
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Unexpected Encounters

As they stood in an unannounced gathering by the front door, the silence grew thicker, hanging in the air like a heavy curtain. It was inevitable that someone would eventually break the ice, and in this case, it was Na-yeon who took the initiative.

With a friendly smile, she extended her hand towards the man who had just arrived.

"I'm Park Na-yeon," she introduced herself. "A-ri's best friend plus you can just call me Na-yeon."

Eun-tae returned her greeting with a polite nod, but the mention of being A-ri's best friend caught his attention. He couldn't help but wonder if Na-yeon was aware of the contract they had entered into, and so he decided to offer his introduction.

"Lee Eun-tae," he said with a slight smile. "A-ri's husband. Oh, and Eun-tae just fine."

Eun-tae instinctively started to extend his hand for a handshake, a customary gesture in his business dealings. However, he quickly realized that Na-yeon wasn't a colleague or a business associate. Awkwardly, he withdrew his hand, his cheeks slightly flushed.

A-ri watched the exchange between her best friend and her husband in silence, unsure of how to join in on the conversation. She had never expected Na-yeon to show up unannounced like this.

Na-yeon, always quick on her feet, decided to keep the conversation flowing. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she explained to Eun-tae that she had visited A-ri to check on her sprained ankle.

"I thought I'd come and play the dutiful best friend," she quipped, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips.

"And how did you find her ankle to be?" Eun-tae raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

"It's getting better, thanks to your care, her shining knight in armour," A-ri couldn't help but chuckle at the banter between her husband and her best friend.

Na-yeon, however, had her motives beyond the sprained ankle. With a teasing grin, she turned her attention to Eun-tae.

"But I must admit, Eun-tae, I'm also quite curious about your date with A-ri yesterday. A-ri has been quite loose-lipped about it."

"Ah, well, it was a lovely day. We hiked up a hill, enjoyed some art, and had a wonderful meal," Eun-tae flashed a charming smile, deciding to play along with Na-yeon's curiosity.

Na-yeon leaned in closer, her curiosity palpable.

"And what else happened? Any romantic moments?" She wiggled her eyebrows playfully as she already knew about what happened between them.

A-ri, blushing at the turn the conversation had taken, kept quiet and let Na-yeon and Eun-tae engage in their playful banter.

"Why don't you stay a bit longer, Na-yeon? I'm sure you must be curious about me as well," before Na-yeon could take her leave, Eun-tae surprised both women by inviting her to stay longer with a sly smile.

Na-yeon's interest was immediately piqued by Eun-tae's invitation, and she couldn't resist the chance to satisfy her curiosity. And as for Eun-tae, it was an excuse or could be the solution to bring back the casual atmosphere that had been briefly shaken by his and A-ri's desires and emotions.

"Why don't you take Na-yeon to the dining area, and I'll go change my attire? We can all sit down for a chat," Eun-tae turned to A-ri and suggested,

A-ri nodded, relieved that Eun-tae had taken charge of the situation. She led Na-yeon towards the dining area, still somewhat bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

She then engaged in a hushed conversation with Na-yeon as they waited for Eun-tae to return.

Na-yeon leaned closer to A-ri, her curiosity burning bright.

"A-ri," she began in a low voice. "I have to admit I'm really curious about Eun-tae. You've never introduced us before, and I want to know why you fell for this guy. I mean, you've been my best friend for years, and I've never seen you with a boyfriend."

"It's true, I've never brought anyone home before. But Eun-tae is different, Na-yeon. He's kind, and caring, and he makes me laugh. You'll see what I mean when you talk to him," A-ri smiled, appreciating Na-yeon's genuine interest.

"Of course, you know I always trust your judgment, A-ri. If he's won your heart, he must be something special. I can't wait to get to know him better," Na-yeon nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, and they turned to see Eun-tae rejoining them, now dressed in casual attire. With his return, the trio settled in for what promised to be an interesting and lively morning of getting to know each other better.

"Why don't we cook something together? That way, we can chat over a meal," Eun-tae, eager to maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere, suggested to A-ri.

A-ri was about to agree when she realized Eun-tae's ulterior motive – he didn't want to appear helpless in front of Na-yeon by leaving A-ri to cook alone. She smiled, understanding his intentions but determined to keep her independence intact.

"Well," she began. "I think I can handle the cooking today, Eun-tae. There's something we need to discuss, too."

Eun-tae hesitated, torn between wanting to help A-ri and not wanting to seem incapable in front of their guest. But A-ri could be quite persuasive when she wanted to be.

"We do have a lot to catch up on," A-ri added, giving him a meaningful look.

"Alright, A-ri. You cook, and I'll have that conversation with Na-yeon," relenting, Eun-tae agreed.

With their roles established, Eun-tae joined Na-yeon at the dining table, ready to get to know her better and perhaps answer some of her burning questions.

As they settled around the dining table, Na-yeon's eyes gleamed with journalistic curiosity. She leaned in slightly, her tone almost conspiratorial.

"So, Eun-tae," she began, "tell me about your love life with A-ri. How did you two fall in love?"

"It was a gradual process, you know. We started as friends and spent a lot of time together. Over time, our feelings just deepened," Eun-tae took a thoughtful sip of his tea before answering.

"But was there a specific moment when you realized you were in love with her? Something that made you think, 'This is it'?" Na-yeon didn't seem satisfied with his answer and dug deeper.

"There was a moment, like yesterday to be exact. We were on a hike, and A-ri sprained her ankle. I carried her down the hill, and in that moment, I knew I cared about her deeply," Eun-tae smiled at the memory.

"That's quite romantic, Eun-tae. But what about the chemistry between you two? What drew you to each other?" Na-yeon nodded, her interest growing.

"Our personalities just clicked. We have this unspoken understanding, and we make each other laugh. I guess you could say we complement each other," Eun-tae's eyes sparkled as he thought about it.

"And have you faced any challenges in your relationship?" Na-yeon leaned back, absorbing his words.

"Of course, every relationship has its ups and downs. But we've learned to communicate and support each other through those tough times," Eun-tae didn't hesitate.

"You're quite open about your relationship, Eun-tae. It's refreshing," Na-yeon couldn't help but admire his candidness.

"I believe in honesty, especially when it comes to matters of the heart," Eun-tae chuckled.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, A-ri had been eavesdropping from the kitchen, her ears perking up as she heard their conversation. Lost in her thoughts about how Eun-tae would answer Na-yeon's probing questions, she made a few errors in her cooking. But for now, her focus remained on the intriguing dialogue happening at the dining table.

Na-yeon was taken aback by his simplicity. She had expected a more elaborate answer, something that would leave room for interpretation. But Eun-tae's words didn't leave much to the imagination.

"You know, Na-yeon, your questions about our relationship are quite insightful. I couldn't help but wonder if you might be a journalist," noticing the surprise on Na-yeon's face, Eun-tae decided to shed some light on his suspicions.

"Did A-ri tell you that?" Na-yeon's composure didn't waver as she replied casually.

"No, it's the way you asked the question. The precision, the way you got straight to the point. It's a journalist's instinct, isn't it?" Eun-tae smiled, shaking his head.

"You're good, Eun-tae. Most people don't catch on so quickly," Na-yeon couldn't help but be impressed.

"Well, I've met my fair share of journalists before. I've had practice," Eun-tae chuckled.

A-ri, still eavesdropping in the kitchen, was both touched and surprised by Eun-tae's candid responses. She continued to cook, now with a smile on her face, listening to Eun-tae reveal more about their relationship.

With the food prepared, A-ri returned to the dining area, carrying a tray laden with dishes. The delightful aroma filled the room, making their mouths water in anticipation.

"Here we go," A-ri announced as she set the tray on the table. "I hope you're all hungry. I've made Bulgogi, Japchae, and Kimchi to go with it."

"Wow, A-ri, this looks amazing. You've outdone yourself," Eun-tae's eyes lit up as he saw the spread.

"Impressive! I had no idea you were such a great cook," Na-yeon couldn't help but admire the dishes.

A-ri blushed at the compliments.

"I strived to be the best," she said, nodding towards Eun-tae with a smile.

As they dug into the delicious meal, the conversation continued, now with lighter topics. They chatted about hobbies, and favourite travel destinations, and even shared some funny stories. A-ri couldn't help but notice how well Eun-tae and Na-yeon were getting along, and it put her heart at ease.

It was a casual, enjoyable lunch, even if it was a bit later in the day, and as they shared laughter and stories, it felt like the perfect way to bring back the easy camaraderie between them.

Guess I put another 'Would you rather here'

Would you rather have the power to instantly learn and master any musical instrument, but you can never listen to music again, or keep your current musical abilities, but never be able to create your music?

For music artists, how does this feel?

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts