
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Business of Artistry

Lee Eun-tae, the poised and astute successor of his father's corporate empire, InnoArtTech, presided over a high-stakes meeting in the sleek, glass-walled boardroom that overlooked the city's sprawling skyline. At just 20 years old, Eun-tae had already demonstrated a remarkable acumen for business, proving his mettle to his father, Lee Seok-ho, and the company's top executives.

The expansive boardroom buzzed with anticipation as the young prodigious executive assumed control of the meeting. He exuded an air of authority that belied his age, and the room fell into an attentive hush. The ambitious project before them was an amalgamation of technology and art – a partnership between a tech conglomerate and an innovative art collective. As the executive launched into the presentation, his voice carried an air of quiet confidence.

"The objective of this collaboration is to establish a bridge between two seemingly disparate realms – art and technology," Eun-tae began, projecting an image onto the screen that illustrated a digital gallery app. "We're creating an immersive platform that redefines the art-viewing experience, while also addressing issues of authenticity and ownership."

As he delved into the details of the project, he was met with a barrage of challenging questions from his seasoned colleagues, many of whom were older and perhaps a touch resentful of the authority granted to the young heir apparent. The questions ranged from technical intricacies to potential market vulnerabilities, each query aimed at testing his expertise.

"How do you intend to tackle the issues of copyright infringement in a digital art space?" questioned a middle-aged executive known for his scepticism.

"We're implementing a blockchain-based authentication system that ensures the veracity of each artwork's provenance. This, combined with our secure encryption protocols, will safeguard against copyright infringements," Eunt-tae's response was poised and measured, revealing his deep understanding of the subject matter.

"You're proposing a radical shift in how art is consumed. How do you expect traditional art enthusiasts to embrace this digital transformation?" Another executive leaned forward, her eyes scrutinizing him.

"Our target audience includes both traditional art enthusiasts and digitally native generations. By providing a seamless interface that retains the essence of gallery viewing while enhancing accessibility, we aim to bridge the gap between these two worlds," Eun-tae met her gaze head-on, his voice unwavering.

"Do you truly believe that this venture will yield profitable returns in the foreseeable future?" A third executive raised an eyebrow warily.

"While profitability is a priority, we're also investing in the potential for cultural enrichment and artistic exploration. By diversifying revenue streams through partnerships and unique monetization models, we can ensure long-term sustainability," Eun-tae lips curled into a confident smile.

As he addressed each question with a blend of unshakable knowledge and diplomatic finesse, his colleagues found themselves increasingly impressed and, perhaps begrudgingly, acknowledging his prowess. It was evident that his ascendancy wasn't merely due to his lineage; he possessed a rare blend of vision, intellect, and adaptability that made him a force to be reckoned with.

The meeting concluded with him outlining the next steps and assigning responsibilities to various teams. As the attendees filtered out of the boardroom, murmurs of admiration and surprise lingered in their wake. Even those who had initially harboured doubts couldn't deny the undeniable talent that he possessed.

Eun-tae reviewed the presentation materials one final time, and a fleeting thought crossed his mind – the artistry he revered in the gallery was not dissimilar to the art of business. Just as a painter skillfully wove colours into a masterpiece, he navigated the complexities of strategy and innovation, transforming his vision into a masterpiece of its own.

As Eun-tae immersed himself in his work, his thoughts briefly turned to the looming announcement of his father's retirement and his impending role as the CEO. The weight of the responsibilities that awaited him didn't escape his mind, but he embraced them with determination, knowing that he was more than capable of carrying on his father's legacy.

Amidst the fast-paced world of corporate dealings and strategic manoeuvring, Eun-tae found solace in his deep appreciation for art. He had always admired the way artistic expression transcended boundaries, capturing emotions and ideas that words often failed to convey. This admiration was more than just an abstract concept – it was deeply personal.

The art gallery he frequented, nestled in the heart of Seoul, was his sanctuary. It was a place where he shed the weight of expectations and allowed his true self to emerge, even if only for a fleeting moment. It was in this world of creativity that Eun-tae truly felt alive, a sentiment he kept guarded from the rigid confines of the corporate realm.

While Eun-tae's mind swirled with thoughts of business and art, his phone vibrated on the table next to him. He glanced at the caller ID and saw his mother's name flashing on the screen. With a sigh, he picked up the call, knowing that declining his mother's invitation was not an option.

"Hello, Mother," Eun-tae greeted in a composed tone.

"Eun-tae, dear, how are you?" his mother's warm voice flowed through the line.

"I'm quite busy at the moment, Mother," Eun-tae replied, his gaze fixed on the sprawling canvas of the digital gallery app.

"Oh, I understand, dear. But I thought it would be nice for us to have a family dinner tonight. Your father and Uncle Ji-hoon will be joining us," his mother's invitation was laced with a subtle hint of insistence.

"Alright, Mother. I'll be there," Eun-tae knew better than to refuse. His family's expectations were as unyielding as the business decisions he navigated daily.

"Ok, good! Dinner will be at the family house. I've asked the maids to prepare your favourite dishes by the way," his mother's enthusiasm was evident.

"Thank you, Mother. I'll meet you tonight," Eun-tae acquiesced before ending the call.

Later that evening, Eun-tae found himself standing before the grand entrance of his family's stately mansion. The imposing façade exuded an air of sophistication, a reflection of his family's standing in society. As he stepped inside, he was greeted by the maids, who bowed respectfully.

"Young master, welcome home," one of the maids chimed.

"Thank you," Eun-tae replied with a polite nod.

He made his way to the dining room, where his parents and Uncle Ji-hoon were already seated. His father, Seok-ho, exuded an aura of authority, his presence commanding attention. Beside him sat Eun-tae's mother, a graceful woman whose warmth contrasted with her husband's stern demeanour. And then there was Uncle Ji-hoon, a shrewd businessman in his own right, who shared a silent partnership with Eun-tae's father in building InnoArtTech.

"Eun-tae, my son, come, have a seat," Seok-ho gestured with a hint of pride in his eyes.

Eun-tae took his place at the table, exchanging pleasantries with his family. The maids served an array of exquisitely prepared dishes, each one a testament to the culinary expertise that permeated every aspect of his family's life.

As the sumptuous dinner progressed, the topic of conversation naturally gravitated toward the future of InnoArtTech. Seated around the polished mahogany table, Eun-tae's family engaged in a discussion that held both business implications and personal significance. Seok-ho, his father and the current CEO of InnoArtTech initiated the discourse.

"My son," Seok-ho began, his eyes fixed on Eun-tae with a mixture of pride and expectation, "the time is approaching for you to assume a greater role within the company."

"I am prepared to shoulder the responsibilities, Father. I've been actively involved in the company's operations and have a clear vision for its future," Eun-tae met his father's gaze, his expression resolute. "And I believe you know better, Father."

"Well, your dedication and proficiency have not gone unnoticed, Eun-tae. InnoArtTech's continued success depends on the seamless transition of leadership," Seok-ho nodded in approval.

"Of course, Eun-tae. The corporate landscape is evolving, and InnoArtTech must adapt to the changing currents. Your ability to bridge the gap between art and technology positions us for a promising future," Ji-hoon, chimed in, his voice carrying a note of sage wisdom.

"Eun-tae, dear, as you take on these significant responsibilities, have you given thought to other aspects of your life?" As the conversation flowed, Mi-young, Eun-tae's mother, seized an opportune moment to interject.

Eun-tae's expression remained composed, but a hint of apprehension flickered in his eyes. He knew all too well what his mother was alluding to. Marriage – a topic that had been a recurring theme in their recent interactions.

"It's important to find balance, my dear. A successful career is one thing, but a fulfilling personal life is equally essential," Mi-young continued, her tone gentle yet deliberate.

"Mother, I appreciate your concern. But rest assured, I am committed to my duties and understand the importance of building a well-rounded life," Eun-tae's grip on his fork tightened imperceptibly as he mustered a faint smile.

The topic of marriage had become a persistent thorn in his side, a relentless undercurrent in their conversations that threatened to drown out everything else. Each well-intentioned inquiry about his personal life only fueled his growing frustration.

"You know that I only want what's best for you, Eun-tae. A loving partner can provide support and companionship on this journey," Mi-young's gaze softened, her maternal instincts prevailing. Her words, while well-meaning, felt like a broken record to Eun-tae's ears, a constant reminder of the expectations heaped upon him.

"If you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air," Eun-tae's smile remained, but his patience waned. He had heard variations of this sentiment countless times, and each instance tested his composure. The mere mention of marriage, even if delivered with the gentlest intentions, ignited a simmering annoyance within him.

Stepping out into the tranquil garden, Eun-tae inhaled deeply, allowing the cool breeze to clear his thoughts. He leaned against a stone railing, his gaze fixed on the moonlit landscape. The pressure of expectations, both familial and professional, weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The burden of upholding the family legacy, of stepping into his father's shoes, was an immense responsibility that he did not take lightly. Yet, amidst the weight of his duties, the incessant prodding about his marital status felt like an unnecessary intrusion into his carefully structured life.

Eun-tae's frustration with the topic of marriage was not merely rooted in irritation; it was a clash between tradition and his personal beliefs. He yearned for the freedom to define his path, to make choices that resonated with his aspirations. The notion of being tethered to someone solely to appease societal expectations was antithetical to his philosophy.

As he gazed at the moon, its luminous glow casting a serene aura over the garden, Eun-tae contemplated the dichotomy between his public persona as a confident and capable business executive and the private struggle he grappled with. The persistent pressure to conform to conventions, even within the confines of his own family, grated against his desire for autonomy.

He had always been one to chart his course, to navigate uncharted waters with a sense of purpose. The idea of surrendering that autonomy, even in the context of something as significant as marriage, left him with a sense of unease. Eun-tae's frustration had transformed into a quiet resolve – a determination to safeguard his independence, even if it meant challenging the expectations of those closest to him.

In the distance, the soft rustle of leaves and the faint chirping of crickets created a soothing symphony. The moon, a silent witness to his contemplation, seemed to offer a glimmer of understanding. As Eun-tae stood there, enveloped by the tranquillity of the night, he realized that the path he chose would ultimately define not only his legacy but also his sense of self.

Thank you very much to you, yes you, the person that put this web novel into their collection. Although mine is still far off the top ten, I hope we can get it by the time this contest end.

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