
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Sleepless Nights

"Alright, we need to integrate the blockchain authentication system into the platform by tomorrow," Eun-tae declared, his voice tinged with a hint of exhaustion.

"I'm almost done with the encryption protocols. Once we have that in place, we can focus on the blockchain," Dae-hyun, his eyes bleary from hours of coding, nodded in agreement.

"And we need to ensure the user interface remains seamless throughout these updates. It should be intuitive, even with these new security features," Hei-ran, sitting at another workstation, furrowed her brow as she meticulously reviewed lines of code.

The hotel's conference room had become their makeshift headquarters for late-night work sessions. In the aftermath of their productive meeting with Mr. Heinrich and his team, the pressure to deliver had intensified. The prospect of showcasing their product on an actual piece of art in Munich had added an extra layer of urgency.

"Mr. Heinrich wants us to test the platform in a real-world scenario. There's a valuable artwork in Munich that we can use for this. It's a rare painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner," Eun-tae had explained.

With Mr. Heinrich's private flight to Munich just a couple of days away, the team had little time to spare. They had already put in countless hours, refining their software and incorporating the insights gained from the meeting. Now, the finishing touches were being applied.

As they toiled through the night, Eun-tae couldn't help but admire Hei-ran's dedication. Her tireless work ethic and sharp intellect had always impressed him, but tonight, he found himself appreciating her even more. She had a way of staying composed under truly admirable pressure.

Meanwhile, Dae-hyun silently observed Hei-ran, his admiration growing with each passing moment. He only had known her for a little time, meeting as they worked together at InnoArtTech, and he had always been aware of her exceptional skills. But tonight, as they worked side by side, he realized there was so much more to her than her professional prowess.

Ji-eun and Seo-jin, while not fluent in English, played pivotal roles in the team's late-night efforts. Ji-eun, with her knack for creative thinking, leaned over and whispered her ideas to Hei-ran, who skillfully translated them into practical marketing strategies.

"Hei-ran, what if we create a series of short videos that tell the stories behind the artworks? It could provide a deeper connection for users," Ji-eun, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, offered,

"That's a brilliant idea, Ji-eun. We can weave narratives around the art, making it more engaging," Hei-ran nodded, impressed by Ji-eun's suggestion.

Seo-jin, on the other hand, was engrossed in coding, lines of code scrolling rapidly on his screen. Dae-hyun, with his proficiency in English, stood beside him, supervising and helping bridge the language gap where necessary.

"Seo-jin, excellent work on the encryption protocols. Just a few more lines to adjust, and we'll be ready for the final testing phase," Dae-hyun reviewed the code and offered guidance,

Seo-jin, focused and determined, nodded in acknowledgement, appreciating Dae-hyun's assistance in ensuring the technical details were accurately communicated.

Their collaborative efforts continued to bear fruit, each team member contributing their unique skills and perspectives. The room buzzed with creativity and technical expertise, forming a synergy that pushed their project closer to completion.

As the night wore on, lines of code turned into lines of connection, forging a bond among the team members. They were united by a common goal and the determination to succeed. The pressure was relentless, but they were determined to rise to the occasion and prove that their collaboration with IAPC was not just a partnership but a transformative force in the world of art and technology.

As a couple more hours slipped by, the hotel's conference room was now dimly lit, with only Eun-tae, Hei-ran, and Dae-hyun remaining. Ji-eun and Seo-jin had taken their leave, recognizing the need for rest.

With a sense of accomplishment, Dae-hyun let out a triumphant "All done!" as he finally completed his part of the task. He swivelled his chair to face Hei-ran, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Hei-ran, how far along are you with your part?"

"I'm not far off either. I just have a bit of trouble translating some words from our meeting notes. Especially those technical terms we discussed," Hei-ran, her gaze fixed on her laptop screen, replied,

"Hei-ran, it's already 2 in the morning. Dae-hyun and I can take it from here. You should get some rest," Eun-tae, who had been quietly observing their progress, chimed in,

"I appreciate that, Eun-tae. I'll wrap this up as quickly as I can," Hei-ran looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and gratitude.

"Eun-tae's right, Hei-ran. You've been working tirelessly. Let us handle the final steps," Dae-hyun nodded in agreement.

"I'll stay with you both until you're finished, then we'll all get some rest," Eun-tae smiled, touched by their dedication.

As they resumed their work, Eun-tae couldn't help but glance at his phone. It was well morning wake-up time in Seoul, and he had sent a morning greeting to A-ri, though the message was still unseen for now. He didn't mind waiting; he was simply content knowing that she was enjoying her moments of happiness.

Dae-hyun, now a bit lax, appreciated Eun-tae's leadership and commitment to the team. He silently resolved to ensure the project's success, not just for InnoArtTech but for their entire team.

The minutes ticked away as they pressed on, fueled by determination and camaraderie, ready to see their collaboration with IAPC through to the end.

Eun-tae decided to take a short break and buy some drinks for the team. He turned to Hei-ran and Dae-hyun, a warm smile on his face.

"I'm heading to the vending machine. What would you two like to drink?"

"I'll have a green tea, thank you," Hei-ran considered her choice for a moment.

"I'll take a black coffee," Dae-hyun chimed in.

With their requests noted, Eun-tae made his way out of the conference room in search of the vending machine, leaving Hei-ran and Dae-hyun to their work.

As the seconds passed, Dae-hyun, feeling a bit like a busybody, couldn't help but glance at Hei-ran's laptop screen. He noticed her struggling with a few words in the document and decided to offer his assistance.

"Is there a specific word you're having trouble with?" he asked, trying to be helpful.

"This one here. It's related to the encryption protocols, and I'm not entirely sure how to translate it accurately," Hei-ran hesitated for a moment, then pointed to a particularly complex term.

Dae-hyun leaned closer, his brow furrowing as he examined the word. After a brief moment, he nodded.

"I understand why this might be tricky. I had some training in English before we embarked on this collaboration. It took place in the United Kingdom, so I'm quite confident with my English proficiency."

"I remember you mentioning that training at the airport. But not the place part," Hei-ran nodded, recalling the information she had heard when they first met.

"I should have gone straight to the point back then. So, if there's anything you're uncertain about, don't hesitate to ask. I told you back at the airport, and I'll say it again now – if you need any help, just reach out to me," Dae-hyun smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you, Dae-hyun. I appreciate it," Hei-ran was touched by his willingness to assist.

Just as Hei-ran completed her part of the work flawlessly with Dae-hyun's help, Eun-tae returned to the conference room, struggling a bit as he balanced three different drinks in his hands.

"We're all set, Eun-tae. You can join us in getting some rest now," Dae-hyun, with a sense of accomplishment, turned to Eun-tae and said,

"Well, you should have told me earlier. I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting you those drinks if you were all going to sleep straight away," Eun-tae chuckled, playfully pretending to scold them.

Both Hei-ran and Dae-hyun, not catching the jest, thanked Eun-tae earnestly for the drinks and immediately took sips. Unfortunately, their eagerness resulted in a bit of tongue-burning, causing them to wince simultaneously.

"You two really need to learn the art of patience," Eun-tae laughed good-naturedly at their expense.

As they walked together towards the elevator, Eun-tae's phone suddenly rang. Glancing at the screen, he saw A-ri's name displayed. He excused himself from Hei-ran and Dae-hyun, telling them to go ahead to their rooms while he took the call in the lobby. With a nod, he walked away to find a spot with better reception, eager to hear A-ri's voice on the other end of the line.

As the elevator doors closed and they began walking down the corridor to their rooms, Hei-ran couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Dae-hyun's dedication. She knew he was a valuable member of their team, but there was something more to his commitment that she was curious about.

"Dae-hyun," she began, "I've always wondered what motivated you to become so proficient in English. Your dedication is impressive."

"Well, it's a bit of a personal goal, really," Dae-hyun smiled, his thoughts briefly returning to his past at InnoArtTech.

"Oh? Do you mind sharing it?" Hei-ran raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"When I first joined InnoArtTech, I heard some misconceptions about Eun-tae. People thought that because he was the CEO's son, he had it easy. But I quickly realized that wasn't the case. He worked harder than anyone, often staying late, taking on extra tasks, and going above and beyond," Dae-hyun hesitated for a moment, then decided to share a part of his story.

"It's almost easy to notice that about him too right now. He's truly dedicated to the company," Hei-ran nodded in understanding.

"I was part of the team that worked closely with him. We faced some tough challenges together, and I saw firsthand the incredible effort he put in. It became a sort of unspoken challenge for me. I wanted to keep up with him, to prove that I could be as dedicated as he was," Dae-hyun continued,

"So, that's why you decided to train in the United Kingdom?" Hei-ran listened intently, beginning to grasp the depth of Dae-hyun's determination.

"Yes, exactly. I wanted to overcome my insecurities and be able to stand by Eun-tae's side proudly, not feeling like I was just leeching off his hard work. That's why I worked on my English proficiency and trained extensively. It was a personal mission to be the best I could be for the company," Dae-hyun nodded.

"Well, your hard work has certainly paid off. You've become an indispensable part of our team, Dae-hyun," Hei-ran smiled, a newfound appreciation for her colleague growing.

"Thank you, Hei-ran. And I'm always here to help, just as I promised," Dae-hyun chuckled modestly.

With that, the elevator door slid open, ready to offer them the rest before the demanding day in Munich that awaited them.