
Heart Over Sword

Author: Kelly_Starrz
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 1.3M Views
  • 333 Chs
  • 4.9
    50 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Heart Over Sword

Read ‘Heart Over Sword’ Online for Free, written by the author Kelly_Starrz, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, MAGIC Light Novel, MYSTERY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Evanna’s world came crashing down the moment the physician gave her mother 6 months left to live. But after discovering ...


Evanna’s world came crashing down the moment the physician gave her mother 6 months left to live. But after discovering a long, lost secret hidden by the elves, the sheltered and naïve princess sets off on a quest to find the one item that could change the hands of fate. In order to do this, she must come face to face with the Flori, the heartless and deadliest of the elven kingdoms. Her plan disintegrates when she is caught red-handed in the elven kingdom, where the penalty for even crossing over to their land is death. However, the princess soon finds herself to be the shiny new toy for the cold-hearted elven prince to play with; determined, she does what she must to survive. Will she be able to escape from his clutches and make it home in time to help her mother, or will she find herself falling deeper into the elven world he introduces her to? [ COMPLETED ] *** SNEAK PEAK *** [ MATURE CONTENT ] "Do you know what we do to thief's here, Evanna?" She placed her fork of meat down on the plate soundlessly, her attention still on the king. Evanna subconsciously held onto the knife still. "No, your highness," Evanna replied politely. The king glanced at the prince, and she followed his gaze. "We chop off their hands," The prince finished. Evanna watched and pulled her hand back in time for the prince's knife to slam into the table where her hand was placed. She gasped; another hand had been stabbed, sticking them to the wood. A loud yelp sounded from behind her. Within a flash, the prince stood up, pulled a sword out from his side, and swung it down on the man's wrist, dismembering the hand from his body. Blood squirted out and coated the table before her, along with her plate of food. The man fell back, wailing and holding his wrist. Evanna watched in shock as the guards came forwards and dragged him away. She looked back at the prince, who was wiping his blade with a handkerchief nonchalantly before sheathing it. Her attention was brought back to the king, who continued to eat as though nothing had happened. "Just remember that the next time you wish to steal from us." The king said lightly as he relaxed his cutlery and stared at Evanna, "You may be my son's new plaything, dressed up to look pretty, but do not fool yourself into thinking that he will release you once he is bored of you. You took something of great importance to him." ------------------- DISCLAIMER: *MATURE CONTENT* Graphic Violence Strong Language Sexual Content Attempted Rape *This is a slow burn book and is still ongoing* ----------------- Book Cover Design: I own the book cover so please do not use it :) Artwork illustrated by @if.__art Graphic design done by @katielord.designs Both found on Instagram^^ ------------------- Support me on Instagram: @kelly_starrz or join me on discord where you can chat to me/ ask questions: Kelly_Starrz#5020 Discord server: https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa --------------------

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This novel is unlike any other fantasy story I have read. The heroine is deep, complex, and interesting. She is truly the leader amongst her party, and she doesn’t wait for others to save her. Though she’s had a fairly sheltered life as a princess, she’s smart and capable. I love that she has an interesting family dynamic. All in all, I’m totally hooked!


A hidden gem that certainly deserves more appreciation! The right mix of adventure and gripping mystery served with a sprinkle of romance. The twists and turns will keep you glued. Great character design and storytelling. Won't be surprised to see it in hardcovers in near future. A big shout out to the author for the nice work!


I never leave a lot of reviews unless I know this book deserves attention. Captivating characters, amazing worldbuilding, and a plot that keeps you on your toes. The writing quality is great and I strongly recommend this book to fellow readers that enjoy adventure, romance, comedy, tragedy, and some spicy 🌶️ chapters to keep you reading. 5 ⭐️ to you dear author!


i love i love i love i love i love your novel but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE upload more often, you got an Addicted reader here with no intention of rehabilitation


It's shameless I know but I put a lot of hard work and passion into this! For my readers, I really hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjoy writing it! Take Care XOXO


Liking the book so far and the writing. Really captures the reader. Has an interesting plot, action packed, and the cherry on top is the character development that is already super evident. This deserves more recognition!! Can’t wait to see how much further these characters develop.


I am in full support of the reviews that have already been left for this captivating read! It has been very easy to either dip in and out for a quick read or completely lose yourself in multiple chapters. 📝🎉✅


an amazing story with a very flawless, strong and determined character. right from chapter 1 you can already tell that evanna is going to be fighting to be recognized and respected and it highlights the importance of the females. it promises to be a captivating story that might put evanna on the top where she will be acknowledged. can't wait for more chapters


This story has a nice flow to it, it has been building up the characters and the world background. Just read the latest chapter - 19 and it definitely made me want to continue I am waiting for Evanna to put her sword skills to good use! you can tell that this is the first of many situations she will be getting herself into. Happy to be reading both your books. I was hooked with hunted and it's almost immediate action and now I am hooked to this book. There is a certain style with both of them and I love it. Very well written author! I look forward to the rest of the story!


Loved it!! I especially loved how you described everything made it so clear in my head it was like I was actually there! Can’t wait till you finish this I just want to keep reading it! 👀🥰


I thought I wrote a review of this book a LONG time ago. This has been one of my favorite books of all time. I'm an old bookworm so that says a lot. You will not regret spending your time reading this book. As a matter of fact you will thank me for recommending it. Kelly is such an awesome storyteller and her character development is amazing. She will draw you in and you won't even realize it until hours have passed.


ii tarted on this novel by chance... the first 49 chapters has been the longest prologue to any story. I understand the authors need to set a base, but this has been too long. I don't have any issues with the writing though😬.


Truly compelling. Gripped from the start and interest has not dipped since. A well structured and thought out piece of writing that is well deserving of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Reveal spoiler


This book needs a lot more recognition! It really is written so well. Its such a shame as there are so many novels that definitely need grammar checking or the plot is just.. abyway.. the story is a good pace and keeps building up with a lot of action on the way. Cant wait to see more of the ML. To anyone that actually reads this review.. you wont regret starting this novel unless you dont like strong female leads who can fight their own battles? and has unique side characters!


LOVE LOVE LOVE! Can’t wait for more chapters! Please continue!


This is beautifully written. I can imagine everything so clearly. Although there are less than 50 chapters out you can already see each character well and them already developing. I love that the female lead is a strong character that isn't a 'damsel in distress' and she shows that even though she is a princess she doesn't really need help. The book is also action packed along their adventure and I cannot wait to see the romance side thrown into this. Bring on the ML! Although, I am quite sad about Ger and Evana not being a thing.. will there be a love triangle??? Hmmm, will have to wait and find out!


This is a hidden gem 💎 😉 I'm really enjoying this book and the characters!! Can't wait to see more of the elves! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Deep, elaborate and exciting.!It's been a short time since I started reading this story, but seems I cannot get enough of it. You can vividly visualize the kingdoms, lands/landscapes described throughout the book which makes it even more appealing for us the readers. Likewise, you can relate to the characters since they are presented in a very realistic manner with all their feelings, intreractions with each other, conversations or even little chit-chats, you find yourself smiling(smirking:p) caught in their world at that moment. Thank you very much our author for creating such a beautiful book and sharing it with us 👏👏💜


LOVE THIS NOVEL! The author is best in her work.. for me this novel brings myself to question about the things going on in my life.. it gives a sense of peace and at the same time to see things in different perspective... I love the writing, I love the background, I love the characters... Keep up the good work Author [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


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