
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Unveiling Ambitions

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the cityscape, Eun-tae and A-ri found themselves in a quiet moment of introspection. They had just shared a heartfelt conversation about trust and commitment, reaffirming their deep bond. With a tender exchange of words and lingering touches, they parted ways for the evening, each carrying the warmth of their love into the night.

But for Bae Hei-ran, the night was far from over. As her colleagues headed home to their own lives, she chose to linger in the office, basking in the afterglow of her successful day. In the stillness of the empty workspace, Hei-ran's ambition shone brightly.

With a determined air, Hei-ran set to work, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she organized her meticulously maintained desk. She had worked tirelessly, always eager to prove her worth to Eun-tae and secure her place as his indispensable secretary.

As her task neared completion, Hei-ran's professional facade began to fade. She spun around in her chair, her eyes lighting up with a gleeful spark. Her secret, hidden from the world, was a side that few had ever glimpsed. At this moment, alone with her ambitions and dreams, she allowed herself a rare indulgence.

With the gentle hum of the office air conditioning, Hei-ran twirled in her chair, her heart racing with satisfaction. Her expression revealed a hidden passion, one that surpassed the confines of her role as a secretary. It was a glimpse into her true desires, the ambitions that fueled her every action.

In this private moment, she was free to imagine the heights she could reach, the goals she could achieve. Her eyes sparkled with determination as she revelled in the triumph of securing her position by Eun-tae's side.

Hei-ran was more than just a secretary; she was a force to be reckoned with. And as she continued to twirl in the empty office, she knew that her journey had only just begun.

As Hei-ran revelled in the joy of her private moment, she reflected on the journey that had led her here. She had always been a diligent and ambitious woman, driven by the desire to excel in her career. However, her reasons for needing this secretary role went deeper than just professional achievement.

Hei-ran's family had faced financial difficulties for years, and she had taken it upon herself to support them. Her father's health was deteriorating, and her younger brother was still in school. The weight of responsibility had fallen squarely on her shoulders, and securing a stable, well-paying job was paramount.

When she had seen the job posting for Eun-tae's secretary, she had recognized it as the opportunity she had been waiting for. InnoArtTech was known for its success and prestige, and working directly for the CEO promised not only financial stability but also a direct climb from the corporate ladder.

And so, she had poured all her determination, dedication, and preparation into the interview. She had meticulously researched the company, studied Eun-tae's work, and polished her skills to perfection. Every detail of her desk setup was a testament to her commitment.

As Hei-ran completed her preparations, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over her. She had not only secured the position but had also convinced Eun-tae of her value through her impeccable performance.

Her elation was, in part, a celebration of her successful bid for financial stability, but it was also a recognition of her talent and potential. She had proven to herself and Eun-tae that she was more than just a secretary; she was an asset, a partner in his success.

As Hei-ran realized how late it had become, she gathered her belongings and headed for the office exit. It had been a productive day, and she was eager to get some rest before the next busy day at work. But as she walked past Eun-tae's office, her curiosity got the better of her.

The thought of Eun-tae's fiancée had been lingering in her mind ever since she had learned about the miscommunication regarding her hiring. She had never harboured any romantic feelings for Eun-tae nor had she known Eun-tae for any longer than a whole day, but she couldn't deny a certain intrigue about the woman who had captured the meticulous CEO's heart.

Hei-ran wondered what kind of woman she was. Was she a fellow businesswoman, a model, or perhaps someone from a completely different walk of life? Many high-profile individuals crossed her mind as potential matches for Eun-tae.

She remembered seeing a framed picture on Eun-tae's desk earlier that day. It had piqued her curiosity, but she hadn't had the opportunity to examine it closely. Now, with her mischievous side asserting itself, Hei-ran contemplated whether she should enter Eun-tae's office to sneak a peek. After all, she was already standing in front of the door.

However, Hei-ran quickly dismissed the idea. She prided herself on professionalism and ethics, and invading someone's privacy was not her style. She lightly slapped her cheeks a few times, as if to physically shake off the intrusive thoughts.

With her resolve renewed, Hei-ran turned away from the office door and continued on her way out. She couldn't help but think that perhaps, in the course of her work, she might have the opportunity to meet Eun-tae's fiancée someday. Until then, her focus remained on being the best secretary she could be, regardless of who held a place in her boss's heart.

As Hei-ran rushed to catch the bus, her gaze fell upon the bustling beer shops lining the street. It was Friday, after all, and the lively atmosphere was no surprise. People were gathering to unwind and kickstart their weekends with merriment.

Seeing the crowd, Hei-ran found herself torn once more. Should she join in the festivities and celebrate her new job, or should she prioritize her responsibilities and ensure she got everything right in her new role? On one hand, landing this job had guaranteed her financial stability, and perhaps a small indulgence was well-deserved. On the other hand, starting a new job meant a slew of responsibilities and tasks to master, and she didn't want to jeopardize her newfound stability.

Ultimately, Hei-ran decided to strike a balance. She believed that her hard work deserved recognition, even if it was just a small gesture. So, she stopped by a nearby convenience store and picked up a couple of bottles of soju. It was a modest reward for her achievement, something to savour in the comfort of her home as she contemplated the exciting challenges and opportunities her new position presented.

With her prize in hand, Hei-ran boarded the bus, ready to relax and enjoy a well-deserved moment of happiness as she embarked on this new chapter of her career.

As Hei-ran settled into her seat on the bus, she found herself immersed in thoughts about her new role as Eun-tae's secretary. It had been a challenging day, but the outcome was undeniably rewarding. Securing this position marked a significant step forward in her career. She had worked diligently to prove her competence, and now she had a chance to shine in a high-profile role.

The bus journey allowed Hei-ran a moment of reflection. Eun-tae, she had learned, was a meticulous and demanding boss with a clear vision of how he wanted his schedule managed. It was a great opportunity for Hei-ran to showcase her skills and efficiency. She couldn't afford to falter, knowing that the expectations were high, but she welcomed the challenge.

The bus rumbled along, and Hei-ran thought about her future interactions with Eun-tae. She wondered about his fiancée. A-ri, she remembered the name. The woman who had captured his heart. A-ri's image had left an impression on Hei-ran, and she was naturally curious about the person who held such significance in her boss's life.

However, Hei-ran knew the importance of boundaries and respecting privacy. So, she couldn't allow her curiosity to lead her down an inappropriate path. Instead, she resolved to be patient, waiting for a suitable opportunity to get to know A-ri, perhaps through casual introductions in the office.

Eventually, the bus reached Hei-ran's stop, and she disembarked, clutching her small reward for the day's hard work. The evening air was refreshing, and the city's vibrant nightlife continued around her. As she walked toward her apartment building, Hei-ran felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in her new role.

Hei-ran's determination remained unwavering as she ascended the stairs to her apartment. She understood that her path was set, and while it might be strewn with challenges, it also held the promise of personal and professional growth. The small indulgence of soju bottles in her bag served as a reminder that amidst her newfound responsibilities, there was room for moments of celebration, even if they were fleeting.

Tonight, she would celebrate her achievements and recharge for the challenges that lay ahead. She had proven herself capable and determined, and she was ready to take on her new role with enthusiasm. As she opened the door to her apartment, Hei-ran couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement for what the future held.


Time for more 'would you rather' I guess.

Would you rather have the ability to time travel but never interact with the past or future, only observe, or be able to teleport anywhere in the world, but lose one year of your life with each jump?

As long as I'm not dying, the first choice seems acceptable.

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