
Heating Stone

Billy is a simple girl with adult problems. Dealing with the death of her father and a huge fight that has caused a rift between her and her mother. She runs off to her beloved Aunts house. Her fathers younger sister to deal with the loss of her father. But what she doesn't expect is to find a necklace hidden in the attick of her aunts new house filled with memories of a dead girl whose murder had been dealt unjustly. She must choose between unlocking the events that led to the death of Nandipha Mytre or running away from the truth thay lay on her neck. Because that's the only way she will gain closure and accept her fathers death.

Akia200 · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


The only person whose face didn't elicit feeling of anger stood in front to the school gates with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans , slightly bopping his head to the sound of the beat his headphones provided.

I stood in front of him waiting for him to acknowledge my presence but knowing him, it would be a while before that happened. So l did the next best thing. Throwing a rubber snake at his feet, l watched as his eyes grew twice in size before jumping so high off the ground before releasing a defeaning scream.

I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of my throat at the sight. Before he could bolt into the school, he caught sight of my hunched over - cackling to the point of crying - form to realise that it was a rubber snake

"You" he said pointing a finger in my direction. The warning bells went off in my head as l bolted in the direction of the school doors and down the many twists and turns that led to the soccer field. I mentally cursed at myself for leaving me exposed to the seething eyes of my best friend

Realising my predicament, he smirked to himself and stalked to me like a predator, ready to pounce in its prey. Taking calculated steps in my direction, l realised too late as he dropped his upper body on me causing us both of fall on the harsh gravel floor that housed our feet on the stands that supported the thousand High school students on match days

"ouch, that wasn't necessary. You could have taken my money like a normal person" l said pushing him off of me and making my way to class

"Where's the fun in that. The only way to get through to you is pain" the accident that claimed my father's life flashed before my eyes as his words registered in my head. Not realising the change in my attitude, he draped his hand over my shoulders and led me to my first class just as the school bell rang.

The classroom only had ten students as most stopped coming to school two days ago when we wrote our final paper. Why my mother was still forcing me to come was beyond me.

All the other classes l went to were pretty much the same. The teachers asking us to help with cleaning their classrooms, taking down posters, packing up their teaching materials and moping the floors. The obvious teachers pets jumped at the opportunity to mark their territory as the most loved student by helping out.

I simply sat at the back of the classroom playing angry bird with nothing better to do.

"Ms M, your classmates and l would really appreciate your help" the teacher called out to me

"five people is more that enough help. And anyways l am not feeling well, its my time of the month" and that ladies and gentlemen is how you get your male teachers uncomfortable so that they let you get away with almost anything

The rest of the school went by pretty much the same and before l knew it, l stood in front of my mother's red jeep.

" get in" she said unlocking the passenger side door of her car

"you know very well that there is no way l am getting in that death trap" l say

"so then how do you expect to get to the therapists office" she retorted smugly. I rolled my eyes at her pathetic excuse to get me into the car

"last time l checked, l still have two perfectly working feet. They will get me there, right babies"

"Billy, l am not doing this again. Get in the car" l could tell that she was growing frustrated with me. After all, all l did was annoy her

"l am not doing anything, you are"

"this way will be much quicker. Imagine me arriving before you and its not my session" l couldn't help but laugh at what she said, causing her to crack a smile on her glasses covers, circle shaped face

"you know how l feel about cars after..." l could bring myself to say it, causing her to look at me sympathetically

"l know sweetheart. This is why l am pushing so hard for therapy so that you can get better. Be your old self" she says as she steps out of her car crushing me in a bone tight hug.

"fine, just this once" l said giving in

"you sure do a lot of things 'once'" and we broke out into fit's of laughter. It was so good to laugh like this, like the world was what it posed to be.

The ride was not that long, with us both lost in our thoughts. The radio drowning the silence in the car.

" alright we are here "she says switching off the engine and hopping onto the dirt covered side walk. I looked at the building in front of me and could feel myself shudder at the site.

The walls were a disgusting gray, a one story building surrounded by a black metal fence and electric wire.

"really, l know we are broke but this" l meant for it to come off in the meanest way possible. Reminding her that this was not my decision

"oh hush" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the office. The receptionist was very kind, but l felt as though she was patronising me. She spoke as if speaking to a mentally challenged person. My mom simply rolled her eyes and led me to the therapist's office.

'Dr Gremlin' was written in bold black letter right outside the door. With a last squeeze to my hand, we both walked into the office to find a middle aged man with a clipboard in his hands and a smile on his face.

"Welcome, please take a seat" he gestured to the couch right in front of his desk

"hello" we both greeted back. He perched his glasses on top oh his head, pushing his hair back

"l hope you are well" he asked. My mom and l both nodded our heads because we were not here for small talk and l guess he realised this

"Billy right, tell me why you are here" he started off, easing us into the flow of the session before getting out the big guns

"my mother forced me to come"

"and why do you think that is" he asked

"because l had a nightmare? " it came out as more of a question than a statement. Even l was not convinced by my response