
Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my world even if i become a villain". Iode de Pandavatton, a wizard from an average peasant home supposedly found out that he the inheritor of one of the founder of the wizard tribe. Due to these power, he was having visions of a distant future. he went around his world (heaters) telling them of his visions. but as time goes on it was forgotten and Iode himself vanished. many years passed, Iode saw himself traveling around various planes; underworld, earth, the celestial realm etc. but Iode soon found his way back home but instead of laying low and protecting the his world behind the scenes, he went on a conquest campaign claiming it for the greater good. He succeeded in his conquest but heroes soon rise from the conquered nations to put an end to his villainous act. but when the true threat comes would Iode, the heroes and the nations have unity and strength to stop it?

Mingler · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Queen Astrid vs Archmage Iode (part 1)

The Valkyries started to charge forward, towards the wizards. The wizards in response, starts to chant incarnations to make barriers. Using lance, swords and spears to attack, coupled with dragons and other war animals the Valkyries possesses and their elemental magic attacks, the Valkyries didn't waste any time using its offense.

The second group, led by Commander Anise, seeing the queens group already attacking and the queen herself is ready to battle the archmage. Commander Anise saw this as an opportunity and ready to launch a surprise attack from the sides.

"The queen and her group have attacked the wizards in the front, it's time for us to launch ours too, CHARGE!!!". Commander Anise shouts at the top of her voice.

"Arrgh", the Valkyries made a war cry and charged from the sides, from the mountains. The wizards were not too surprised with this, they began to fire elemental attacks on them.

Like every army, the Valkyries were also launching ariel attacks, using pegacorns as mounts and firing arrows from them, with large numbers of domesticated dragons, the ariel attacks was even more effective. But would the wizards stay on the defensive?

Just like the Valkyries, the wizards also possess large numbers of dragons and other war animals, coupled with the new Kaiju and their high level of sorcery and magic, it wasn't looking good for the Valkyries at all.

The Queen, ready to battle the Archmage, infused mana into her lance, and activated its special attribute, flame.

"If you are man enough, get down from your mount and fight me" Queen Astrid shouted.

"This is war Queen Astrid, there isn't any rule to how you fight, anything goes, and this is my strategy to winning this war" Archmage Iode replied.

Queen Astrid gritted her teeth and jumps to make an horizontal slash on the Hippogriff.