
Heaven’s Gene Path: Super Gene

Second Part to [Ascending to Supremacy]! No, you don’t have to read the first part. And yes, it’s the same MC. ---------- . The work Super Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super Gene. . If you like this Fan-Fic, do be sure to follow the original Super Gene!

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Six Fruits

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"Haha, soon," said Qing Tian with a wave of his hand before heading to the teleport pad.

Qing Tian was going to plan on waiting for Han Sen, but seeing as how he has two hours for himself, Qing Tian ran out of the Shelter and made his Sacred wings appear.

'I can check the 6 nearby plants and Fruits…'

Flying fast through the air, Qing Tian quickly made it to the first location inside a forest.

Landing down on the ground, Qing Tian began to look around.

Qing Tian was looking for something similar to a cherry the size of a golf ball.

After looking for a while, Qing Tian found the fruit, and quickly checked its information with his Heavenly Vision Technique.

[Mad Cherry

Increases the energy capacity of Creatures and humans by 10%. (Max consumption: 10)

Applicable only on First God's Sanctuary creatures and humans.

Produces 1 Mad Cherry every 5 years]

Qing Tian smiled at the notice and quickly plucked the 6 Mad Cherries on the shrub. After picking the Mad Cherries, Qing Tian put them away in his bag before transferring the Mad Cherry shrub into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

After noticing no changes to the shrub, Qing Tian sighed in relief. Now that he knew he could transport the vegetation into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, Qing Tian was looking forward to seeing the other five Fruits.

Qing Tian traveled to the next five locations at a rapid pace with the Sacred wings and the help of his Universal Kun Peng Techniques that just reached the Great Perfection stage.

Now Qing Tian's speed reached the level of a Super wings beast soul. All with just the help of the Universal Kun Peng Technique.

After finding the 5 new fruits, Qing Tian had them planted in his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

[Sun Kissed Fruit

Strengthen creatures that walk around under the sun. Strength increases by 50%. (Max Consumption: 1)

Applicable only on First God's Sanctuary creatures.

Produces 1 Sun Kissed Fruit every 500 years.]

[Sky Fruit

Enhances the wings of winged creatures by one fold. (Max Consumption: 1)

Applicable only on First God's Sanctuary creatures.

Produces 1 Sky Fruit every 100 years.]

[Enchanting Fruit

Enhances the charm of humanoid beings and keeps their facial features young. (Max Consumption: 3)

Applicable to all Sanctuary creatures and humans.

Produces 5 Enchanting Fruits every 100 years.]

[Bloody Fruit

Flush out blood impurities and increase the strength of veins and heart by 10 fold. <+8 Fitness> (Max Consumption: 1)

Applicable only to unevolved humans.

Produces 10 Bloody Fruit every 150 years.]

Qing Tian was amazed by the things he had found, but what he had been waiting for had finally appeared at the last location.

It was located at the side of a mountain, hanging by a single thread.

[Blessed Fruit

Grants humans the ability to ingest Life Essences, a miraculous blessing to the body. Similar to gaining the ability from ingesting the Life Essence of a Super creature that offered it. (Max Consumption: 1)

Applicable only to Unevolved Humans.

Produces 1 Blessed Fruit every 500 years.]

The instant Qing Tian found this fruit, he quickly transferred the vine into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal and ate the Blessed Fruit.

With the rush of the taste and the energy within the ripe Blessed Fruit traveling around his body, Qing Tian found out how to make a similar elixir, pill, pellet, potion, and even a Geno Fluid with the same effect.

He didn't even need the Blessed Fruit anymore, especially if it takes 500 years for one Fruit to be produced.

Besides Qing Tian's energy reserves increasing by 60%, his strength had increased by 8 Fitness points. His base Fitness was now 25, making his total Fitness 50.

'I can now easily beat any Super Creature here in the First God's Sanctuary,' thought Qing Tian with a wide smile.

There were 15 minutes left before Han Sen appeared, so he quickly went home and began to eat the Life Essence of the Super Drillingbird that mother Golden Growler had killed.

[Life Essence of super creature Drillingbird consumed. One Super Geno point gained.]

Qing Tian began to cackle as he finished the Life Essence in a flash and his body was filled with newfound and powerful energy.

"This is life," muttered Qing Tian as he sat down and looked at the 9 points he got from the Life Essence of the Drillingbird.

'Now I just need 91 more points.'

Thinking up to there, Qing Tian thought that it is about time he heads out into the world and starts placing down the points for the Restoring Balance Array.

"This will take me about two months," muttered Qing Tian as he left his room and went to search for Han Sen, who should've arrived by now.

"So you're being forced to go with Son of Heaven?"

Qing Tian looked at Han Sen with a smile, knowing full well what he's going to do before he leaves to make the Restoring Balance Array.

"Yeah," nodded Han Sen with a frown on his face.

"Great! Go with him," said Qing Tian with a smile on his face and a fierce look in his eyes.


Qing Tian slowly nodded and said, "Yes. You need to go, I will do something when you're there. You will find out soon what I mean."

Han Sen nodded, a bit worried by what Qing Tian had in mind before sighing and listening to him.

"I will wear a different armor, but you will know who I am at a glance," said Qing Tian with a smirk. "I'll see you soon enough."

Qing Tian quickly left and disappeared from everyone's line of sight before summoning his Diamond-Feathered Hawk wings and his Moonlight Lizard armor.

The instant he had them on, Qing Tian blasted into the sky and quickly made use of his inhuman senses and his Minute Subtlety as he locked into Han Sen and Son of Heaven.

This particular day is one where Han Sen sets off on a journey to steal some eggs from two Sacred-Blood Creatures.

It ends alright with Han Sen earning one egg and the other one broken.

Qing Tian, having reached Great Perfection in Myriad Bone Tempering Art and Small Success stage in his Tempered Star Jade Essence Physique, his endurance, energy, and stamina had all increase by large amounts.

He could potentially survive an entire two months without food. If Qing Tian reached the Great Perfection Stage of his Tempered Star Jade Essence Physique, he might survive for 5 years or more with no food.

It was an important and useful aspect of his Techniques that Qing Tian was glad he had right now. Especially since Son of Heaven and his gang traveled for eight whole days without stopping.

They had food provisions and mounts they could use as they traveled. During the day, half of Son of Heaven's gang would sleep and then when it's night, the other half would sleep.

After arriving at the cave where the Obsidian Dragons eggs are at, Son of Heaven and his gang stretched and prepared for an hour before attempting to cross the river and enter the cave.

Knowing his moment was coming up, Qing Tian jumped down onto the ground after Son of Heaven and everyone else entered the river.

Unsummoning the Sacred wings, Qing Tian went into stealth mode and made his presence vanish from the world. It was like Qing Tian had become invisible, not even his life force or presence in space and time was felt.

Entering the cave, Qing Tian drew no attention to himself even as he wore the white armor of the Moonlight Lizard.

That was how strong his Nine Death Arts is, even if his armor is very showy, no one will notice Qing Tian unless he wants to be noticed. When he speaks in this form, others will only hear a voice in their head.

Any sound Qing Tian makes will be muffled and silenced. Drawing a sword from its sheath will make no sound at all.

However, visual effects would still give off Qing Tian's location, so it wasn't entirely invincible. Like a beam of light or a bunch of flashing lights will give off Qing Tian's location.

'Now, time to join them,' thought Qing Tian as he entered the water unnoticed.

Son of Heaven's gang had just placed down their inflatable boats and were preparing to row across when a black serpent rose from the water.

Aquatic creatures were difficult to kill for the current people of the Alliance. Only those who spawned in Shelter near water had some form of experience but it still wouldn't be enough.

Now that the aquatic creatures Son of Heaven's group had to fight was a Sacred-Blood, they could do nothing but increase their speed and row across quickly.

Qing Tian just casually entered the river and slithered over to the other side in an instant. He entered the cave in a flash and didn't wait for Son of Heaven's gang to arrive.

Looking inside the cave, Qing Tian found a nest made of gravel at the center of the cave. Next to the nest was a Pool of water that most likely connected with the river outside.

Qing Tian focused on the two eggs in the nest and quickly approached, snatching the eggs unnoticed. With another step, Qing Tian escaped the nest and waited in the darkness of the cave for Son of Heaven and the rest to appear.

The instant Son of Heaven and his group entered the cave, he got pissed when he noticed the missing eggs. He didn't make a single sound at all, not wishing to awaken the Obsidian Dragon parent at all.

Son of Heaven and his gang prepared to leave and return to the shelter until they heard something unexpected.


A pebble has been shot into the water and hit the Obsidian Dragon, walking it from its slumber. It rose from the water and noticed its eggs had disappeared.

It's eyes turned crazy and it's body writhed before it launched itself out of the water and right at Son of Heaven and his group.


With a loud hiss escaping its mouth, the Obsidian Dragon called for the Obsidian Dragon outside, calling it in.

"Who did it?!" Son of Heaven cried as he threw a hired man into the jaws of the beast before trying to make it to the exit of the cave. He didn't get to make it out as the entrance was soon blocked by another Obsidian Dragon.

"Useless fools!" cursed Luo Tianyang.

Son of Heaven's gang followed suit as they threw the hired personnel at the two Obsidian Dragons before narrowly escaping the cave.

The Obsidian Dragons followed Son of Heaven and his group out of the cave and out into the outside.

'Two free eggs,' thought Qing Tian as he exited the cave and found a man in golden armor standing there.

Han Sen was looking off to where Son of Heaven had run off to.

When Son of Heaven and his gang had entered the cave, Han Sen had Hidden himself instead at the entrance, waiting for a perfect chance to strike when Son of Heaven runs out.

Han Sen couldn't make a move however, another Obsidian Dragon had emerged from the river and quickly slithered over to the cave. Han Sen had to stay still just to not be noticed, especially after Son of Heaven and his gang managed to escape from the cave and were followed by the two Obsidian Dragons.

"You hid well Sen," said Qing Tian as he walked over to Han Sen.


Han Sen quickly turned around, shocked by Qing Tian's sudden appearance.

"I expected you here, but not like this," said Han Sen as he took off his Golden armor.

Qing Tian had already removed his Moonlight Lizard armor a while ago, keeping Han Sen from finding out about his other armor.

"Haha," Qing Tian just laughed and handed the two eggs to Han Sen. "Go ahead and eat them. I'm going to go home now. It'd be a bad idea I'd we both returned to the shelter together."

"Right, I'll see you there," said Han Sen with a serious look on his face and nodding.

Qing Tian stopped and shook his head, "I won't be at the shelter when you arrive for three whole months."

Han Sen looked at Qing Tian, surprised by what he was just told.
