
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

A Tipsy Departure (R18)

As Hei-ran's tipsiness escalated, her behaviour began to attract more attention. She laughed a little too loudly at Eun-tae's jokes, and her flushed cheeks and slurred speech were becoming increasingly evident. Dae-hyun, concerned for her well-being and not wanting her to embarrass herself, leaned in to suggest that they excuse themselves from the dinner.

"Excuse me for a moment," Dae-hyun said politely to the table, hoping to not disrupt the ongoing festivities. "I think it's best if we head back to the lounge. Hei-ran isn't feeling too well."

"Yeah, lounge sounds fun too!" Hei-ran leaned on him for support, her laughter bubbling over as she hiccuped,

The others at the table, while amused by Hei-ran's tipsy antics, understood Dae-hyun's concern and nodded in agreement. They bid the departing duo farewell, with Eun-tae promising to catch up with them later.

Dae-hyun helped Hei-ran stand up, his arm gently supporting her as they made their way out of the private dining area and back to the lounge. The corridor leading to the lounge was dimly lit, and Hei-ran's laughter echoed through the empty space.

Once inside the lounge, Dae-hyun found a quiet corner and helped Hei-ran settle into a comfortable chair. She continued to giggle uncontrollably, her cheeks rosy with inebriation. Dae-hyun smiled at her, a mixture of amusement and concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay, Hei-ran?" he asked, his tone gentle.

"I'm having a great time, Dae-hyun," Hei-ran, her laughter subsiding into a contented smile, nodded enthusiastically.

Dae-hyun chuckled softly and decided to stay with her in the lounge, keeping an eye on her until she sobered up. Despite the awkwardness of earlier, he felt a growing sense of camaraderie between them, and he didn't want to leave her alone in her current state.

As they made their way back to the lounge, Hei-ran's steps became increasingly unsteady. Her tipsy state had robbed her of her coordination, and despite Dae-hyun's support, she suddenly tripped over her own feet and stumbled forward, her arms flailing comically as if she were trying to fly.

Before she could faceplant, Dae-hyun's quick reflexes came to the rescue. He reached out, his strong arms wrapping around her, and pulled her back to safety. Hei-ran let out an embarrassed giggle, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Whoops, I guess I'm not the most graceful after a few drinks," she slurred, her words coming out as a playful jest.

"No worries, Hei-ran. It happens to the best of us," Dae-hyun chuckled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Hei-ran, still leaning against him for support, couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at his kindness. Even in her inebriated state, she recognized the caring and protective nature of his actions. It made her heart flutter in a way she couldn't fully comprehend.

As they continued down the corridor, Hei-ran's thoughts swirled in a tipsy haze. She felt strangely safe and comfortable in Dae-hyun's arms, her head resting against his chest. Despite her slightly foggy mind, she couldn't deny the fluttering sensation in her stomach, and her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink.

Dae-hyun, for his part, carried her with a tenderness that surprised even himself. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt toward Hei-ran, but he also knew that they had to tread carefully, especially considering the complexities of their working relationship.

"This is much better, isn't it?" he murmured to Hei-ran as he carried her effortlessly. "No more tripping over your own feet."

Hei-ran, gazing up at him with a soft, tipsy smile, couldn't agree more. In this moment, cradled in Dae-hyun's arms, the world felt a little less complicated, and a little more magical.

Dae-hyun had just set Hei-ran down gently on the bed in the lounge, her tipsy state still evident as she swayed slightly. He handed her a bottle of water, urging her to take small sips to help ease the effects of the alcohol.

"Drink this, Hei-ran," he advised, concern evident in his voice. "It'll help with the hangover tomorrow. You should get some rest now."

As he made to stand up and leave her to rest, Hei-ran's tipsy grip found his arm, tugging gently but insistently. Her eyes, glazed with a mix of alcohol and something more profound, met his.

"Stay," she murmured, her voice soft and slightly slurred.

Dae-hyun hesitated for a moment, unsure of her intentions. Did she simply want someone to keep her company as she drifted off to sleep? He decided to oblige and sat back down beside her.

But what happened next took him completely by surprise. Before he could react, Hei-ran's lips met his in a soft, lingering kiss. His initial instinct was to pull away, to remind her that they needed to be cautious, especially given their working relationship. But her hand, warm and gentle, found the back of his head, and she deepened the kiss.

Dae-hyun's resistance melted away slowly like ice yielding to the warmth of the sun. He found himself responding to her kiss, his hand coming to rest on her waist as they continued to share this unexpectedly passionate moment.

Their kisses deepened, becoming more fervent as their tongues danced together in a passionate tangle. As the intensity of their embrace grew, so did the exploration of each other's bodies. Fingers traced patterns on the skin, and hands found their way to places that were both intimate and electric.

When they finally broke the kiss, both of them were breathless, their hearts racing. Hei-ran, her voice husky with desire, confessed her longing.

"I need you to embrace me, Dae-hyun. Please, hold me close."

"Do you... Are you in love with me, Hei-ran?" Dae-hyun, still trying to maintain some semblance of rationality in this heated moment, couldn't help but ask.

Hei-ran's eyes, though filled with a certain level of intoxication, also held a depth of sincerity. She looked at him with unwavering determination.

"Yes, Dae-hyun. I've fallen for you."

"But, Hei-ran, you're... you're not in the right state of mind. Your feelings might be clouded by the alcohol," Dae-hyun's brow furrowed as he attempted to push back the overwhelming emotions threatening to engulf him.

In response, Hei-ran tightened her grip on him, her body now hovering over his.

"I know what I feel, Dae-hyun," she insisted, her voice firm. "Even in my intoxicated state, I've never been more sure. You've always been there for me, caring for me, helping me. And right now, it's you who's here, taking care of me."

With that, she pressed her lips to his again, her kiss demanding and passionate, as if to convey her feelings through their connection.

"Hei-ran, this isn't right. You're not in control of your actions right now," Dae-hyun hesitated, still grappling with the morality of the situation.

"Dae-hyun, running away is also a choice, and it's a cowardly one," Hei-ran's eyes flashed with a mix of desire and frustration.

Feeling the weight of her words, Dae-hyun let out a deep sigh, as if he was surrendering to the inevitable. He began to undress, his hands trembling with a mixture of desire and uncertainty. With his shirt removed, he cleared his throat, trying to maintain some semblance of control. He whispered to Hei-ran.

"Whatever happens tonight, I'll take responsibility for it."

Hei-ran smiled, her eyes filled with a longing that mirrored his own. She began to unbutton her blouse, but before she could finish, Dae-hyun's hand gently grazed over hers, finishing the task. He then expertly unhooked her skirt, letting it slide down her legs.

Now lying underneath him, Hei-ran was clad in nothing but sexy black lace underwear. Dae-hyun couldn't help but be taken aback by her choice of lingerie for the dinner occasion. Had she anticipated this turn of events? As his eyes drank in the sight of her, he couldn't help but be reminded of her black bikini from earlier. Both outfits accentuated her sexiness in different ways, and he found himself at a loss for words.

"You look incredibly sexy, Hei-ran. I'm sorry I didn't mention how beautiful you looked in the swimsuit earlier," he finally spoke, his voice laced with admiration.

Hei-ran's sultry voice whispered seductively as she continued her tantalizing ministrations on Dae-hyun, her fingers expertly tracing every inch of his desire-filled form. "You see, Dae-hyun," she purred, her lips tantalizingly close to his ear, "there's something even more beautiful waiting for you once we shed these last layers."

Dae-hyun's breath caught in his throat, his senses overwhelmed by Hei-ran's femme fatale-like allure. As she knelt before him, her actions deliberate and sensual, he watched in anticipation as she skillfully unbuckled his belt, letting it fall to the floor with a soft clink. His boxer shorts, now the sole barrier between them, clung tightly to his form, revealing the undeniable bulge of his eager manhood, straining against its confines.

With a seductive smile, Hei-ran slowly peeled down his boxer shorts, releasing his throbbing desire into the cool air. It sprang forth, fully aroused and eager to be embraced by her touch. Hei-ran's fingers, long and graceful, began to trace delicate patterns along his length, her touch electric and maddening.

Dae-hyun remained frozen, caught in the web of Hei-ran's sensuality. It was as if he were bound by invisible chains, powerless to resist her allure. His body responded to her touch, every stroke sending waves of pleasure coursing through him.

As Hei-ran's stimulation intensified, Dae-hyun's moans of pleasure grew more urgent. He was on the precipice of ecstasy, his body on the verge of surrendering to her seductive prowess. And just when he thought the pleasure could not reach a higher peak, the wet and slippery sensation of her tongue joined the tantalizing mix.

Hei-ran became a succubus of desire, her mouth enveloping him with a hunger that mirrored his own. Her skilled movements pushed Dae-hyun to the brink of ecstasy, his cries of pleasure filling the room.

Unable to hold back any longer, Dae-hyun finally succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure. He cried out as he reached the pinnacle of desire, releasing himself into the warm confines of Hei-ran's mouth. She accepted him eagerly, swallowing every drop with an intoxicating sensuality that left him breathless.

Once their passionate moment had passed, Hei-ran withdrew with a sultry smile, her lips glistening with the remnants of their shared desire. She met Dae-hyun's gaze, her eyes smouldering with satisfaction, and then playfully showed him her empty mouth, a silent promise of what more was to come in their passionate encounter.


Again, I forgot to write anything here as I was scheduling the coming 10 chapters. I need a reminder for real.

P.S. Hey, another R18 chapter up and of course, not the main character yet. But don't worry. It won't take long till it posted

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts