
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Unveiling Truths

Inside her dimly lit room, Na-yeon sat at her cluttered desk, surrounded by a collage of notes, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Her laptop emitted a faint blue glow, casting eerie shadows across the room as she meticulously typed out a series of interview questions. Her fingers moved with purpose, arranging the words with great care.

Na-yeon's plan was taking shape, a scheme to unravel the mysteries that had entwined the lives of A-ri, Eun-tae, and Hyun-ki. She had been working diligently, preparing the questions that would expose the concealed truths. Her dedication was unwavering, her journalistic instincts driving her forward.

As she neared completion, a mischievous smile curled on her lips. The final piece of her puzzle was ready. She opened a recording on her laptop, A-ri's voice echoing from the speakers. It was an interview she had conducted earlier, but Na-yeon had expertly edited the audio, cleverly splicing words here and there to create a completely different narrative.

A-ri's voice spoke of secrets, of a hidden world, and alliances formed behind closed doors. The altered words wove a web of intrigue, all part of Na-yeon's intricate plan to expose what she believed to be the truth.

With a satisfied sigh, she saved her work and leaned back in her chair. Her plan was now in motion, a scheme that she hoped would shed light on the secrets hidden within the contract marriage. Na-yeon was on the verge of revealing a narrative that had remained concealed for far too long.

The next morning, Na-yeon climbed into her car and drove to the heart of the city, a sense of anticipation brewing within her. Her destination was an unassuming art studio, tucked away from the bustling streets. As she parked her car, a wave of nervous energy coursed through her.

Moments later, a tall, sophisticated figure emerged from the studio's entrance, none other than Gal Hyun-ki, the up-and-coming art critic who had taken A-ri under his wing. His presence exuded an air of confidence, and his sharp gaze met Na-yeon's as they greeted each other.

Hyun-ki, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, offered a polite smile.

"Miss Kim, it's a pleasure to meet you for this interview," he said, his tone carrying a touch of formality.

"Likewise, Mr. Gal. I'm grateful for your time today," Na-yeon returned his smile with equal professionalism.

They made their way into the art studio, the faint scent of paint and creativity hanging in the air. The room they entered was spacious, with large windows that allowed natural light to spill in and illuminate the paintings that adorned the walls.

"Please, have a seat. We can begin whenever you're ready," Hyun-ki gestured toward a pair of plush armchairs in the centre of the room.

Na-yeon nodded and took a seat, her notepad and recording device ready. As they settled into their positions, the interview began, an exchange of questions and answers that held the potential to reveal secrets that had long remained hidden.

The interview began as a standard, relatively relaxed conversation. Na-yeon and Hyun-ki discussed his artistic journey, his inspirations, and the challenges he faced in the competitive world of art. It was clear that Hyun-ki was passionate about his craft, and Na-yeon appreciated his openness.

The questions flowed naturally, and they exchanged stories about some of Hyun-ki's most iconic pieces. His eyes lit up as he described the thought process and emotions behind each stroke of the brush. For a moment, it seemed like any other typical interview in the art world.

It was in the midst of this artistic discussion that Na-yeon decided to veer into more personal territory, asking about the recent rumours surrounding Hyun-ki's involvement as a mentor to an apprentice. Her question about the apprenticeship had piqued Hyun-ki's interest, causing his brows to furrow with intrigue as he contemplated her source of information.

"How did you learn about that?" he inquired, trying to hide his surprise.

"Well, you know, we journalists have our ways," Na-yeon, with a sly smile, initially responded.

Hyun-ki, however, was no novice in the art of interviewing. He promptly refused to answer her question and shifted the conversation back to safer ground.

Na-yeon wasn't one to be deterred easily. She decided to reveal a little more, mentioning that her source was someone close to A-ri.

"Someone close to A-ri, you say? Well, that's quite intriguing," Hyun-ki leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.

The pieces fell into place for Hyun-ki, and he deduced that Na-yeon and A-ri must be friends. While the mystery of how she found out about the apprenticeship remained unsolved, Hyun-ki decided to tread carefully.

"I see. A-ri must have mentioned this to her. So, you two are friends, then?"

However, the unfolding interview was about to take an unexpected turn. Na-yeon pulled out a small tape recorder and played a recording of A-ri's voice. The words coming out of the recording were carefully spliced together, creating a narrative in which A-ri expressed concerns about Hyun-ki's behaviour, especially his touchiness during teaching.

A-ri's voice on tape: "I don't know, Na-yeon. He's just so touchy sometimes, especially when he's teaching me. It's making me uncomfortable."

The implied accusations hung in the air as Na-yeon laid out her ultimatum. She threatened to write an article about this supposed behaviour unless Hyun-ki cooperated.

"You see, I could write a scathing article about this, Mr. Gal. It might not bode well for your reputation," Na-yeon, with a calculated tone, continued.

But Hyun-ki was no pushover. He countered her threats with a sharp analysis of the consequences. He pointed out that such an article could tarnish not only his reputation but also A-ri and Eun-tae's names, ultimately jeopardizing their careers and dreams.

"While that might damage my reputation, think about the impact it would have on A-ri and Eun-tae. They have their careers and dreams to protect. Your actions could ruin everything they've worked for," in a calm and measured voice, he stated.

Na-yeon hesitated, suddenly confronted with the realization that her plan could backfire in unimaginable ways. She had expected Hyun-ki to crumble under the pressure, but he was proving to be more resilient and cunning than she had anticipated. She began to wonder if this was a battle worth fighting or if she should rethink her approach. The room was filled with tension as the stakes were raised, and the fate of all involved hung in the balance.

"You can't deny, Mr. Gal, that what I have on that tape could be devastating. If I choose to expose your behaviour, your reputation will crumble," as the interview room filled with tension, Na-yeon leaned in closer, her eyes locked on Hyun-ki.

"You're making quite an assumption here, Miss Kim. You believe you have enough to destroy my career, but let me remind you, your actions could bring down far more than just my reputation," Hyun-ki remained composed, his gaze unwavering.

"I don't want to do this, but if it's the only way to protect A-ri and Eun-tae's marriage, I will. You'll cooperate with me," Na-yeon was persistent.

"Miss Kim, you're quick to protect, but you're not thinking clearly. Your actions can have severe consequences. Do you really want to be the one responsible for potentially ruining their lives?" Hyun-ki leaned back, a faint smile on his face.

"I don't want to ruin their lives. I just... I thought this was the only way to protect them," Na-yeon's resolve wavered as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"Miss Kim, you've played right into my hands. I've made you realize that your actions could destroy what you're trying to protect. The marriage you want to save is at risk because of your misguided attempt," Hyun-ki seized the opportunity, his voice calm yet forceful.

Frustration welled up in Na-yeon as she grasped the implications of her actions. She had been so determined to shield A-ri and Eun-tae that she had almost become the instrument of their downfall. The weight of her decisions bore down on her shoulders.

"You care deeply for A-ri and Eun-tae, as do I. Instead of trying to manipulate the situation, let's find a way to help them together. They need our support, not a scandal," Hyun-ki continued, his tone sympathetic.

"You're right, Mr. Gal. I let my fear and concern drive me to this point. I'm willing to work with you to protect their happiness," Na-yeon, her voice tremulous, finally relented.

"That's a wise choice, Miss Kim. Together, we can ensure that A-ri and Eun-tae's marriage remains strong and their dreams unshattered," Hyun-ki nodded, satisfied with the outcome.

As they reached a tentative agreement, both Na-yeon and Hyun-ki understood the importance of supporting A-ri and Eun-tae, rather than inadvertently becoming the catalyst for their downfall. Their common goal became clear: to protect the happiness and success of the two people they both deeply cared for.

"Miss Kim, we should meet again after this. I have some ideas on how we can best support A-ri and Eun-tae without any risks," with the agreement in place and a newfound understanding between them, Hyun-ki decided to assert his influence in a more subtle yet commanding way.

"Yes, I'll meet you whenever you say. Your guidance can be invaluable in ensuring their happiness," Na-yeon, now somewhat under Hyun-ki's sway, agreed without hesitation.

"Very well, I'll be in touch with the details. Let's work together to protect A-ri and Eun-tae," Hyun-ki nodded, his intentions clear.

As they parted ways, the balance of power had subtly shifted. Hyun-ki, with his intricate understanding of the situation, now held a significant influence over Na-yeon, allowing them to work together toward a common goal without any further risks to the people they both deeply cared for.