
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Fate and Technology 

In the sanctum of his office at InnoArtTech, Eun-tae found himself fully immersed in his work. The ambient glow of multiple computer screens illuminated his focused expression as his fingers danced nimbly across the keyboard. Lines of code flowed like a digital river, each keystroke a brushstroke in the masterpiece of software development.

Amidst this orchestrated chaos of algorithms and design elements, Eun-tae's phone buzzed on his desk, its interruption causing a momentary distraction. He glanced at the caller ID, a hint of curiosity tugging at his thoughts – Park Jin-ho, the ever-enthusiastic matchmaker from Eternal Bond. Eun-tae's lips quirked into a half-smile as he picked up the call.

"Mr Park, what brings you to my corner of the digital realm?" Eun-tae's voice exuded both warmth and professionalism.

"Mr Lee, my friend! I hope I'm not disrupting your technological symphony," Jin-ho's voice radiated charm and camaraderie.

"Not at all, Mr Park. Just tackling a particularly intricate project. What's on your mind?" Eun-tae reclined in his chair, a bemused glint in his eyes.

"I wanted to touch base regarding the contract. Have you reached a decision?" Jin-ho's tone shifted subtly, transitioning into a more businesslike demeanour.

"Before I provide my answer, did you manage to reach out to Ms Han and inquire about her stance?" Eun-tae's gaze softened as it drifted towards a framed photograph on his desk – a cherished snapshot of his family during happier times. He released a contemplative breath, a pause that carried the weight of introspection.

"Yes, I did. And I bring good tidings. Ms Han explicitly expressed her intention to align her decision with yours, irrespective of the outcome," Jin-ho's response was swift and affirmative.

"In that case, Mr Park, you can consider my choice finalized. I am prepared to accept the terms of the contract," Eun-tae's heart skipped a beat, a surge of relief coursing through him. A genuine smile graced his features as he spoke.

"Ah, music to my ears, my friend! I've been a matchmaker for years, and I can sense true compatibility when I see it. I'll take care of the necessary arrangements, and you can expect a package at your office shortly," Jin-ho's satisfaction was palpable through the phone.

With the call concluded Eun-tae's office door swung open, ushering in a courier bearing a package. Eun-tae raised an eyebrow at the serendipitous timing, a bemused chuckle escaping him.

The package was deposited onto his desk with a soft thud, and Eun-tae's fingers traced the edges of anticipation as he carefully peeled it open. Within its confines lay a meticulously assembled ensemble of documents – the contract itself, the official marriage certificate, and a collection of photographs. Eun-tae's eyes widened in fascination as he skimmed through the images – a cleverly manipulated visual narrative of him and A-ri, each frame radiating an illusion of intimacy.

One image, in particular, held Eun-tae's attention – a photoshopped depiction of him joyfully ejecting a stream of water from his mouth, an act originally captured during his visit to Eternal Bond's office. The artful alteration portrayed him engaged in a gleeful wedding ritual, evoking a shiver down his spine as he contemplated the depth of surveillance that had been at play.

As he returned the photos to their designated place within the package, one image slipped from his grasp, fluttering gracefully to the floor. Eun-tae retrieved it, his heart inexplicably racing at the sight. The picture portrayed an enchanting tableau – Eun-tae and A-ri locked in an affectionate kiss, both resplendent in wedding attire. Eun-tae's eyes lingered on the image, his fingers unconsciously brushing his lips as if savouring a phantom kiss that had never graced reality.

A sense of awareness washed over him, jolting him from his reverie. With a determined exhale, Eun-tae hastily closed the package and slid it beneath his desk. He resettled himself in his chair, his focus returning to his work, determined to tame the surge of desire and longing that threatened to distract him.

Hours slipped away as Eun-tae buried himself in his professional obligations, the allure of the contract marriage and the enigmatic A-ri temporarily relegated to the periphery. The luminous screens of his office cocooned him in a symphony of productivity, a tangible reminder of his role in shaping the digital world. Yet, despite the ceaseless hum of technological progress, Eun-tae's thoughts would occasionally drift, returning to the tantalizing images that had sparked an inferno of imagination.

The fantasy of the contract, the promise of a connection that transcended the boundaries of practicality, remained an alluring whisper, tempting him with its promise of something deeper, something that defied the confines of logic. But for now, Eun-tae was content to let that whisper linger, to embrace the intricate dance between duty and desire that defined his current reality.

As the hours melted into the embrace of the night, Eun-tae found himself submerged in a sea of algorithms and coding intricacies. His fingers moved with a practised rhythm, dancing across the keyboard as lines of code transformed into a symphony of digital innovation. The hum of technology enveloped him, a cocoon of concentration that shielded him from the world beyond his office walls.

Overtime became a natural progression, a deliberate choice to bring his project to fruition before he would allow himself the luxury of rest. The gentle illumination of his screens cast a soft glow on his features, accentuating the furrow of his brow as he navigated the labyrinth of his tasks. Time seemed to bend and stretch, an abstract concept as he surrendered himself to the pursuit of excellence.

Yet, as the night deepened, a soft, almost melodic knock punctuated the air, pulling Eun-tae from his focused reverie. His head snapped up, surprise alighting in his eyes at the unexpected interruption. The door to his office swung open, revealing Ji-hoon – his uncle and the enigmatic orchestrator of the contract marriage.

"Eun-tae, my boy, burning the midnight oil as usual?" Ji-hoon's voice was laced with amusement, his eyes crinkling with affection as he regarded his dedicated nephew.

"Uncle Ji-hoon, what brings you here at this hour?" Eun-tae straightened in his chair, his features softening into a smile.

"Just checking up on you, of course. Can't have my star employee collapsing from exhaustion," Ji-hoon strolled into the office, a casual grace infusing his every movement.

"I appreciate your concern, Uncle. I'm wrapping up a crucial project. The finish line is within sight," Eun-tae chuckled, a hint of warmth in his tone.

"Ah, the wonders of modern technology. Your father would have been astounded by what you can accomplish here," Ji-hoon's gaze shifted to the screens that bathed Eun-tae in their ethereal glow.

"I often wonder what he would think of all this," a fleeting shadow crossed Eun-tae's expression, a poignant reminder of the legacy he was determined to uphold.

"He'd be bursting with pride, my boy. Just as I am," Ji-hoon's smile softened, his gaze settling on Eun-tae with a blend of pride and nostalgia.

"Speaking of accomplishments, have you and the girl had a chance to reconnect after the day's events?" The conversation pivoted, Ji-hoon's demeanour shifting playfully. "Her name, A-ri, right?"

"Not yet, Uncle. I haven't seen her since I left her at the mansion," Eun-tae's brows furrowed, a thoughtful expression knitting his features.

"So, my curious nephew, have you promised to meet A-ri again?" Ji-hoon leaned against a desk, his gaze fixed on Eun-tae.

"Yes, I told her we would see each other again," Eun-tae nodded, a flicker of anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

"And how do you plan on informing her that you're dropping by?" Ji-hoon's smile deepened, his voice laced with intrigue.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead, to be honest," Eun-tae's expression shifted into one of contemplation, his mind racing to formulate a plan.

"Haven't exchanged contact information, have you?" Ji-hoon's eyebrows arched in mock surprise.

"I can't believe I forgot something so basic," Eun-tae's face contorted into a sheepish expression, his palm connecting softly with his forehead.

"Ah, Eun-tae, you're a brilliant mind but a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to these matters," Ji-hoon's laughter filled the room, a jovial symphony that lightened the atmosphere. "My dear boy, you may be a genius in the world of technology, but it seems you need a bit of guidance in matters of the heart."

"You might be right, Uncle Ji-hoon," Eun-tae couldn't help but chuckle, a sense of camaraderie and familial affection threading through their banter. He then sighed in good-natured resignation, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "I suppose I can't argue with that."

"Well, if you ever need advice or assistance, you know where to find me," Ji-hoon patted Eun-tae's shoulder, his gaze twinkling with mischief. With that, Ji-hoon turned to leave, his steps carrying him towards the door. Before he exited, he glanced back at Eun-tae, his expression a mixture of playfulness and wisdom. "Remember, my boy, life's most intricate puzzles require both intellect and intuition."

As the door closed behind Ji-hoon, Eun-tae's lips curved into a thoughtful smile. His work beckoned, a digital realm of limitless possibilities. But amidst the luminous screens and lines of code, a new puzzle emerged – the enigma of A-ri, the promise of their shared journey, and the myriad paths that lay ahead.

All right reserve. XD

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