
Heaven’s Gene Path: Super Gene

Second Part to [Ascending to Supremacy]! No, you don’t have to read the first part. And yes, it’s the same MC. ---------- . The work Super Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super Gene. . If you like this Fan-Fic, do be sure to follow the original Super Gene!

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Sacred Surprise

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Sitting on top of his Ruby Panther, Qing Tian looked ahead to his next destination.

'There's a large amount of Super Creatures gathered in one place up ahead,' thought Qing Tian as he looked far into the distance.

Thinking the place worthwhile to travel to, Qing Tian began to wait for Qu Lili and Ji Yanran.

In just a couple of minutes, Ji Yanran came running with Qu Lili.

"Good, we can leave now," said Qing Tian as he continued to move forward.


Ji Yanran smiled and summoned her mount, a leopard with a weird spotted pattern.

Qu Lili also summoned her mount, a horse with two small horns on its head.

Both girls weren't startled by Qing Tian's urge to leave, rather they were happy he was eager to leave already.

They both told their families that they were going to leave on a small trip in the sanctuary. It ended badly since their parents didn't agree to then traveling and they had to run back to the sanctuary to leave with Qing Tian before their family caught up with them.

With their Sacred-Blood mounts, Qing Tian and the two girls had already traveled to a distance where the shelter wasn't visible in just an hour.

"It took us a while to get these mounts, so we apologize if we made you wait," said Qu Lili with a small apologetic smile.

Qing Tian waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Just make sure to listen to my every order, I will ensure the safety of both of you."

Nodding, both Ji Yanran and Qu Lili smiled at each other before admiring the scenery around them.

They saw many creatures, and they got fidgety as they approached, so when they saw Qing Tian do nothing, they doubted his ability a bit.

That WAS until he had just turned his head and glared at the creature and it ran off with it's tail between its legs.

Ji Yanran and Qu Lili couldn't see Qing Tian glare at the creature, but they could feel the pressure emanating from Qing Tian's body when he turned to look at the creature.

'Father emitted a similar feeling like this sometimes…' thought Ji Yanran as she remembered her father's Killing Intent that only appeared when she was young and would mention boys.

"Wow! How'd you do that?"

Qu Lili pointed at the animal running away with a shocked face. She had never seen anything like that, she wasn't even sure what the strange pressure coming from Qing Tian's body was.

"I just let out some Killing Intent," said Qing Tian. He turned to Qu Lili and smiled, "I only scared it away, some creatures are more resistant and suicidal, so they would still charge sometimes."

"That's such an amazing ability," said Qu Lili, clearly amazed by what Qing Tian could do. "Is it like a Hyper Geno Art?"

"No, it's a skill that you just naturally develop after killing many creatures," said Qing Tian as he faced forward.

A skill you don't necessarily develop from only Killing creatures, anything can contribute to the Killing intent growing stronger.

"What are your Geno points at right now?" Qing Tian asked. "I need to know what type of racked creatures I should kill for you."

"That will be tough for you," said Ji Yanran. "My friend and I both need Sacred-Blood meat to Max out our Geno points."

"That won't be a problem. I wouldn't go on a trip this big if I wasn't confident in facing a Sacred-Blood Creature," said Qing Tian, showing off a smirk at both Qu Lili and Ji Yanran.

Qing Tian could easily defeat any creature in First God's Sanctuary with his base Fitness alone. If he used his total Fitness, Qing Tian felt like he could rip open a passage to the next God's Sanctuary.

So using only his base Fitness along with his sword, Qing Tian could easily deal with any creature.

"You shouldn't overestimate your abilities," said Ji Yanran with a smirk.

Qing Tian stayed quiet, not bothering to say anything anymore. For Ji Yanran, seeing is believing.

Qu Lili on the other hand believed Qing Tian. She looked at Qing Tian with amazement in her eyes.

The place where many Super creatures were spotted together was very far away.

Even after traveling for 4 days at the fastest speed their Sacred-Blood mount could go, they would still need five more days before finally arriving there.

Night had arrived and the little group of three finally made a stop.

"My bottom aches," complained Qu Lili as she got off her mount and rubbed her butt in pain.

Qing Tian glanced at her and smirked before getting off his mount before beginning to make a camp.

"Come on Lili, let's get ready to sleep for the night," said Ji Yanran with a yawn.

"We have to set up our camp again? Can't we just pay Heaven to make ours too?"

Qu Lili began to pout as she pulled out the tent equipment and glanced at Qing Tian who had already finished setting up his tent and a small campfire.

"See what I mean?! How??? We just got off our mounts?!"

Qu Lili was baffled by Qing Tian and how rapidly he had set up his tent and even made a campfire. It was just completely shocking to her and she just couldn't wrap her head around it.

She tried keeping an eye on him the day before, but it still made no sense. One moment she was seeing an undone tent and the second she blinked, the tent was completed and so was a campfire.


Ji Yanran nodded and turned to look at Qing Tian with a wry smile. She was also shocked by Qing Tian's amazing speed, it was rather abnormal to be able to make something so quickly.

"I'll go hunt real quick, you two can finish setting up your tent," said Qing Tian as he left the two girls and entered the forest next to them.

Qing Tian had felt a strong presence nearby, most likely a Sacred-Blood creature.

Qu Lili and Ji Yanran watched as Qing Tian left before turning to face each other.

"He left…"

Smiling wryly, the girls turned to look at their items before getting to work.

Walking deep into the forest, Qing Tian passed by many ordinary and primitive creatures. Not a single mutant creature was found on this small journey as Qing Tian went to kill a Sacred-Blood creature.

Soon, the sound of a waterfall entered Qing Tian's ears and the small roaring sounds.

Walking into a small opening within the forest, Qing Tian came across a river formed by a small 8 meter waterfall.

'That must be the Sacred-Blood creature…' thought Qing Tian as he looked at a tiger with antlers drinking water from the river stream.

Already entering his stealth mode, Qing Tian just casually walked over to the Tiger and killed it with a light palm strike to the body.

The light palm strike was filled with Yin force, the attack instantly passed through flesh and bones before hitting the Tiger's heart and killing it.

Qing Tian was quick and decisive, none of his movements being wasted.

It was things like his attacks and moves having no unnecessary movements that had earned Qing Tian the title of Emperor.

Back when Qing Tian was 'training' under Huangfu Xiaocheng, his master had sent him to spar with the children of some wealthy and strong families.

Of course, the families he actually wanted to be in contact with didn't happen.

Families like Ji Yanran's or even the Xue family were families Qing Tian really wanted to get to know earlier in life.

They had beauties in them that Qing Tian really wanted to get to know.

Since those wealthy and strong families all practiced Hyper Geno Arts from a young age, and the older generations spent many years perfecting their technique, they could easily tell how skilled Qing Tian was.

Slowly, these wealthy and powerful families acknowledged Qing Tian's superiority in the ring. They slowly gave him nicknames such as Dark Horse and King of the Ring.

Then, one day Qing Tian had defeated a young man with two Fitness points without the use of his own Fitness points. That's when they finally completely accepted his superiority in martial arts and Hyper Geno Arts.

From the day forward, he was named Martial Emperor.

However, even after obtaining the highest respect among the wealthy and powerful as a Martial Emperor, many other families still didn't invite him to their place. Thus, Qing Tian couldn't meet women like Qin Xuan and Ji Yanran.

His name spread, but his appearance didn't. Qin Xuan and Ji Yanran had both heard about him before, but they weren't able to see Qing Tian.

In the end, Ji Yanran eventually forgot about Qing Tian since she wasn't that interested in martial arts. Qin Xuan had also forgotten about the Martial Emperor since Qing Tian eventually stopped participating in the sparring matches.

"We finally finished with the tent," sighed Qu Lili as she grabbed her sleeping bag and threw it inside the tent.

Ji Yanran chuckled at Qu Lili's actions and went to set down by the campfire, waiting for Qing Tian to come back with the food.

It was a quiet night, the moon hung high and the soft night wind brushed against Ji Yanran's face.

The leaves rustled and Ji Yanran jumped in fear before summoning her armor and a Beast soul weapon.

Slowly, the head of a tiger entered her field of view and she began to slowly tremble.

"I brought the food," yelled a familiar voice from the Tiger.


With a yell of surprise, Ji Yanran felt her body go limp as she fell on her knees.

Ji Yanran was so stressed by that small event that filled her with fear. She thought her life was going to end that same day at the hands of the tiger.

With shaky legs, Ji Yanran stood back up and went to offer help to Qing Tian.

After Qing Tian had prepared the Tiger's meat and cooked it, Qu Lili and Ji Yanran were in for a surprise.

Qing Tian handed out the food and the two girls received the food with smiles.

They grabbed a piece of meat and slowly brought it to their mouths, slowly parting their seductive lips and placing the meat in their mouths.

The girls munched on the meat and they blushed at the great taste of the food. Once the girls swallowed, their eyes opened wide in shock as the Sanctuary voice told them…

[Flesh of Deer-Tiger eaten. One Sacred-Blood Geno Point earned.]

Ji Yanran was the one that was surprised the most about the fact that the meat they're eating is Sacred-Blood.

She was the only one that didn't believe Qing Tian could kill a Sacred-Blood creature.

Now that she has been proven wrong, Ji Yanran blushed fiercely and ate quietly. She would occasionally send Qing Tian small glances who would only turn to look at her with a teasing smirk.


Ji Yanran felt her body gradually get warm as time passed. Her eyes would linger longer on Qing Tian who wasn't wearing his armor right now.

Her eyes would meet his and they would slowly trail down to Qing Tian's lips.

'What's… this feeling?' thought Ji Yanran as her body's heat gradually rose and she felt her nether regions get hot. 'Did he… put something in the food?'

Ji Yanran turned to look at Qu Lili who was happily eating her food.

"Hm? What's wrong honey?" Qu Lili noticed Ji Yanran looking at her and noticed that she looked rather weird at the moment.

"Ah! I'm al-alright," said Ji Yanran with a nervous smile, afraid that Qu Lili will notice that she's extremely horny at the moment.

"Alright, I will head to sleep now. Feeling really tired," said Qu Lili as she stood up and headed to the tent with a tired look. "I can't handle this butt pain anymore."

Ji Yanran giggled before turning quiet as she realized she was left alone with Qing Tian.

"Alright, I will head out now. Go and sleep, I'll keep watch," said Qing Tian as he grabbed the trash and prepared to dispose of it all.


Ji Yanran watched Qing Tian work before standing up and slowly walking back to her tent. She didn't forget to give Qing Tian one last glance before heading into her tent and sighing in frustration.

'Why… didn't he make a move on me?' Ji Yanran thought to herself as she just stood there at the entrance of the tent. 'Why am I frustrated at this thought…?'

Ji Yanran blushed and crouched on the floor, hugging her legs as she quietly thought about Qing Tian and what had happened earlier.

"I… need to go back…" she mumbled before getting out of the tent and heading to Qing Tian who was quietly sitting down in a lotus position with his cracked sword in his laps, quietly meditating.

Looking at Qing Tian meditating, Ji Yanran began to falter, she stopped and stood there quietly. Right when she was thinking about going back, Ji Yanran heard Qing Tian's voice reach her ears.

"Where are you going?"