
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Nature's Path

Eun-tae and A-ri had arrived at the hiking spot, a picturesque trail that wound its way up a small hill. As they stepped out of the car, Eun-tae couldn't help but notice A-ri's choice of footwear. She had opted for sneakers instead of the elegant heels she often wore. It was a clear sign that she was ready for the challenge of the hike.

A-ri, while not someone who typically ventured into the great outdoors, was eager to test her limits. She had seen photos online of the breathtaking scenery this trail offered, and with the perfect weather that day, she didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Eun-tae, on the other hand, was no stranger to physical activity. He had a set of dumbbells and a yoga mat back in his private room, a regular part of his exercise routine. However, he had yet to replace them after the pipe burst incident. Despite this, he welcomed the chance for a hike, appreciating the change of pace.

As Eun-tae and A-ri made their way up the hill, their breaths slowly syncing with the rhythm of their steps, Eun-tae decided to break the comfortable silence.

"You know, A-ri, one of my dreams is to travel the world," he began a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Oh? Where's the first place you'd go?" A-ri turned to him, her curiosity piqued.

"I've always been drawn to Japan. The rich history, the beautiful landscapes, and the blend of tradition and modernity—it all fascinates me. I'd love to explore Tokyo and Kyoto, and maybe even venture to some of the quieter, rural areas," Eun-tae smiled, his eyes scanning the serene surroundings.

"Japan sounds incredible! I've always wanted to visit too, especially during cherry blossom season. The thought of seeing those delicate pink petals in person… It's magical," A-ri's eyes lit up with interest.

"Absolutely. But what about you, A-ri? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?" Eun-tae nodded in agreement.

"Well, I've always been enchanted by Europe. Italy, in particular, with its rich art and culture, historical cities like Rome and Florence, and of course, the delicious food. Imagine dining in a quaint little Italian trattoria, savouring pasta and sipping wine while overlooking the countryside," A-ri's gaze turned thoughtful as she considered her response.

"Italy, huh? That sounds like a dream. And I can picture you capturing all that beauty with your paintings," Eun-tae grinned.

"You think so?" A-ri blushed at the compliment.

"Absolutely," Eun-tae assured her. "Your art has a way of capturing the essence of a place, making it come alive."

Their conversation continued, weaving through different destinations, travel stories, and the adventures they hoped to embark on someday. As they hiked, their dreams and aspirations became as much a part of their shared journey as the winding trail beneath their feet.

As they began to descend the hill, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They discussed the art they had seen earlier, their favourite pieces, and how their perspectives on art had evolved. The more they talked, the more they discovered shared interests and a growing connection.

But fate had a little surprise in store for them. A-ri caught up in the conversation and the picturesque scenery, missed her footing on a loose stone, and with a surprised yelp, she tumbled forward. Eun-tae, quick to react but not quick enough to prevent the fall, reached out to steady her as she landed.

"A-ri, are you alright?" Eun-tae asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine, just a little slip. No harm done," In that split second, A-ri felt a mix of embarrassment and surprise. She quickly brushed off dirt from her clothes and flashed Eun-tae a reassuring smile.

Eun-tae, however, was less convinced. He knelt to examine her ankle, his face etched with worry. As he gently pressed his fingers around the area, he noticed her flinch, and his concern deepened.

"Your ankle might be sprained," he said, his voice laced with seriousness. "Let me take a look."

A-ri reluctantly agreed, her sense of embarrassment growing. She allowed him to remove her sneakers and socks. The sight of her swollen ankle confirmed Eun-tae's suspicion. He muttered under his breath, his worry evident.

"I should've been more watchful," he mumbled, his gaze fixed on her injury.

"It was my fault for not paying attention," A-ri smiled, trying to ease his concern, even though her face was growing warmer by the second.

But Eun-tae couldn't shake off his worry. Without another word, he gently scooped her up into his arms, just like a princess. A-ri protested, insisting that she could walk, but Eun-tae was resolute.

"No, you can't walk like this. We need to get your ankle treated," he said firmly, his gaze never leaving her face.

"Eun-tae, this is embarrassing. Just put me down, please," A-ri continued to argue, feeling both touched and flustered by his care.

"Fine, get on my back. I don't want to risk you getting hurt further," Eun-tae shook his head, a determined look in his eyes.

And with that, he continued to carry her down the hill, their hearts beating a little faster, not just from the hike but from the unexpected turn their day had taken.

The unfortunate incident had cut their date short. As Eun-tae carefully drove them back to the mansion, A-ri couldn't help but notice how he seemed to pay extra attention to the road, avoiding potholes and bumps as much as possible. His worry for her was palpable, and it warmed her heart.

"Eun-tae, you don't have to stop by the clinic," A-ri reassured him, her voice soft with gratitude. "Just getting me back to the mansion is enough."

"I want to make sure you're okay. We'll get you some ice for that ankle as soon as we're home," Eun-tae nodded, determination in his eyes.

Once they arrived at the mansion, Eun-tae hurriedly got out of the car and rushed over to A-ri's side. With great care, he helped her out of the car, his arms supporting her as he carried her like a princess. A-ri protested, feeling a mix of embarrassment and affection, but Eun-tae was resolute.

"No arguments," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "I want to make sure you don't put any weight on that ankle."

A small smile tugged at the corners of A-ri's lips as she realized why Eun-tae had momentarily frozen at the front door. She reached into her bag, procured the key, and unlocked the door, giggling softly.

"Sorry, I should've done that sooner," she said, her voice filled with amusement.

"You don't have to apologize. Let's get you inside and comfortable," Eun-tae chuckled, the sound warming her heart.

And with that, he carried her into the mansion, their hearts dancing to the rhythm of an unexpected adventure, neither of them realizing just how much closer it had brought them.

With gentle care, Eun-tae settled A-ri into one of the dining table chairs and went to fetch a small towel and some ice. He wet the towel, wrapped it around the ice, and gently cupped it against the swelling on her foot. He kept asking if the pressure hurt her, his eyes filled with concern.

A-ri, not wanting to worry him further, assured him that she felt nothing, even though there was a twinge of pain as the cool sensation touched her swollen skin. She tried to hide it with a reassuring smile.

"I can do this myself, Eun-tae," but before long, A-ri suggested and attempted to snatch the ice towel from him.

Their hands brushed against each other, and as Eun-tae looked up at her, their faces were suddenly incredibly close. For a moment, they simply gazed at each other, caught in the intensity of the moment.

In that electrifying moment, time seemed to stand still for A-ri and Eun-tae. The world outside ceased to exist as their lips met in a kiss that sent shivers down their spines. It was a kiss filled with longing, desire and a sense of something profound and unspoken between them.

A-ri's heart raced in her chest as their lips moved together, a gentle yet passionate dance. She felt a rush of emotions she had never experienced before, a warmth spreading from the pit of her stomach to the tips of her fingers. It was as if a dam had burst, and the flood of feelings she had been holding back came rushing forth.

Eun-tae, too, was overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, matching the rhythm of their kiss. His thoughts, usually so composed and logical, were now a jumble of emotions and desires.

As their lips finally parted, they both gasped for breath, their faces flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. It was a moment they hadn't anticipated, a sudden eruption of their hidden feelings. They both knew that this kiss had changed something between them, something irrevocable.

Eun-tae managed to find his voice, though it wavered slightly.

"I should go get some lunch for us," he said, his cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue. With that, he hurriedly left the dining area, leaving A-ri to grapple with the intensity of their newfound connection and the burning question of what this kiss meant for their evolving relationship.

Okay, another tough 'would you rather' coming in hot.

Would you rather spend a year living in the past, experiencing history firsthand, or spend a year in the future, getting a glimpse of what's to come?

As much as I love to see the future, I feel like relieving the past because you can expect what to happen is better.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts