
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Whispers in the Night

The guest bedroom was a cocoon of tranquillity as the night unfolded its velvety wings. A-ri lay in bed, bathed in the soft moonlight that filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on her contemplative expression. Beside her, Na-yeon was lost in a deep slumber, her rhythmic breathing a soothing lullaby.

A-ri's mind, however, was far from sleep. She shifted slightly, her fingers tracing patterns on the duvet as thoughts and uncertainties danced in her mind. The upcoming meeting with Eun-tae's mother was a star that shone brightly in her thoughts, casting both excitement and nervousness in equal measure.

The silence of the night seemed to encourage introspection, and with a sigh, A-ri reached for her phone. The cool touch of the device against her fingertips brought a sense of connection to the world beyond the stillness of the room. She contemplated her words carefully, crafting a message to the man whose presence had become a steady anchor in her life.

Hey Eun-tae,

Sorry if I'm catching you at an odd hour or disturbing your sleep. I've been thinking about something and thought I'd ask. When do you think I'll be meeting your mother? I hope I'm not overstepping by bringing this up. Just let me know whenever you have the time. Goodnight!

A-ri hesitated for a moment, her thumb hovering over the send button. She felt a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Was it too forward to ask? Would Eun-tae find her question untimely? The weight of her thoughts pressed against her chest, making each passing second feel like an eternity.

The soft chime of a notification finally broke the silence, and A-ri's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at her phone. Eun-tae's reply glowed on the screen, a lifeline extending from the digital realm to her restless mind.

Hello A-ri,

You're not disturbing me at all. In fact, I should have brought this up earlier. I wanted to make sure you felt comfortable and ready before we set anything in stone. I apologize if I haven't communicated that. I appreciate your honesty.

To answer your question, I'll talk to my mother and see when she's available. She's been looking forward to meeting you. I'll keep you updated once I hear back from her.

A-ri exhaled slowly, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her. Eun-tae's words were like a soothing balm, calming the flutter of her heart and dispelling her earlier concerns. With newfound resolve, she typed her response, her fingers dancing across the screen.

Thank you, Eun-tae. Your understanding means a lot to me. I'm truly willing to meet your mother, and I've been working on preparing myself. Though, I have to admit, my mental readiness might need a bit more time to catch up. But I'm definitely looking forward to it. Have a good night too!

As she prepared to press send, a wave of vulnerability swept over her. It was a risk to be so open about her feelings, to lay her uncertainties bare. Yet, there was something about Eun-tae that made her feel safe, that encouraged her to express herself honestly.

Hey, can I ask you something else? How did you prepare for me to meet your mother? I'm curious about how you handled the situation.

A-ri's message was sent, and she set her phone down beside her, the glow of the screen illuminating the dimly lit room. As she settled back against the pillows, a quiet calm washed over her. She closed her eyes, her thoughts swirling in a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Soon enough, a soft chime from her phone roused her from her reverie. Eun-tae's response had arrived at a digital connection between their worlds.

You're asking about how I prepared for you to meet my mother, huh? Well, I have to admit, I was quite anxious too. But I knew that my mother would appreciate someone genuine and sincere, just like you. So, I tried to create an atmosphere that allowed you to be yourself.

I shared some stories about you, your art, your independence – everything that makes you who you are. And I guess I wanted my mother to see the same qualities in you that I did. I wanted her to know that you're not just anyone, that you're special to me.

So, my advice is to just be yourself, A-ri. You're an incredible person, and I'm sure my mother will see that too. Just remember, you've already made quite an impression on her, even before you officially meet.

A-ri's heart swelled with warmth as she read Eun-tae's heartfelt words. She couldn't help but smile, a mixture of gratitude and a touch of shyness gracing her lips. She typed her response, her fingers dancing lightly over the screen.

I know you said to be myself, but what if your mother asks about things I haven't shared yet? Like my birthday – you know that, but what if she brings it up? I mean, how would you know?

And what if she asks about my background? I've got my mother and older brother, but we've had our share of ups and downs. What if she expects me to have this perfect family history, and I don't meet those expectations?

Sorry for bombarding you with these what-if questions. I guess I just want to make a good impression, and I'm nervous about what she might think. Any advice on how to handle these situations?

Thanks for listening, Eun-tae.

A-ri pressed send, her heart racing a little faster as her message winged its way through the digital realm to reach Eun-tae. She couldn't help but feel a mix of vulnerability and relief as she shared her worries with him. The room around her remained quiet, and outside, the moon's gentle glow continued to cast its ethereal light.

It didn't take long for Eun-tae's reply to arrive, a virtual lifeline from him to her.

Hey A-ri,

You don't need to apologize for asking questions or sharing your concerns. If you feel like it, I can be here for you, always.

If my mother brings up your birthday, I'll be right there to help, just give me a discreet signal. And as for your family, you are who you are, and that's what matters. You don't have to meet any expectations, A-ri. Just be honest and genuine, like you always are.

If she asks about your family, you can tell her about your mother and older brother, and how they've influenced your love for art. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not. Remember, my mother is a kind and understanding person. She'll appreciate your honesty.

The best way to handle these situations is to stay true to yourself. Be open, be kind, and be confident. And if there's anything you're unsure about, I'm just a text away.

You're going to do great, A-ri. Just be the amazing person you are. I believe in you.

A-ri's heart swelled as she read Eun-tae's response. The warmth of his words enveloped her, and a smile curved her lips. She typed her gratitude, her fingers dancing over the keyboard with a newfound sense of reassurance.

Thank you, Eun-tae. Your support means everything to me. I'll keep your advice in mind and do my best to stay true to myself. Knowing that you're there for me gives me the strength I need. Good night, and sweet dreams.

With a final tap of her screen, A-ri set her phone down and nestled beneath the covers. As she closed her eyes, a sense of calm settled over her. In the darkness of the room, she felt a connection that spanned beyond the virtual messages, a bond that strengthened with each exchange. And with Eun-tae's words echoing in her mind, A-ri allowed herself to drift into the realm of dreams, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination for the days to come.

Outside, the night continued its gentle serenade, and the world seemed to embrace a tranquil stillness. A-ri's thoughts lingered on Eun-tae's words, like a comforting melody that played softly in the recesses of her mind.

As her eyes closed, A-ri found herself enveloped in a sense of anticipation. The upcoming meeting with Eun-tae's mother held a blend of excitement and nerves, like a delicate dance on the cusp of a new chapter. With Eun-tae's guidance and support, she felt more prepared to face the unknown, armed with the assurance that she didn't have to do it alone.

Yet, as her thoughts swirled in the hushed night, a subtle undercurrent of anxiety began to take root. What if his mother asked about her interest, hobby and more personal related questions? How would Eun-tae know? A-ri's mind played out different scenarios, each one a vivid projection of a conversation yet to happen.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, a testament to the myriad of emotions that accompanied this journey into uncharted territory. She couldn't help but wonder how her life had taken such a remarkable turn, from an aspiring artist struggling in the shadows to finding herself at the threshold of a meaningful connection.

The moonlight cast a silvery glow across the room, painting the walls with intricate patterns that seemed to mirror the complexities of her thoughts. A-ri knew that challenges lay ahead, but she was determined to embrace them with an open heart and a willingness to learn.

In the depths of the night, A-ri's dreams took flight once more, carrying her to a realm where worries were replaced by possibilities. And as the moonlight bathed the room in its tender embrace, A-ri surrendered to the embrace of sleep, ready to awaken to a new day filled with challenges, moments of growth, and the promise of a future yet to be written.

Less than a week now till August WPC end. With how things look, I certainly won't make the spot. Still, it has been quite a journey to fulfil the one-chapter-a-day challenge. Also for you that has been keeping up with this story, I thank you very much from my heart

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