

Heather Elias is like the girl next door. Sweet, but badass. Her second year in college is bound to stir up some drama, even when she vowed not to take any part in it. With the perfect best friend, an overprotective brother and a loving father, what more could she possibly need? But when she interrupts the famed Roman Angelo by laughing, she doesn't know how much she has him hooked at first sight. Roman Angelo, the Don of the Italian Mafia. He's known to be ruthless, cold, domineering and heartless. But when a certain girl with eyes like the ocean draws him in, will he be able to resist her and give in? When green meets blue, sparks fly and they can't seem to stay away. But will Roman's long list of enemies keep him from her? Or will her morals bend for him only? Keep reading to find out!

Rose_007 · Urban
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101 Chs

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- H E A T H E R - E L I A S -

It felt like I was in the clouds as warmth surrounded me, making me snuggle closer to the source of it.

I felt so safe, so secure and all I wanted was this feeling to last forever. I opened my eyes a bit, very faint blue light streaming in through the windows indicating it was probably dawn.

I felt the dark silky sheets under me and sighed in contentment, letting my eyes wander until they fell on him. This dream felt so real.

And so good.

His scent surrounded me, calming me down and making me want to give in to him as I lifted my hand up and brought it to his face, cupping his cheek gently and then stroking it softly, as if I was afraid I'd wake up from this beautiful dream.

"Roman..." I whispered his name softly and to my surprise, his eyes opened slightly until they adjusted. He looked at me intently, letting a breath fall off from his lips and fan my face as I felt goosebumps rise on my neck.

As my fingers stroked his cheek, he watched me closely, judging my expressions as I let a small smile tug at my lips.

We were so close, our noses almost touching and our lips just inches away from each other, begging to be kissed.

Our legs were intertwined with each other under the covers, his arms around my waist holding me protectively.

"Is this a dream?" I whispered softly, letting my words sink into the quiet atmosphere as he regarded me closely.

"Do you want it to be?" He asked me gently, making me shrug lightly.

"I don't know, but if it is, I'm glad I'm here." I let the truth fall from my lips because this was only a dream, the only place we could be together like this, in each other's embrace.

"I'm glad too." He whispered softly, making me smile.

"Then I probably won't remember anything in the morning, will I?" I asked him.

"Maybe." He replied, making me bite my lip before I leaned forward and pressed my lips onto his gently, as if I was afraid I'd hurt him.

He responded immediately, moving his lips with mine slowly until his tongue swept over my lips, asking for access to my mouth and I gave it to him, without any hesitation.

His tongue swirled inside my mouth sensually, making me gasp when he bit my lip softly and push myself further into him.

We kissed for a few more moments before pulling away for a breather and touched our foreheads with each other's.

"I don't want this dream to end." I whispered as he stroked my cheek lightly.

"Neither do I." He whispered, kissing my forehead softly and pulling me closer to his chest, letting me listen to his steady heartbeat as his fingers ran through my hair, lulling me back to sleep.

Can it stay like this forever?

When I woke up next, sunlight was pouring in from behind the curtains, illuminating the room enough for me look around a bit.

And then I noticed the dark silky sheets, smelling of pine and something so familiar and intoxicating it made my head spin as I tangled myself further in the sheets.

My eyes wandered around the room until they stopped at one figure in particular, making me stare head on into the deep dark forest of his eyes as he sat in a chair, leaned back, watching me intently. And then it hit me. I was in Roman's room. Last night was not a dream, he was actually there.

A frown made its way to my face as he watched me with a stoic expression, giving nothing away when reality came crashing back down on me.

I just slept with another man.

I quickly sat up and watched him move his eyes from my face down to my chest, his gaze darkening and I gasped when I noticed I was barely wearing anything and quickly pulled the sheet over me to cover myself, just as his eyes came back to mine.

"W-What am I doing here?" I asked him carefully and saw him thinking for a moment before he answered me.

"You blacked out so I brought you here." He answered, making me nod thoughtfully but then frown.

"Who-... who took off my dress?" I asked him and saw his small smirk as dread settled in my stomach.

"I did." He answered, making my eyes widen a fraction before I covered myself up even more, afraid to ask the next question.

"No, we didn't do anything. Don't worry." He spoke for me, making me sigh in relief but then I remembered last night.

"Did you sleep here last night?" I asked him and saw his firm nod.

"And did I really...?" I trailed off, fidgeting with my fingers, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Yes." He answered my incomplete question, making me nod solemnly.

Just great.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked him after a few beats of silence and looked up at his unwavering gaze.

He hummed in response and stood up from his chair, walking over to what I assumed was the closet and coming out with a grey t-shirt and boxers, he held them out to me.

"You can wear these." He said before walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As soon as he closed the door, I quickly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, using the spare toothbrush I found in one of his drawers and then taking a refreshing shower.

I used his body wash, letting myself smell just like him and after drying myself, I went out and made the bed quickly and let myself look around the sleek and modern bedroom that was devoid of any personal touch.

It looks so lonely.

I stepped out of his room after much thinking and after walking down the hallway, I reached a long staircase and went down, smelling something delicious, making my stomach rumble with hunger.

I followed the sounds of sizzling and was met by a very hot sight. There he stood, with his dress shirt rolled up to his sleeves and his coat thrown across a stool which he flipped the frying pan. As if sensing my gaze, he turned around to look at me and I gave him a small smile.

His eyes scanned my face before trailing down my body, I saw his eyes darken dangerously as his gaze came back to mine before he cleared his throat and gestured to one of the stools.

"Sit." He ordered and I complied immediately, making him smirk in satisfaction as he placed a pile of pancakes in front of me.

I watched them closely before grabbing a knife and fork, when he placed a bottle of chocolate syrup in front of me.

My eyes lit up as I quickly grabbed it and poured a hefty amount of it on the pancakes and took a bite, moaning when the flavor burst in my mouth.

I glanced at Roman and saw him watching me with a clenched jaw and gulped quite visibly, averting my gaze and cutting a bite of chocolate covered pancake and holding it out to him.

"Try it. It's really good." I told him and saw him hesitate before he opened his mouth and ate it, chewing slowly before his lips twitched up slightly, making me grin widely.

"It's good, isn't it?" I asked him and he nodded as I fed him more bites, both of us finishing the pancakes within minutes.

"Those were really good. Thank you." I told him appreciatively, making him nod in return. I quickly got up from my seat and took my plate and utensils to the sink, washing them before Roman could, since it was the least I could do.

As I was washing the plate, I felt a pair of arms go around me and settle on on either side of me on the sink, caging me in and making my breath hitch momentarily when I felt him leaning closer to me.

His lips touched my neck softly as one of his hands gripped my waist, his hot breath making goosebumps rise all over my skin.

"You look so fucking sexy in my clothes." He whispered, continuing to kiss my neck and suck it softly, making me arch my back enough so that his front was pressed against my ass.

I heard him hiss slightly as his hands suddenly gripped my hair and pulled my head back, making me look into his eyes.

"That eager, are we?" He said huskily and pressed further onto me, making me gasp when I felt something poking my back.

Without thinking, my body got a mind of its own as I subtly rubbed myself against him slightly for more friction, making him growl in response as he pulled my head further back and started kissing my neck once again, more furiously this time.

I rubbed myself further onto him and felt his other hand grab my waist and squeeze it in warning.

"Don't fucking start something you can't finish princess." He growled, his hand brushing over my intimate area slightly, making me whimper when I was suddenly turned around to face him.

He grabbed me roughly and picked me up, placing me on the kitchen island and spread my legs slowly, standing between them and leaning towards my face.

"What am I going to do with you princess?" He whispered huskily, making me gulp as a million answers to that question came rushing to my head. Knowing what I was thinking, he smirked a little and brought his hands to my face, cupping it before his lips touched mine softly.

At first he was gentle, moving his lips steadily and slowly, giving me time to get comfortable and kiss him back but once I did, he got frantic.

his hands went to my waist and pulled me closer to his front that was now pressing against my intimate area, making me gasp at the contact as his mouth worked its wonders on mine, kissing me hungrily, like he was afraid he'd never get to do it again if he stopped.

I felt myself rubbing on to him slightly when a grunt left his lips, the sound turning me on even more as I tugged at his hair and my back arched for more contact with his body.

If not for the ding of the elevator and the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards the kitchen, we might have gone all the way.

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but still.

"Shit, looks like we came at the wrong time." A familiar voice spoke followed by a small, deep chuckle and I quickly pushed Roman away and hopped off the counter, turning to face the source of the voice and was met face to face with Gabriel and Enzo with big smug grins on their faces.

Bloody hell.

"You owe me fifty dollars." Gabriel told Enzo who groaned while I lowered my head in utter shame, red as a tomato.

"Yeah yeah." Enzo replied and I heard some shuffling until everything became quiet, but before I could look back up I was suddenly lifted off the ground and thrown over somebody's shoulder who started to walk away from the scene, making us seem even more guilty and suspicious.

"Roman put me down!" I shouted and hit his back multiple times but got no reaction from him.

I huffed out loud until we reached his bedroom and he threw me onto his bed, making me jump a little as he climbed on top of me.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked him as I stared at him wide eyed and saw him examining my face.

"Finishing what was started." He said before crashing his lips onto mine and once again kissing me roughly.

His hands roamed my body, while my hands roamed his until they settled in his hair as I ran my fingers through his soft strands.

I moaned a little when he bit my lip, opening my mouth to give him access as his tongue slid inside and explored my mouth fully.

"Roman.." I whispered between kisses and heard him grunt as he moved onto my neck, sucking and kissing my sweet spot and driving me wild.

That is, until the rapid knocking on the door. But it didn't make him stop so I had to practically push him off of me as he looked at me confused.

I sat up on the bed, blushing furiously and pointed to the door.

"Someone's knocking." I told him and heard him purse his lips in annoyance.

"I don't fucking care." He grunted as he came closer to me but I moved further away from him.

"But I do, so go." I said and saw him weighing his options which were probably to kill the person on the other side of the door or fuck me till my brains pop.

I'd honestly go with option two because why kill an innocent man whose just doing his job. Right?

"Fine." He huffed before walking over to the door and opening it rather dramatically.

I heard him speak with someone in Italian before the door was slammed shut and he came back angry and sat on the couch, looking at me intently.

He beckoned me to come to him with his finger and I complied quickly, walking over to him. I yelped in surprise when he suddenly pulled me into his lap so that I was straddling him and my arms automatically went around his neck as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply.

"You smell like me." He muttered with a small smirk and pulled away to look into my eyes.

"You know everyone's gone crazy looking for you?" He told me, making me bite my lip as I looked away from him and sighed.

"Yeah, I figured." I told him and looked at him again, but couldn't make anything o his unreadable expression.

"When do you want to go back?" He asked me after a few moments of silence, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't know I-..." I started to speak but couldn't say it.

I want to stay.

"Just not yet.. I'll book a room in a hotel somewhere for a day or two." I mumbled more to myself but apparently he heard me and pulled me closer.

"Stay here." He spoke suddenly, making my head snap to him almost immediately and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked him frowning.

"Stay here. They'll find you in a hotel." He reasoned, making me think for a moment before I nodded slowly.

"O-Okay.. If it isn't a problem." I said

"Never baby." He whispered, placing a lingering kiss on my lips before pulling away and staring into my eyes intently.

"What are you running from?" He suddenly asked me after a few beats of silence, making my heart beat faster as I gulped, quite visibly, and he noticed it too.

"My past." I whispered softly as his hand came to stroke my cheek and cup the side of my face as he kissed my forehead.

"Stay here. I'll be back after getting some things done, yeah?" He spoke to me softly like you'd speak to a child and I nodded obediently as he placed me on the couch carefully and walked out of the room after throwing me one last look.

I'll stay.

* * *

Author's Note: Hey guys, I found the perfect song to describe Heather and Roman's feelings! Listen to Body Language (Under the Influence) by Chris Brown.