Stop! Meanie, halt you attack!" The young prince was startled and the butterfly seized its chance to escape. It was successful as it rides the wind for easier flight, Yuan Junzu frowned and tried to catch it again. But, all his attempts end up in failure as it flew, flew away.

Wrathful, the young prince stomps his feet toward the source of annoyance.

A girl wearing a shabby servant clothing. She has a big bright eyes, pink cherry blossom lips, long eyelashes, natural pink cheeks, long hazy brown hair which fluttered lazily riding the meek wind. She is a beauty, so what, he is also a beauty and anyone who offends this great prince would surely end miserably.

Despite her fear, she daringly steeped forward. Tears gathered and welled up on her eyes – refusing to stain her lovely cheeks. Xian Junzu was confused over her expression that is bordering between bold and pitiful. Shuddering and shivering over his every move. Almost like a cat angering a lion.

'Cute', he muttered under his breath.

Thinking it over again, he decided to let go as he disdain very much to prey on the weak. "Go!", he ordered in a commanding voice starting the piteous figure. Imagining that she would tuck her tail and flee like a startled puppy, he smirked in contempt. She's like all other women, scornful! But then, she didn't!

Confused, she was standing there; feet nailed on the ground. She looked at him cautiously, after debating that he meant no harm inside, she let out an irritatingly dazzling smile. Inexplicably, the unreasonable prince was filled with annoyance and her smile made his heart itch of foreign feelings.

Xian Junzu eyes narrowed. Once again, it flicked dangerously alarming the young girl and finally made her ran away ! Observing the fleeing figure until she disappears in his line of sight, Xian Junzu conceited mouth arched into another arrogant smile.

"Crown prince, crown prince… No! Don't ran away… Please!!!" Xian Junzu's expression dimmed and disappeared to the same direction of the girl.

A story about war, hegemony, greed of power, military, monarchy, a little bit of romance and the cruel realities and consequences of war.

(Please critique especially grammar, language and spelling errors)

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