
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Bridging Bonds

The night was gently cloaking the mansion in its embrace as Eun-tae made his way towards the entrance. A-ri followed suit, the soft glow of the lights casting a warm aura around them. Eun-tae bent down to slip on his shoes, his fingers deftly securing the laces. He was almost ready to bid A-ri goodnight when her voice broke the silence.

"Was your only reason for coming here tonight to drop off that box?" A-ri's voice held a curious lilt, her eyes fixed on him.

Eun-tae's movements stilled as her question hung in the air. He glanced up at A-ri, his eyes narrowing slightly as he remembered the true purpose of his visit.

"Actually, no," he met her gaze, his expression steady.

A-ri's brows lifted in surprise, curiosity etched across her features. Eun-tae's words had caught her off guard, and she waited for him to continue.

"I have one more thing I wanted to discuss with you," Eun-tae began, his tone thoughtful. "You see, A-ri, this contract marriage is meant to satisfy both parties involved."

"Go on," A-ri tilted her head slightly, her curiosity deepening.

"I helped you with your financial struggles, and in return, you've been fulfilling your role as my companion," Eun-tae's lips curved into a gentle smile as he continued.

"Well, I've been keeping you company, haven't I?" A playful glint danced in A-ri's eyes.

"Well, you have. But there's one more part of the contract that we haven't addressed yet," Eun-tae chuckled, his laughter warm and genuine.

"What is it?" A-ri's playful demeanour shifted, her expression becoming more attentive.

"Meeting my mother," Eun-tae's gaze held a hint of mischief as he leaned closer.

"Your mother?" A-ri blinked, her surprise evident.

"Yes. You see, my mother has been... quite persistent about my marriage prospects. And now that she knows I'm now married, she's eager to meet you," Eun-tae nodded, his smile softening.

"But... what if she doesn't like me?" A-ri's eyes widened, the implications sinking in. She suddenly felt a flutter of anxiety as thoughts swirled in her mind.

"My mother isn't like the villains in those dramas, A-ri. She's a kind woman, and I'm sure she'll like you just fine," Eun-tae's voice was reassuring, his gaze unwavering.

"What if she asks me difficult questions?" A-ri's lips parted, her uncertainty still lingering.

"Well, I won't know exactly what she'll ask, but just be yourself. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not," Eun-tae shrugged playfully.

"You really think she'll be okay with me?" A-ri's anxiety began to ease, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"I believe so. Just the fact that her son is now married has already put her at ease," Eun-tae's gaze held genuine warmth.

"I appreciate your confidence, Eun-tae," A-ri bit her lip, her emotions warring within her.

"A-ri, I understand that this might be a lot for you to take on. But I want you to know that you don't have to do this alone," Eun-tae's eyes softened his voice tender.

"Eun-tae, I've imposed on your kindness enough. This time, I want to do what I can to make this arrangement work. So, if that means meeting your mother, then I'll do it," before Eun-tae could continue, A-ri's voice interrupted him, her determination shining through

"You're incredible, A-ri," A fond smile tugged at Eun-tae's lips, his admiration evident.

"I should be heading back now," with their conversation drawing to a close, Eun-tae stood up from the bench and headed towards his car.

"Wait, Eun-tae," A-ri's voice stopped him before he could take another step.

"What is it?" He turned to look at her, his gaze inquiring.

"About the debit card... Is it really alright for me to use it for personal things? I haven't used it at all, and I don't want to overstep," A-ri's expression held a touch of uncertainty.

"A-ri, using the card is in line with our agreement. I'm here to help you with your financial status, remember? So feel free to use it as you see fit," Eun-tae's smile was reassuring, his voice gentle.

"Thank you, Eun-tae," A-ri's shoulders relaxed, a weight lifting off her chest.

"Goodnight, A-ri," he nodded, his gaze warm.

"Goodnight, Eun-tae."

As Eun-tae's car disappeared into the night, A-ri was left alone in the mansion once again. Her thoughts swirled with a mix of determination and anticipation, as she prepared herself for the new chapter that lay ahead.

As the night stretched on, the air grew heavy with a sense of anticipation that refused to wane. The conversation with Eun-tae had ignited a fire within A-ri, sparking a determination to face the challenges that lay ahead. With renewed energy, she delved into her research, determined to unravel the complexities of being a good daughter-in-law.

A-ri's phone screen illuminated her focused expression as she navigated through articles and forums. Etiquette, appearance, and demeanour – these were the puzzle pieces she hoped to piece together. However, the more she read, the more her head spun. The explanations and terms seemed like a foreign language, and frustration gnawed at her.

In a moment of desperation, A-ri dialled a familiar number, her heart racing as she waited for a response. The call was picked up almost immediately, and Na-yeon's voice filled the air – a soothing balm to A-ri's anxious mind.

"Hey, A-ri! Did I catch you at a bad time?" Na-yeon's cheerful tone conveyed the genuine affection they held for each other.

"No, not at all. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," A-ri released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Just writing an article, no biggie," Na-yeon replied with a hint of playfulness. "What's up?"

"I... I wanted to talk to you about something. You know, about Eun-tae's mother," A-ri's voice held a mix of determination and uncertainty.

"Oh, spill the details, girl!" Na-yeon's curiosity was instantly piqued.

"Well, you see, I... One day, I might have to meet Eun-tae's mother," A-ri chuckled softly, appreciating Na-yeon's enthusiasm.

"Wait, seriously?" Na-yeon's voice was laced with intrigue. "Tell me everything!"

And so, A-ri launched into a detailed account of the events that had unfolded that evening – from Eun-tae's unexpected visit to the mansion to their candid conversation about meeting his mother.

Na-yeon listened intently, interjecting with exclamations and questions, her curiosity insatiable. A-ri's storytelling skills were put to the test as she recounted every detail, from the moments of humour to the tender exchanges that had passed between her and Eun-tae.

"And that's where I need your help, Na-yeon," as the narrative reached the climax of her impending meeting with Eun-tae's mother, A-ri let out a sigh.

"Wow, A-ri, you've gotten yourself into something, huh?" Na-yeon's laughter was contagious, easing A-ri's nerves.

"Tell me about it," A-ri replied with a hint of exasperation. "But seriously, I've been looking up all this etiquette stuff online, and I have no idea what half of it means. It's like reading a foreign language."

"Yeah, I get it. Those things can get pretty confusing. But don't worry, I've got your back. Let me teach you the ropes," Na-yeon chuckled knowingly.

"Thank you, Na-yeon. I really appreciate it," A-ri's relief was palpable.

"Of course! We'll turn you into the perfect daughter-in-law in no time," Na-yeon said, her tone lighthearted. "How about I come over tomorrow? We can go through everything together."

"That sounds great, but... I'm not sure if that's okay. I mean, I don't want to breach our agreement about having people over," A-ri hesitated, her mind racing.

"Oh, come on, A-ri. You can make an exception for me, right? Plus, it's for a good cause," Na-yeon's voice held a hint of mischief.

"Alright, alright. I'll text Eun-tae and ask if it's okay. If he agrees, you're welcome to come," A-ri's lips curved into a smile.

"Perfect! Just let me know, and we'll start preparing you to charm that man's mom," Na-yeon's excitement was palpable.

As the call ended, A-ri felt a mixture of determination and gratitude. The night that had once seemed poised to grow late had suddenly regained its youthful energy. With Na-yeon's guidance and Eun-tae's support, she was ready to face the challenges ahead, one step at a time.

The mansion was cloaked in the hush of the night as A-ri made her way back to the guest bedroom. Her steps were both purposeful and contemplative, a reflection of the whirlwind of thoughts that swirled within her mind. The weight of the impending meeting with Eun-tae's mother lingered, a constant reminder of the path she had embarked upon.

Entering the guest bedroom, A-ri let out a soft sigh and allowed herself to slump onto the plush bed. Her gaze drifted to the empty canvas stand that stood nearby, a reminder of the artistry she had been so eager to resume. She had planned to immerse herself in her work, to channel her emotions and thoughts onto the canvas. Yet, the unexpected turn of events had shifted her focus elsewhere.

As A-ri stared at the blank canvas, a pang of regret tugged at her. She was supposed to have at least started, to make progress on the piece that had been aching to burst forth from her soul. But the day's events had taken her on a different trajectory, leading her away from the art that had become her solace.

With a weariness that settled deep within her bones, A-ri realized that she was allowing herself to succumb to exhaustion. The mental and emotional energy she had expended had left her drained, and her body longed for rest. The bed beckoned to her, a sanctuary of comfort where she could briefly escape the pressures of her current reality.

A-ri shifted on the bed, nestling herself into the soft embrace of the pillows and blankets. Her eyelids grew heavy, and a sense of surrender washed over her. The thoughts that had been swirling around her mind began to dissipate, replaced by a soothing sense of calm.

Before long, the world around her faded away, and A-ri's breathing deepened as she succumbed to sleep's gentle embrace. Dreams and thoughts intertwined, creating a tapestry of fleeting images and sensations. The canvas that had eluded her earlier now lay forgotten, a testament to the unpredictable nature of life's twists and turns.

And as the night wore on, A-ri's slumber remained undisturbed, a brief respite from the challenges and uncertainties that awaited her on the horizon.

Hey, I thought that I'll be using this section to ask some 'would you rather' questions. Today is:

Would you rather have the ability to fly, but only as fast as a snail, or be invisible, but only when nobody is looking?

I think the invisibility is better. I mean, if you can stay out of sight then the power surely is working.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts