
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

Every place in the area is nosy , people are running up and down trying to get to their homes on time so as to save themselves from the unstoppable riots going on between the area boys.

      Noor is among them , she doesn't know what's going on but she just started running towards her home too , the salt she was sent to buy for her mother dropped on the floor yet she didn't really care to pick it up .

      Noor got more terrified when she saw some group of thugs coming towards her with their knives and short daggers that looks like it can barely cut an Apple .

      She was about to run pass them when they stopped her .

     'Ke ! Ke ! ' One of the thugs shouted at her which made her frozen on a spot .  She looked up and met his face , he has a deep scar above his right eyebrow and countless holes on his tattered top .

    He raised his sword ready to cut Noor and that's when one of them spoke.

   'Kabir ! Let's just go and deal with the rest , leave the girl ' One of them said and Noor felt more than relieved.

She couldn't help but turn to face the guy thankfully . He looks nothing like the first guy , his facial features look so soft that you could hardly believe he can be among these area thugs .

          The first guy , Kabir frowned and said 'kai ! Zayyad you know we can't let her go like that '

'Give us whatever money you have right now and then you can save your life ' Another guy spoke threateningly.

Noor started trembling, she only has the remaining change for the salt she bought and her mother clearly told her to bring it back home if there's any change so she thought of tricking them .

'I don't have any money ' Noor said ,her voice coming out smaller than it usually is .

Kabir released a short creepy laugh and said ' Looks like you just want to die , alright then '

He brought out his sword once again ready

To kill without any mercy .

Noor quickly brought out the change and gave them .

Kabir swayed his right hbd indicating that she could leave . Noor quickly started running not caring about her veil that has dropped at the place but only caring about her life .

She didn't stop until when she reached home in short breath . She knows she wouldn't find her father at home now because this is the time his work gets more effective as a police man .




