
Heart of the Lycan King

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
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A dream and a warning

"Hot bath but he is determined to-" Valkiera heard someone hissing at someone else as she came back to the world of the living.

"If you two would shut the fuck up for a minute, I can do my job!" Someone next to her snarled furiously. "Your grace, how are you feeling?" He asked more gently and she knew that he was not talking to her. There was no response and she felt a warm hand on her forhead. "It seems you went into heat this morning and his majesty was not prepared for it."

"Are- Are you talking to me?" She asked confused as to why the king would even bother to satiate her heat.

"Yes your grace. How do you feel?" Why wasn't she being stripped naked infront of the unmated males of the pack? Why weren't they masterbating to the sound of her agony as they watched her writh in pain from her heat? Why had she been relieved of the pain with a good hard cock? Why was she lying in a soft bed instead of the cold cement floor of the pack house basement?

"I-I-I don't remember..." She whimpered pathetically.

"Oh great! You fucked her so hard you broke her brain!" Someone half shouted.

"It's the fever. It will come back to you." The kind gentle man said as he packed away an assortment of sterile instruments. "Also I recommend a day of rest as your cervix is badly bruised. However it may cause great physical discomfort to the rest of your body due to your heat, so I recommend the king use his mouth or hands to help alleviate that pain."

"What the fuck son!! You can't say that to the queen!" The older man yelled.

"On the contrary. I am her gynecologist. And I am saying take a hot bath and two orgasms and call me in the morning." He chuckled as the king growled angrily at him.1

"I urge you to remember whom you speak of, cousin!" He snarled and Valkiera stiffened in fear. What would happen to the kind doctor that had helped her. She remember something in the far off recesses of her mind. She was royalty now. 'Temper justice with mercy.' Erress said meekly.

Valkiera started to laugh loudly as if she just got the joke. "Oh, doctor you're so funny. Two orgasms... that was a good one."

"Okay enough joking around. We need to get cleaned up." The king grumbled his voice was drifting away and the black edges of her vision were pushing in as she drifted away from the scene. There were more words exchanged but she couldn't hear what was said.

"My sweet child, you have seen what will transpire in the near future." A soft melodic voice said as Valkiera floated in the darkness. "I am giving you a special gift, and one to help protect you."

"A gift?" She questioned.

"Something that will be needed in the Darkness ahead. You will see others as the truly are. However this gift comes at a cost. If you remember nothing else remember this warning, be careful that you trust." With that she felt herself be dragged from unconsciousness.