
Hearts of Thorns

In a world where duty clashes with desire, a reluctant young emperor, thrust into power at the tender age of 25, finds himself captivated by the simplicity and purity of a commoner teenage girl. As he navigates the complexities of ruling a kingdom, he must also navigate the forbidden love blossoming in his heart, knowing that the consequences of such a romance could unravel everything he's sworn to protect. Will he choose loyalty to his kingdom or follow the yearnings of his heart?

Creative_Blogger · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Grand Ball

The grand ballroom of the palace shimmered with opulence and elegance as guests from far and wide gathered to celebrate the occasion. Elara stood by Draven's side, her heart aflutter with excitement and nerves as she took in the spectacle before her.

As they made their way through the crowd, Elara couldn't help but notice the whispers that followed in their wake. Some spoke in hushed tones of Draven's affection for a commoner like her, while others cast disapproving glances in their direction. But despite the murmurs and sidelong glances, Draven showed no sign of faltering, his hand firmly clasped in hers as they navigated the sea of guests.

However, as the evening progressed and Draven was called away to attend to his duties as emperor, Elara found herself seated alone in a quiet corner of the ballroom. She watched as Draven mingled with ministers and dignitaries, his commanding presence drawing all eyes to him.

Lost in her thoughts, Elara barely noticed when a handsome young man approached her, his smile charming but his eyes calculating. "Hey beautiful, I'm William, the Prince of Shiang Dynasty," he introduced himself, extending his hand in greeting.

Elara returned his smile politely, though her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that settled over her as William insisted on dancing with her. Unable to refuse the prince's request, she reluctantly accepted his offer, her heart heavy with unease.

As they danced, Elara's thoughts drifted to Draven, his touch and presence a comforting anchor in a sea of uncertainty. With each step she took with William, she felt increasingly out of place, her discomfort growing with each passing moment.

Unbeknownst to Elara, William had ulterior motives as he sought to take advantage of her vulnerable state. But lost in her thoughts of Draven, she remained oblivious to his intentions.

Suddenly, a strong arm encircled her waist, pulling her close and causing her to lose her balance. Before she could react, she found herself pressed against Draven, his gaze blazing with fury as he glared at William.

Without a word, Draven's lips descended upon hers in a passionate kiss, the intensity of his embrace leaving her breathless. In that moment, all thoughts of William faded away as Elara melted into Draven's embrace, her heart racing with a mixture of desire and relief.

As the kiss deepened, the ballroom fell silent, all eyes fixed on the spectacle unfolding before them. The sight of their emperor displaying such raw emotion was unprecedented, and the shock rippled through the crowd like a wave.

But for Elara, there was only Draven, his touch igniting a fire within her that she had never known existed. In that moment, she knew with certainty that her place was by his side, no matter the challenges they might face.

And as they broke apart, their breath mingling in the cool night air, Draven's gaze softened as he gazed down at her, his love shining brightly in his eyes. "You are mine, Elara," he whispered, his voice a soft caress against her skin. "And I will protect you with everything I have."

With a smile that reached her eyes, Elara nodded, her heart overflowing with love for the man who had captured her heart. And as they stood together in the midst of the grand ballroom, surrounded by the whispers and murmurs of the crowd, they knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle that stood in their way.