
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Threads of Acquaintance

As Eun-tae and Jun-ho crossed the threshold into the warm glow of the house, they were immediately greeted by the enthusiastic embraces of Mrs Tae and Mrs Seok. With unbridled joy, the two aunties rushed toward Eun-tae, singing praises and showering him with compliments. Their admiration painted a broad smile on Eun-tae's face as they extolled his virtues and expressed their astonishment at A-ri's apparent luck in finding such an exceptional man.

The aunties, who had been buzzing with anticipation, couldn't contain their excitement at finally meeting the exclusive Eun-tae. Their praise flowed like a river, each word a testament to their approval of A-ri's choice. Thanks to the two men entering the house, the enthusiastic arrival of the aunties added an unexpected, lively note to the evening.

"Oh, A-ri, you've truly found a gem!" Mrs. Seok exclaimed, pinching Eun-tae's cheeks affectionately.

"Look at him, so handsome! You must be the luckiest girl in the world, A-ri!" Mrs. Tae chimed in.

The room echoed with laughter and compliments, creating an atmosphere of genuine warmth. Eun-tae, though initially taken aback, couldn't help but be charmed by the lively welcome. The threads of acquaintance were weaving themselves tighter, connecting hearts in shared admiration and joy.

A-ri, however, sensing the potential discomfort her husband might be feeling, attempted to gently intervene.

"Mrs Seok, Mrs Tae, that's enough," she implored with a warm smile, hoping to redirect the conversation to a more balanced tone. Despite her efforts, Eun-tae, ever composed, reassured her that he didn't mind the sudden surge of attention. His calm acceptance only fueled the aunties' admiration, and they continued to sing praises of his understanding nature.

"See, A-ri, he's so understanding! You've truly hit the jackpot," Mrs Tae exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Aware of the importance of family time, the aunties, understanding the need for privacy, decided to take their leave.

"We won't keep you from your family any longer," Mrs. Seok declared, and with a chorus of cheerful goodbyes, they made a hasty yet contented exit.

As the door closed behind them, A-ri couldn't help but chuckle at the whirlwind of affection that had just swept through their home. The unexpected visit from the aunties, though boisterous, left behind a warmth that lingered in the air, a testament to the tight-knit bonds that connected this small village community.

"Eun-tae, I'm sorry about all that. They can be a bit much," A-ri, feeling embarrassed by the enthusiastic display the aunties had shown towards Eun-tae, approached him with an apologetic expression.

"It's alright, A-ri. They were just being friendly. No need to apologize," Eun-tae, with a reassuring smile, replied.

Just as Eun-tae was about to delve into the details of his unexpected visit, he noticed A-ri's subtle cues, prompting him to shift his attention. The moment unfolded seamlessly, the familial connection bridging the gap between in-laws. The conversation flowed naturally, intertwining gratitude, shared laughter, and the promise of newfound connections. He noticed Sun-hae's presence in the house. He paused midsentence, bowing respectfully.

"Hello, Mrs. Han. My name is Lee Eun-tae, A-ri's husband," he introduced himself.

"Oh, you're the one A-ri couldn't stop talking about. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Eun-tae," Sun-hae's welcoming smile soothed any lingering tension.

"It's an honour to meet you, Mrs Han," Eun-tae replied, his nervousness dissipating in Sun-hae's warm demeanour.

"Call me Umma. We're family now," she insisted, bridging the gap between in-laws. The unfolding conversation seamlessly intertwined gratitude, shared laughter, and the promise of newfound connections.

Sun-hae, with a warm smile, instructed Jun-ho to prepare the table and serve the dessert she and A-ri had baked. Simultaneously, she turned her attention to A-ri and Eun-tae.

"A-ri, take Eun-tae to your room. He can put his bag down there," she suggested.

Following Sun-hae's directive, the three of them moved towards A-ri's old room. As they entered, the quaintness of the small space became apparent. A single bed, a small desk, and a shelf filled with remnants of A-ri's past adorned the room. A-ri couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia and a realization that this room, which once encapsulated her entire world, could hardly accommodate Eun-tae.

"I could find a hotel or inn on the outskirts. It won't be a problem," Eun-tae, perceptive to the limited space, suggested,

A-ri, torn between wanting to relive memories in her family home and ensuring Eun-tae's comfort, hesitated. Before they could delve into the discussion, a knock on the door interrupted them. Jun-ho, who had been eavesdropping, entered with a slightly flushed face, having overheard the dilemma.

"Food's ready," he announced before briskly leaving, not sparing a moment for further conversation.

Following Jun-ho, they arrived at the dining area, the aroma of home-cooked meals filling the air. As they settled around the table, Eun-tae seized a moment to ask A-ri about her conversation with her mother.

"You told your mother about me?"

"Yes, just before you came. She wanted to know about you," A-ri nodded, her eyes meeting Eun-tae's.

"Wait, so your family doesn't know you're married?" Eun-tae, surprised at the revelation, probed further.

"No, I kept it a secret until now. I wasn't sure how they'd react," A-ri shook her head, her expression reflective.

Eun-tae's eyes conveyed a mix of surprise and gratitude. Before they could delve deeper into the conversation, Sun-hae and Jun-ho returned, carrying a dessert that A-ri and her mother had baked together. The family dinner continued, weaving threads of shared laughter, unspoken understanding, and the promise of newfound connections.

The dinner table became a lively stage for the exchange of stories, questions, and laughter. Sun-hae, with a twinkle in her eyes, directed most of her inquiries towards Eun-tae, eager to unravel the layers of the man who had become a part of her daughter's life.

"So, Eun-tae, how did you two meet?" Sun-hae asked, her curiosity evident.

Eun-tae, with a smile, recounted the serendipitous encounter that brought him and A-ri together. Although the tale resolves around a contract marriage, he is not shy to hide the fact and feels that lying is never an option, especially with family. His narrative unfolded like a romantic tale, capturing the attention of everyone at the table.

"And how do you handle arguments? Any secrets to a happy marriage?" Jun-ho, adopting a more investigative tone, chimed in.

The question brought a playful grin to Eun-tae's face.

"Communication is key," he replied, glancing at A-ri. "We talk things out, find common ground, and, of course, compromise."

"What about your family, Eun-tae? Tell us more about them," Sun-hae, delighted by Eun-tae's response, continued the interrogation.

Eun-tae, being candid, shared stories about his family, revealing a glimpse into his background. The tales of his childhood, struggles, and triumphs resonated with the family gathered around the table.

"If you had to choose between A-ri and, say, a dream job offer, which one would it be?" The mood lightened as Jun-ho, with a mischievous grin, posed a question that caught everyone off guard.

"A-ri, without a doubt. Jobs come and go, but true love is irreplaceable," a moment of suspense lingered, and then Eun-tae, with a playful glint in his eye, responded,

Laughter erupted around the table, a harmonious blend of joy and understanding. The dinner conversation meandered through various topics, from travel experiences to favourite foods. Jun-ho, easing into the camaraderie, shared anecdotes about his work and life in Seoul.

As dessert was served, the familial bonds strengthened. The room echoed with the warmth of shared stories, the clinking of utensils, and the genuine connection forged over a delightful meal. It was a dinner filled with laughter, love, and the promise of unity between two families becoming one.

As the night settled over the quiet village of Boseong, the family dynamics shifted, embracing a new configuration. Sun-hae, ever the nurturing mother, initially suggested that A-ri and Eun-tae take her room—the largest in the modest house. However, Eun-tae, with his characteristic humility, politely declined.

"Umma, I appreciate the offer, but I'm used to simpler accommodations. The living area will be more than comfortable for me," Eun-tae explained, his tone gentle and considerate.

Sun-hae, sensing his sincerity, nodded understandingly. She was quick to avoid unnecessary contention, especially with a guest who was, in essence, her son-in-law. With a warm smile, she directed Jun-ho to fetch some futons for the living area.

"Jun-ho, dear, could you bring a couple of futons for A-ri and Eun-tae?" Sun-hae's voice, a melody of maternal authority, prompted Jun-ho into action.

Jun-ho, perhaps still processing the whirlwind of changes the day had brought, hurriedly complied. The soft rustle of futons being unfurled added a layer of domestic serenity to the house. The living area, now transformed into a makeshift bedroom, awaited the night's repose.

"Thank you, Umma. This is more than comfortable," Eun-tae, ever adaptable, expressed his gratitude,

A-ri, caught in the tide of familial adjustments, smiled appreciatively. The night held a quiet promise, a bridge between the past and the future, as Boseong embraced its newfound son and daughter. Under the blanket of stars, the Kang family settled into a harmonious rhythm, their home echoing with the subtle melody of shared spaces and shared dreams.