

Elisabeth a Young History teacher at a prestigious high school in Athenas and in love with her fiance Cristhian. And when he was 27 years old, he received a proposal to work at a university, everything was fine when suddenly he saw his life turned upside down, with the betrayal of his fiancé, but the destiny changes overnight. Luiz Carlos is a 32-year-old professor and Dr. In stories and teaches at the advanced level of the university of Athenas Greece, and sees his life turn inside out with the arrival of the young professor because she is very confused, something else that calls her attention on young woman girl. I invite you to embark on this story that will be crazy for this couple and a surprise to their hearts.

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 05 Liza

couldn't believe he kissed me and how he can be in love with me I don't know what I feel for him anymore I can say that what I feel when I'm close to him and different I can't explain just know that my heart just needs to go out outside, after the kiss I went to cook to make coffee for him and tea for me because I don't drink coffee.

Then he took my clothes and handed them to me and I went to the bedroom and got dressed. Then he accompanied me to where my car was and since it was still very early, he was still dressed in his sleepwear and decided to break the silence

-Liza I know it is too early for us to make a commitment, but I will know wait for your decision my beautiful I will be waiting,

- Lu means Luiz

- My beautiful can call me whatever you want

- Ok Lu I need to think more if I am going to make a commitment to someone you will be the first to know all this and very young for me I confess that I am confused with everything

-Okay, but can I pamper?

- Lu I don't even know what to say

- Don't say anything my beautiful, and after talking he came to where I was and kissed me I felt something that I can't explain what I was feeling for him because the one with Cristhian in this 5 years had never done me I felt nothing like the that I felt for him, after our kiss I went home to change and go to work and something inside me lit up just thinking that I would see him again and I felt a joy and a smile was born on my lips.

I arrived at my house I saw the car of the asshole Cris in front of the parking lot, I parked my car in my parking space and got in and as soon as I got in I saw my mother and the idiot talking,

- Good morning I can know what you do at my house and he is my mother looked at me with a face that saw a ghost there and my mother said;

-Daughter where you were

- Mother, we'll talk later, I just want to know what this imbecile is doing here at this hour, or better, I'm going to change and when I get back I don't want to see his face in front of me I said this is I walked towards my room and he was silent and my mother came after me and said:

- Elizabeth Áster Adalberon I want to know now where you young lady spent the night, and her fiancé practically dawned here looking for you I rolled my eyes

-It's no use rolling your eyes

-Mom now it's time for us to talk later, I'll go to work and when I get there we'll talk,

-At least tell me what was that over there in the room?

-Well that was what that idiot deserved

-Daughter I don't know what he did anymore I want to enter you ended your engagement is that right?

-Yes mom and like i said let's talk later now i need to go, i talked and leave my room and luckily for me he was there waiting for me then i said:

-Didn't you leave?

-Liza my love I need to talk to you and came towards me and I said?

-None more step is where you are far from me and do it better will stay with your blonde she can give you what you want I don't know about a Cris I am disgusted by you disgusted and never look for me more for me you die last night now if you'll excuse me i have to go, Leaving him in the living room of my house without saying anything to me good I always said that what is my self, I do not share it with anyone because what is mine and mine and no one else after saying this to myself I left myself thinking about the beautiful brunette with honey

-colored eyes that would see and made my heart race and let me wonder if it was worth living what I was feeling.After 30 min I arrived at the University of Athens I took my things and went to the teachers' room and when I entered he was there with a beautiful smile on his lips and that lips I felt like kissing and a warmth just looking at him I greeted everyone I saw that he kept looking at me i winked at him that april a beautiful smile that made my heart fill with joy just with that smile so i decided to talk to him at the end of the class i signaled to him that he understood more my phone gave a signal for messages i I went to see who it was and saw that it was the message of an unknown number that says:

-Liza you are my sun and the light of my life I wait for you at the cafeteria in the square at the end of class,

PS: your lu bj my beautiful and sunshine of my day

After reading the message I didn't even notice that he was smiling and I heard Theo say:

-Our smile and me., I looked at him and said:

- No Theodoro my smile has a name and owner,

- Is there more to each of your alliances? And it was only at that time that I saw that I no longer used it and said:

- Good and another story and reason for my smile

-Humm more that means you. ....

-Yes, I'm not engaged anymore, my heart already has an owner. I said that is, he looked at me with a face that says you're quick. As it was time for us to go to the room, I asked for leave and left, he looked at me and evaluated me and I saw my place.

After the first few classes, it was quiet, it's in my classroom when I heard someone knock on the door and I let them in,

-You can come in and I saw a bouquet of blue rose in front of me and the delivery man said:

-Am I looking for Miss Elizabeth Aster?

-I'm myself

- Good Miss these flowers are for you can you sign here please?

-Of course, after signing the boy I look me up and down and said:

-The person who sent delivery said that you were beautiful as the flowers and I can say that he is right after hearing the comment I was ashamed and he left I went to see who had sent me the flowers and I saw that it is written

- Roses for a special rose Liza you are my sun the light of my life good I don't know your favorite colors even more I will find out later my beautiful one.

Ps: your angel guards lu

I thought my God this man exists really good he said he would spoil me so this is a treat I was taken out of my thoughts with the students of that time and everyone said that the flowers were beautiful that if I were not their teacher I would do the same with me and not with all the praise, I stopped thinking about him and at the end of the flowers the same delivery man arrived flowers now in white and a lilac orchid of my favorites and said:

-Miss, I think you are tearing your heart because I have these two entries for you, beautiful and I saw my students

-The person who sent delivery said that you were beautiful as the flowers and I can say that he is right after hearing the comment I was ashamed and he left I went to see who had sent me the flowers and I saw that it is written

- Roses for a special rose Liza you are my sun the light of my life good I don't know your favorite colors even more I will find out later my beautiful one. Ps: your angel guards lu

I thought my God

 this man exists really good he said he would spoil me so this is a treat I was taken out of my thoughts with the students of that time and everyone said that the flowers were beautiful that if I were not their teacher I would do the same with me and not with all the praise, I stopped thinking about him and at the end of the flowers the same delivery man arrived flowers now in white and a lilac orchid of my favorites and said:

-Miss, I think you are tearing your heart because I have these two entries for you, beautiful and I saw my studentsIn dry goli and I thought the rector there, my heart never has an owner to think I think he never belonged to Cris like he belongs to lu and I even forgot about the students and one of them said?

-Hum looks like it too, doesn't it? accept right Miss Liza and I looked at him said:

- Well, I don't even know what to say, I looked at my watch and said:

-Good guys the class is over, don't forget the research and read the book of the next chapters of our class and so the class ended I went with the help of a student to the teachers' room and when I entered a teacher and teacher Max were there and said together

-Would anyone here today who received the entire florist went?But the teacher said:

- Honey don't care, he's jealous. but I just looked at him and said nothing and then lu came in and saw me with that bunch of flowers in his arms and smiled when he saw I smell the flowers he sent me and so I left and went to the cafeteria where he was we scheduled our meeting.