
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Whispers of Tomorrow

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of amber and pink across the Seoul skyline, A-ri and Eun-tae stepped into the evening, hand in hand, like a pair of protagonists in their own love story. The air was crisp, and the city's hum seemed to soften, giving way to the gentle melody of their footsteps.

"Do you remember our first date?" A-ri, her eyes reflecting the city lights, turned to Eun-tae with a playful smile.

"How could I forget? I was nervous, afraid I'd spill something on myself or say the wrong thing," Eun-tae, a fondness in his gaze, nodded.

"You? Nervous? You looked very stoic, Eun-tae. And look at us now, seasoned pros at this whole dating thing," A-ri chuckled.

Their destination, a quaint café nestled between the towering buildings, awaited them. The aroma of freshly ground coffee filled the air as they entered, finding a cosy corner by the window. A-ri, always attuned to the artistic details, admired the artwork on the walls.

"Remember when we used to come here and talk about our dreams? Now, they're like constellations, slowly aligning," Eun-tae, ordering their favourite brews, glanced at A-ri.

"I wouldn't trade this journey for anything. It's been a mixup of challenges and triumphs, but every step led us here," A-ri's eyes sparkled with a mix of gratitude and love.

Their conversation flowed seamlessly, weaving between the past and the present. As they sipped their coffee, A-ri's fingers traced patterns on the tabletop—a silent language of love they had developed over the years.

"A-ri, you're my greatest masterpiece. Life with you is an ever-unfolding canvas, and each day is a stroke that adds to its beauty," Eun-tae, his gaze fixed on A-ri, spoke with a sincerity that transcended words.

A-ri, moved by his words, reached across the table to caress his hand. "And you, Eun-tae, are my unwritten poem. Our journey is a collection of verses that tell a story of love, growth, and shared dreams."

The evening wore on, but time seemed to stand still in their little corner of the café. Amidst laughter, shared memories, and dreams whispered into the night, A-ri and Eun-tae savoured the simple joy of being together—a testament to a love that continued to blossom with every passing day.

The evening breeze whispered through the Seoul streets as A-ri and Eun-tae found themselves drawn to the glistening allure of a bridal store. A kaleidoscope of wedding gowns adorned the storefront, capturing the essence of dreams woven into satin and lace. Their steps slowed a magnetic pull leading them to the entrance.

As they stood before the gleaming glass, the saleswoman inside noticed their contemplative gazes and swiftly greeted them at the door, her eyes gleaming with the prospect of new customers.

"Hello! Are you two looking for the perfect wedding attire?" she inquired with a warm smile.

A-ri and Eun-tae exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. Eun-tae, breaking the brief silence, explained.

"We're already married. But we've never worn wedding garments before."

"I'm sorry for assuming. If you're interested, we can still help you find something special. Even for couples who have already tied the knot, a photoshoot in wedding attire can be a beautiful experience," the saleswoman, realizing her assumption, gracefully apologized.

"What do you think? A photoshoot in wedding attire?" A-ri's eyes sparkled with a newfound idea, and she turned to Eun-tae.

"Why not? It could be a unique way to celebrate our love," Eun-tae, recognizing the excitement in her eyes, nodded with a smile.

The saleswoman, sensing their willingness, ushered them inside. The air within the bridal store was laden with the scent of delicate fabrics and the promise of dreams fulfilled. A-ri's eyes danced with the possibilities as she glided towards a gown that seemed to whisper to her. It was a symphony of lace and silk, a cascade of ivory that beckoned her to step into its ethereal embrace.

As she stood in the changing room, the anticipation within A-ri mirrored the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach. This was more than just trying on a dress; it was stepping into a fantasy, a moment she had never allowed herself to indulge in.

The gown, as if tailored for her soul, draped over her frame, and she felt a quiet transformation unfolding within. The intricate details played a harmonious melody against her silhouette, and she couldn't help but marvel at the bride staring back in the mirror.

Eun-tae, waiting with bated breath in his tailored suit, couldn't suppress the jitters that danced in his stomach. Seeing A-ri in a bridal gown was a dream he had never dared to articulate, yet one that had nestled itself in the quiet corners of his heart. As he caught glimpses of her through the veil, the reality of the moment struck him—love was striking twice, and it felt like the first time.

The saleswoman, a maestro orchestrating their journey into this newfound enchantment, ushered them towards the photo studio within the store. A-ri, adorned in bridal elegance, was a vision that rendered Eun-tae momentarily breathless. Her eyes, a reflection of unspoken dreams, met his, and in that silent exchange, they acknowledged the profound weight of this unexpected joy.

"Shall we set up a photoshoot? Capture the magic of this moment," the saleswoman, capturing the essence of their shared journey, suggested.

"Absolutely," A-ri, her heart beating with newfound exhilaration, nodded, and Eun-tae, still entranced by the ethereal vision before him, whispered.

In the cocoon of that bridal store, a space that had transcended the ordinary, Eun-tae and A-ri found themselves stepping into a different chapter of their love story. The camera, a silent storyteller, clicked, immortalizing not just a photo shoot but the culmination of dreams they had never known they harboured. The gown, the suit, the smiles exchanged—they all wove into a tapestry of unexpected bliss, etching a moment of unfiltered, unrestrained love that would linger in the canvas of their memories forever.

"How about a final pose? A kiss, perhaps?" As the shutter continued its rhythmic dance, freezing moments in pixels, the cameraman, sensing the crescendo of their connection, proposed.

A-ri and Eun-tae exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgement of the intimacy this request held. It wasn't the act itself that flustered them — they had kissed countless times before — but the context, the weight of the bridal gowns and tailored suits, the atmosphere of the bridal store that seemed to amplify the significance of the gesture.

A soft, shared smile played on their lips as they leaned towards each other. It wasn't a scripted kiss for the camera; it was a stolen moment amidst lace and tulle, a quiet affirmation of their love. Their lips met in a tender connection that spoke of a thousand unspoken promises. Yet, as they kissed, there lingered a subtle bashfulness, an almost teenage innocence that one wouldn't expect from a married couple.

It was a paradoxical blend of familiarity and novelty. Here they were, two individuals who had navigated the intricacies of contract marriage, feeling a tinge of embarrassment as they kissed amidst the fluttering veils and clicking camera. It wasn't about performing for an audience; it was about rediscovering the purity of love in unexpected places.

The cameraman, content with the shot, gave them a knowing smile. The saleswoman, standing at a respectful distance, applauded silently. A-ri and Eun-tae, momentarily lost in the spell of the moment, savouring the sweet taste of a kiss that, despite the countless that came before, felt like the first. In the hallowed space of the bridal store, where dreams were spun and love was captured frame by frame, they found themselves celebrating not just the facade of a wedding shoot but the profound reality of their shared journey.

As they stepped out of the bridal store, A-ri and Eun-tae found themselves immersed in the comforting cadence of everyday life. The bustling streets of Seoul greeted them, and the echo of their laughter lingered in the air.

Hand in hand, they walked towards a sunset that painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, a canvas of endless possibilities. Their journey, which began with the pragmatism of a contract, had evolved into a tapestry woven with threads of love, laughter, and shared dreams.

The click-clack of heels on pavement and the gentle murmur of the city accompanied them. Eun-tae glanced at A-ri, his heart brimming with gratitude for the serendipity that had brought them together.

As they navigated the urban landscape, the city lights flickering to life, A-ri looked at Eun-tae, her eyes reflecting the myriad emotions that had coloured their shared canvas.

"Do you ever think about the beginning?" she asked her voice a melody in the evening breeze.

"Sometimes. It feels like a lifetime ago," Eun-tae smiled, intertwining his fingers with hers.

And as they walked into the embrace of the cityscape, hand in hand, the story of Eun-tae and A-ri found its final note — a harmonious cadence that echoed in the city's heartbeat. For in the ordinary moments of life, they discovered the extraordinary beauty of love. And so, against the backdrop of the city they called home, they continued their journey, forever entwined, forever grateful for the chapters written, and the unwritten ones yet to come.

Huhu, the final chapter already, huhu. I can't believe it myself, how quickly has time gone? Although there will be an epilogue chapter, but still, it's already the end. Waaaa. Wait, no Aki, No! You should be proud. We're able to end the story mean full success in completing an original. There is a saying that 80% of writers fail and I'm on that 20% that succeed. So I will be happy.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts