

Heather Elias is like the girl next door. Sweet, but badass. Her second year in college is bound to stir up some drama, even when she vowed not to take any part in it. With the perfect best friend, an overprotective brother and a loving father, what more could she possibly need? But when she interrupts the famed Roman Angelo by laughing, she doesn't know how much she has him hooked at first sight. Roman Angelo, the Don of the Italian Mafia. He's known to be ruthless, cold, domineering and heartless. But when a certain girl with eyes like the ocean draws him in, will he be able to resist her and give in? When green meets blue, sparks fly and they can't seem to stay away. But will Roman's long list of enemies keep him from her? Or will her morals bend for him only? Keep reading to find out!

Rose_007 · Urban
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101 Chs

13. The Invitation

I woke up with a start, a massive headache taking over as sweat rolled down my forehead. I was soaked, and why, you ask?

Apparently my brain had decided that last night's events weren't enough to mess with me so it sent a command to display a very vivid dream of Roman Angelo going down on me.

The funny part, I liked it.

"Shit." I cursed as I pushed the blanket off of me and rolled out of bed. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9 am.

Dad and Alex must be awake by now, I thought, and headed into the bathroom for a much needed shower.

Taking a nice, warm shower relaxed my body and I wore the comfiest clothes I could find. My brother's t-shirt I had stolen from him a while back and shorts that barely covered my ass.

It's not like I'm going somewhere.

I dried my hair and trotted downstairs, the headache now a dull pain as I made my way into the kitchen to see our cook Alice, making breakfast for me.

"Ms. Elias, your breakfast is ready." She said and I nodded, taking my plate full of pancakes from her and the glass of juice, I headed towards the dining room in hopes to find the other two men there.

Sure enough, I could hear voices coming from the drawing room, which was connected to the dining.

I recognized my brother's and my dad's, and another deep voice spoke which sounded familiar but not enough for me to recognize it.

So what did I do? I walked in, barely wearing any clothes and froze at the sight in front of me.

There he was, Roman Angelo in a white button down and black slacks, his hair combed back neatly and his usual cold expression on his face as he talked with dad and Alex.

Last night's events and my very vivid dream came back rushing and hit me like a storm and I was sure I was very flustered and red right now.

I would have quietly walked back where I came from, but Alice had to come in suddenly and announce my arrival.

"Ms. Elias, you forgot the chocolate syrup." She said and all heads whipped to me and my eyes widened, while I stood like deer caught in headlights.


"Just put it there." I told her in a small voice and felt the same burning sensation on my body, knowing fully well who was looking at me like that.

"Finally, you're awake. Did you sleep well?" My dad asked as I approached him slowly and kissed his cheek.

"I did. Why didn't you guys wake me up?" I asked turning to Alex who shrugged.

"You didn't budge when I tried to and besides, you needed the the sleep after all that work." He said and I nodded, plopping down on the couch next to my dad and crossing my legs.

I dug into breakfast immediately, ignoring the burning gaze that pleaded me to look up.

"Did you have fun last night?" Alex suddenly asked me out of the blue and I choked on the juice I was drinking as my face turned beet red .

I finally stole a glance at Roman who sat on the couch casually, an amused glint in his eyes, like he was waiting for me to spill the beans.

Like hell I would.

"I-it was okay." I said, briefly glancing at Roman who was now leaning forward with a slight frown on his face.

"Okay? Any guys I should know about?" Alex asked me and I looked at him shocked.

"W-what?" I said, my palms getting sweaty by each second and I was sure Roman was enjoyed my little meltdown right now.

"Any person you're interested in?" Alex asked again and I bit my lip.

"Well..." I started off and Alex grinned.

"There is someone isn't there?" He said knowingly and I shrugged.

"I have a date next week, with Dean." I said and he nodded. My dad smiled at me and patted my back.

"That's good to hear sweetheart. I know his father personally. He's a good man." Dad said and I looked at Roman who had his lips pressed into a thin line.

"Anyway, good that you're here now. We've been invited to a party tonight." Alex said and I frowned.

"Whose party?" I asked.

"Mine." Roman answered, speaking for the first time and I turned my head to look at him fully.

Boy he looked hot.

Focus, Heath.

"Roman's having a party sweetheart and some people from our business circle are invited, including us." Dad said and I nodded.

"Do I have to go too?" I asked Alex and then looked at my dad who shrugged.

"It's your choice, you can stay back if you want, but it would mean a lot if you came with. A lot of my friends have been asking about you." Dad said and I nodded, thinking for a few moments before looking at him.

"Okay, I'll go but... I don't have anything to wear." I said and looked over at Roman who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Wear anything formal Thea, you look good in anything. Also, do you want to bring someone as a date?" Alex asked me playfully and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, you. Duh." I said grinning and Alex chuckled.

"Sounds good. Party tonight. Of course." I said with a straight face and saw the slight smirk that showed on Roman's face before it disappeared.

I need air.

"Excuse me." I said and got up from the couch, flashing my dad and Alex a reassuring smile before going out of the house and into the driveway.

I sat on the stairs and sighed loudly, looking up at the bright blue sky when I heard approaching footsteps and looked to my side.

Jack, our youngest driver and also Alice's younger brother was walking towards me with a big grin on his face.

I hadn't seen him for two years and now here he was, in his driver's uniform looking all neat and handsome.

He had dirty blonde hair and dark grey eyes, a sharp jawline a slight stubble, and girls usually flocked around him.

"Thea?" He asked me smiling and I got up, running to him and engulfing him in a hug.

Jack and I were really good friends when I was younger, and we practically grew up together, although he was older than me and just turned 22 a while back.

"Oh my god where have you been?" I said pulling away and he gave me his signature grin.

"Here and there, but tell me, how are you?" He asked me and I beamed.

"I'm good, and so happy you came back!" I said hugging him again.

"I'm glad too Thea." He said muffled by my hug, when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me.

We both turned to look and I saw Roman, standing on the stairs with his arms crossed, glaring at us. He took slow calculating steps towards us, eyeing the arms around my waist furiously.

"Roman." I said and his eyes snapped to mine, blazing with a fire that wasn't there a while ago.

"Heather." He said and moved his haze to Jack.

I quickly moved away from Jack and straightened up.

He walked towards his car, but stopped when he was near me and titled his head slightly to look at me.

"Put on some clothes princess. I'll see you tonight." He said loud enough for both Jack and I to hear, then leaned towards me and kissed my cheek softly.

He turned around and got into his car, driving off without another look.

The hell?

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked back inside and straight to my room, falling face first onto my bed and groaning loudly in frustration.

This went exceptionally well.