

The young beautiful girl had just finished high school. Yes she was the young beautiful girl, by name Ashley Fray.

She thought of almost nothing but dreams and aspirations. She made plans while waiting for her admission to be accepted by the school. She applied for an admission into college, law to be precise in July. She had felt as if fate was playing a big trick on her as her patience was running.

Ashley's family had been very supportive, especially her mom and junior sister.

She had four junior siblings, of which she was the first daughter. Her parents were Anthony Fray and Francisca Fray. Her sisters are by name Kelly and Kenzie while het brothers are Kyle and Dylan. Kelly is directly after Ashley, followed by Kyle, then there's Dylan and the baby of the family Kenzie. Her best friends Charlotte and Daina had also gotten admission into college which made her have mixed feelings about her situation but at the same time was so happy for them. They also encouraged her and they frequently hanged out.

Five months had already passed and still no admission. On the 24th right before Christmas, she logged on to her admission site and saw her admission letter, she was already busting with happiness, at the same time so nervous. Ashley called out for her mom and she came in quickly, "Ashley what is it, she said". Francisca saw the laptop turned on and immediately understood what she saw, she read the admission letter out loud and truly Ashley got admitted, but it was into the Department of political science. She didn't mind as she was very happy to be admitted even if it was not the course of her choice. That was the best Christmas gift she had received, she was so grateful to God.

December was really awesome for her as she already begun making preparations, Kelly also helped and they were so emotional while at it because they grew really close as sisters. "Kelly I will miss you, Ashley said" , she smiled and said the same.

She left for school in January, her parents drove her to the park, she hugged them and they wished her lots of success and prayed for me.

She felt like a new phase of her life had began.

Ashley finally boarded the boss and left for school.

She got to the hostel she was assigned to and met her new room mate Tina. Tina was so lovely, pretty and tall, she was a senior and in her final year. She was making preparations for her final year project. She welcomed Ashley and treated her like a little sister.

The following day, Ashley left for the schools Admission bloc to submit all the documents needed to get her registered into the school system as a new student-a freshman. Although it took eight hours of queueing, her purpose for that day was accomplished.

The next day, she resumed classes, when she got to her department, it was so big she in a way became lost. She began to ask students their department and level until she met Susan who belonged to her department and was also a freshman, she was relieved but unfortunately Susan was also new to the school environment so she did not know where the lecture hall was located. Ashley sighed and she thought to herself "at least two heads are better than one".

They continued their search together until a girl suddenly shouted "I am also in political science" she introduced herself as Emily, she didn't know the lecture hall aswell and so the three of them resumed the search and they met Jane who finally knew the hall. On getting there, classes were already over but the good thing was they finally located the hall, they met with the course representative, in other words "class captain", a term used in her college and he immediately added them to the class group to enable them know the class schedule and every important information about the department of political science.

Susan, Emily, Jane and Ashley exchanged contacts and left for their various hostels. Ashley went home happily and explained everything to Tina over the launch she prepared. Indeed Tina was a good cook.

Later that day, Tina went into the school to get her documents sorted out with her supervisor and Ashley finally had her alone time. She called Kelly and told her about her first experiences in school, she told her about the new friends she had made and how she met and they conversed for a long time.

The following day, Susan called Ashley and they met in front of their department as agreed, there they left to attend lectures. Immediately they entered the lecture hall Ashley spotted Emily siting in the front row and she informed Gabriella so they went to sit with her.

Ashley was so nervous and eager because that was the first ever lecture she was attending. Lectures went smoothly and she was so attentive. After lectures, she went straight to the hostel. Had her launch, revised the course they had that day as she was very disciplined on her routine.