
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

A Private Meeting

"I'm sorry, A-ri, but I need to take this important call from the office. It won't take long, I promise." while the lively conversations continued to buzz around her, Eun-tae leaned in closer to A-ri, his warm breath tickling her ear.

A-ri nodded understandingly, giving him an encouraging smile. They exchanged a quick handhold, and Eun-tae excused himself from the table.

Left alone amidst the vibrant crowd, A-ri navigated the sea of faces with grace. She conversed with a couple more guests who were eager to learn about her winning artwork and her artistic journey. Her genuine passion and humility endeared her to those she spoke to, leaving a lasting impression.

However, as the minutes stretched on, A-ri began to feel slightly overwhelmed by the attention. She was grateful for the interest in her work but couldn't help but long for Eun-tae's reassuring presence by her side. Just when she was considering stepping away for a moment of respite, a well-dressed man approached her, a staff tag from the venue, "Palette of Dreams," pinned to his lapel.

"Good evening, Miss Lee. I hope you're enjoying the event?" With a courteous smile, the man introduced himself.

"Yes, it's been quite an incredible evening. Everyone here is so passionate about art," A-ri returned his smile, grateful for a momentary diversion.

"Indeed, art has a unique way of bringing people together. If you don't mind, Mr Gal would like to meet you in a private room to discuss something of importance," the man nodded appreciatively.

A-ri's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Gal Hyun-ki. She'd heard his name earlier in the evening, but she couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and excitement at the prospect of a private meeting with such an influential figure. The person who handpicked her artwork to be exact.

"I'd be honoured to meet Mr Gal," A-ri replied with a touch of excitement.

The venue staff member led her through the bustling crowd and into a private room adorned with exquisite artwork. It was an oasis of serenity amidst the event's lively atmosphere. The room's ambience was enhanced by soft lighting that accentuated the paintings on display.

As A-ri entered the room, she spotted Hyun-ki, a distinguished man with an air of sophistication. He was examining a painting on the wall, his eyes focused and thoughtful. When he turned to greet A-ri, there was a warm smile on his face.

"Miss Lee, I've been looking forward to meeting you," Hyun-ki said, extending his hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Gal Hyun-ki. Your words during the opening speech were truly inspiring," A-ri shook his hand, feeling a sense of awe mixed with gratitude.

"Thank you, my dear. It's not often that we come across artists with such exceptional talent and passion. Your artwork has left a lasting impression on me, and I believe it has the potential to captivate the world," Hyun-ki's eyes twinkled with appreciation.

"I'm truly honoured by your words, Mr Galn-ki. I pour my heart and soul into every piece I create," A-ri's heart swelled with gratitude at his words. She felt a deep sense of validation for her art.

"That dedication and authenticity are precisely what caught my attention. I believe that great things are in store for you, Miss Lee," Hyun-ki gestured for them to sit in the room's elegant chairs.

As they settled into conversation, A-ri couldn't help but feel that her journey in the world of art was taking an unexpected and thrilling turn. The private meeting with Hyun-ki promised to unveil new opportunities and horizons, and she was eager to see where this encounter would lead.

Mr Gal Hyun-ki's inquiry about her marital status took A-ri slightly by surprise. She nodded and smiled warmly.

"Yes, I'm happily married to Eun-tae. He's incredibly supportive of my art."

At the mention of Eun-tae's name, Hyun-ki seemed to ponder for a moment, his eyes gazing into the distance as if recalling something.

"Ah, Eun-tae," he said, his voice tinged with a sense of familiarity. "Lee Eun-tae, the CEO of InnoTechArt, if I'm not mistaken?"

A-ri blinked, slightly taken aback by Mr Gal Hyun-ki's knowledge of her husband's profession.

"Yes, that's him. How did you—"

"Ah, well," Hyun-ki interjected with a charming smile. "The world of art and technology often intersect. I've heard of Eun-tae's company, and I believe we might have crossed paths professionally at some point."

A-ri couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed. Eun-tae had mentioned collaborations and partnerships, but she wasn't aware of any direct connections between him and Hyun-ki. Nevertheless, she brushed aside her curiosity, assuming that it was simply a small-world coincidence.

As their conversation continued, Hyun-ki shifted the topic from art to more personal matters, expressing a keen interest in A-ri's thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. His questions and comments began to tread the line between professional admiration and a more unsettling fascination.

A-ri started to feel uncomfortable, sensing an unusual intensity in Hyun-ki's demeanour. His body language shifted as he leaned closer, his eyes locking onto hers. A-ri's heart raced, and she tried to stand, but her body seemed frozen, paralyzed by the intensity of his gaze.

Just as the situation began to spiral into unsettling territory, the room's door was thrown open with a forceful slam. Eun-tae stormed into the room, his eyes ablaze with fury and concern. He moved swiftly to stand between Hyun-ki and A-ri, his protective instinct kicking in.

"Get away from my wife!" Eun-tae's voice rang with a deep, threatening tone. His hand shot out to push Hyun-ki back, creating a physical barrier between them.

Hyun-ki seemed momentarily stunned by Eun-tae's sudden entrance and assertive actions. He stepped back, his gaze shifting from A-ri to Eun-tae, his expression a mix of surprise and intrigue.

Eun-tae's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and genuine joy as he locked eyes with the familiar face of his old friend.

"Hyun-ki? Is that really you? How long has it been?"

Hyun-ki, his initial surprise giving way to warmth, chuckled softly.

"Eun-tae, my old friend! It has been far too long. I didn't expect to see you here," he said, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia and genuine pleasure.

Their unexpected reunion amid the peculiar circumstances brought genuine smiles to their faces. As Eun-tae and Hyun-ki shared a warm handshake and an even warmer embrace, it felt as though the years that had passed since their college days melted away.

"Remember those late-night study sessions and endless debates about art and philosophy?" Hyun-ki reminisced, his eyes twinkling with shared memories.

"How could I forget? Those were some of the best times of my life," Eun-tae nodded, a fond grin on his face.

As they exchanged stories about their journeys post-college, the unsettling memory of Hyun-ki's recent actions toward A-ri weighed on Eun-tae's mind. It was a topic he couldn't avoid addressing any longer.

"Hyun-ki, about what just happened..." Eun-tae began, his tone serious yet tinged with concern.

"I apologize, Eun-tae. I didn't mean to make A-ri uncomfortable. It's just that she's such an intriguing person," Hyun-ki's smile faded, replaced by a more solemn expression.

"Hyun-ki, she's my wife. You should respect her boundaries," Eun-tae's protectiveness flared up once more, and he leaned in slightly, his voice firm.

"Of course, Eun-tae. I crossed a line, and I apologize for that. It won't happen again," Hyun-ki nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Their conversation took a more serious turn as they addressed the recent events, but Hyun-ki couldn't resist a teasing comment.

"You know, Eun-tae, you've always been a man of mystery. It's not often I see you this protective. What's your secret to winning such a lovely lady's heart?"

As he spoke, Hyun-ki's hand began to drift subtly in A-ri's direction, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Eun-tae, ever watchful, gently but firmly slapped his hand away, a warning in his gesture.

"I see you're not one to share your secrets easily. That only makes me more curious," Hyun-ki chuckled, his charismatic demeanour undiminished.

As Eun-tae and Hyun-ki conversed, a thoughtful look crossed Hyun-ki's face. He realized that he had unintentionally caused discomfort and tension in the reunion. Clearing his throat, he spoke sincerely.

"Eun-tae, I didn't intend for things to turn out this way. I owe you both an apology."

Eun-tae's stern expression softened slightly as he nodded for Hyun-ki to continue.

Hyun-ki continued.

"I'm genuinely interested in catching up and getting to know A-ri better, not causing any harm. If you're willing, perhaps we can all sit down together sometime soon, just like old times. I'll make sure to keep things respectful and pleasant."

"All right, Hyun-ki, but let's keep it friendly and respectful," Eun-tae considered Hyun-ki's words. He knew the history they shared, and there was a time when they were close friends.

"Thank you, Eun-tae. I appreciate your understanding. We'll find a time that works for everyone," Hyun-ki offered a warm smile, relieved that Eun-tae was open to resolving the situation.

With that, the tension between them began to dissipate, and a sense of resolution hung in the air. They rejoined the invitational dinner, each with a newfound commitment to rebuilding their friendship and ensuring that A-ri felt comfortable in their presence.