
first step 1

Odin walked to work absent minded. He just allowed his legs to lead him. "How will I begin", he asked himself. " well I should just enroll in a martial art school" , he reasoned.

" Hey watch where you are going", Odin suddenly heard the voice of a man. Odin returned back to earth. Odin just bumped into an old man carry several boxes and in the process , the boxes had fallen to the ground. " I am very sorry sir." Odin replied in a respectful manner. "it's alright, just don't think too much while walking", the old man responded, " you could get hit by a truck" the old man continued.

For a second, Odin thought that death would be the beat option to his predicament. But suddenly he remembered his little sister, she would fell devastated, and how would she survive. He quickly shook the evil thought out of his head, and besides he still had the achieve his goal.

After helping the old man with the boxes Odin said" okay sir, I will be on my way now" , he stood and fixed his cloth." okay, be careful" the old man replied. " I will".

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( 1:00pm)-

Odin just closed from work. He was for the morning shift. Odin could hear the ringing of bells indicating closure, as he drew near to his sisters school.

when his sister saw him she immediately ran to him and jumped on his body. He and his sister had a good relationship since they had no one else but each other and they needed to survive.

" ODIN!!!", his sister exclaimed

" hi sis" he replied as he hugged her back.

"I came top in my class test" she said with a smile and the result in her hand. Seing his sister like this just made his heart melt. ' my poor sister ' , he thought. He could so anything for his little sis, and that includes building his own army so he could give her all the luxury.

" That reminds me sis, I need to check out something today, let's hurry up and go home", he told as he gave her a piggy back ride home.

After they had their lunch at home and he had put his sister to sleep, he quietly went out of their apartment, and shut the door.



Please encourage me. this is my first novel

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