
Heart over brain

Kyra, a teen in the story meets a few other characters such as Haro, Willow, and Willow's little sister Nicole. Zombies have taken over the world and they make it their mission to survive while taken upon many hard obstacles and maybe people.. Will you embark on this dangerous journey of death and sorrow?

That_One_Simp · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Seven

April 15th ----

This day was the worst day they could remember at the time being. It was filled with loss of hope and fear, no one liked to talk about this certain day- for it is too unbearingly sad to think about since it affected Willow and a grave loss of someone was countered and yet happened.

It was a rainy day and every one was soaked as crawling zombies were moving fast Haro shot at them but more kept coming and soon they were slowly being cornered by slow walking zombies. They all swiftly make no waste of time and run quickly trying desperately to get to the car, as they were running a zombie from out of no where jumps from the forest and bites the closest one near. Nicole was the nearest one and the second the zombie bit her arm, her eyes widened in shock and fear yet she managed to stay silent, Nicole looked at Willow with no emotion other then sadness. "Nicole.." Willow managed to mumble in fear as she then ran over and started to pick up Nicole. Willow caught back up to Haro and Kyra as they slowed down, Haro grabbed Nicole and stared in shock as he sat her down and everyone was speechless for a split second.

"Oh my god!" Kyra shouts in fear as she looks at Willow with worry. Willow was frozen and wide eyed but still crying, Blizzard killed the rest of the zombies leaving all of them alone with sadness. " I don't think we can do anything" Haro says with fear, "The medkit has something doesn't it!?" Willow asks while trying to calm down but failing. " The medkit will do nothing, i'm afraid to say." Haro says sadly as he tries to comfort Willow, "Will?" Nicole manages to say, "Yes coley?" Willow says as she grabs Nicole's hand. " Don't die for me will ya?" Nicole smiles at Willow. "I'll try." Willow smiled weakly at Nicole but frowned as she let go of her sister's hand. "Now what do we do!?" Willow shouts angrily as they now were at an empty gas station boarded up. "I just lost my damn sister!" what can I even do!" Willow shouted once again as she went on a rampage of crying and telling us random things. "Haro: we will make it willow, besides you promised to not die for her didn't you? Right?" Haro asked Willow to calm her down while Kyra tried to think of what to do next.

"Yes, yes I did." Willow responds.

You may hate me for this but I have no idea what im doing and just want to spread my creativity levels and experience. Thank you to all who have viewed or read my book at all, i dont know if people read these but this book is slowly being created by myself, the one and only Simp Kyah and Nahomi aswell as Rosa my friends

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