
Heart Of Obsidian (No more)

After losing his loved ones, Derek is officially on his own. While his life spirals down hill, he starts to lose control of himself. One day he goes to a bar and drinks himself away. once last call is called he leaves the bar and as he walk down the street, he makes a wrong turn. As he's approached by a gang of people he realizes his life is in danger and next thing he knows, he's been stabbed. He awakens in a all white plain and given an option to either he can pass on peacefully or be reincarnated in the lands of the gods.

Kyrell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Meeting Of A God

Once I awaken I am met with confusion and a headache. "Huh?" I say with a confused look. "Where am I? what am I doing here"? I look around rapidly. I notice that I am in a structure from what looks like is made of clay. It seems empty other than a few tables that are overturned. some pots broken on the floor as well. I notice a blanket covering the doorway. all of a sudden the blanket is moved to reveal sunlight beaming in then suddenly I am approached by a few men and woman asking me what happened to me.

Before I can mutter a word, a man pushes through the crowd and walks up to me and grabs me by my arms standing me up on my feet. He was a muscular man, standing about 6'5 or more in height. He had curly black hair with a thin golden headband around his head and dressed in a robe covering half of his chest. "Who are you and what are you doing here"? he ask me in a assertive tone. I can barely speak as he himself is very intimidating.

"What boy?! Does the Sphinx have your tongue?" He lets out a laugh that rings through my ear drums. I look him in his face " I am.... I am...." I forgot who I am. My mind starts to draw a blank and I cant seem to figure out what to say. " I don't know" I embarrassingly mutter out. More laughs burst out from the man standing in front of me. I look around and notice the people that were around me are now standing behind him looking in awe of this man.

"Well let me help you." He grabs me by my arms and walks me out of the building into a beautiful sunlight. I look around eyes squinted from the sun and once my eyes adjust I can see the beauty of the landscape. I see flowers with color so vibrant I am too speechless to speak. I see colors in which I have never seen before. Flowers with shades of pink, yellow, blue, red I have never seen before. Grass so green the sun reflects off of it as if its a mirror. Next to the grass I see lakes and streams flowing beautifully. Waters as clear as grass as children are playing and laughing in them. The sky so blue it looks almost animated. Not a cloud in sight. Sun beams streaming down touching my face. It feels so warm on my face.

"Where am I?" I ask looking around taking in the image of this landscape. "Who are you?" He looks at me and smiles "This is Olympus!" he tells to me. "Well not entirely Olympus but this is where the mortals of Olympus live" he explains to me. "Do you see those steps over there" he points to a large structure surrounded by white pillars with trim of gold. In-between everything lays steps that go all the up as far as the eye can see. "Those steps go on and on, only those who are worthy and if you are a god you may reach the great Olympus." He proceeds to stare at the stairs and finally puts me down. "As for your other question, I am Hercules" he says puffing his chest out and staring into the sky at nothing. "I walk these mortal lands sometimes and it just so happens appeared at the same time I did." He looks at me and ask me "how did you end up here anyways?" I look at him " I don't know. I don't remember much. I remember meeting someone and then ending up here." I calmly explain to him that I have no idea who I am or what I'm doing here." Just at that moment it finally hits me.

"Wait, Hercules?" I ask puzzled. "Do you mean like the Greek God Hercules? The God of strength Hercules?" I look at him waiting for an answer "Ah, so you have heard of me! Not surprising in the slightest, I am the mightiest of all gods" he lets out a a yell as if he is indicating he is readying for battle. "I see you are lost and need assistance so tell me what can I...." before he can finish his sentence a loud boom can be heard in the distance. "What was that?" Hercules ask himself. Just then before he can move he is hit by a boulder bigger than a house. He flies about 30 feet as I look over and see a Cyclops standing in the middle of the chaos. People are running away trying to find a place to hide. The cyclops starts to walk over as he yells "I am Arges the mightiest."

I looked over to find Hercules standing there with blood dripping down his face. "Hey, that was a pretty bad cheap shot." He starts to run over to Arges. You can see parts of the ground lift with his feet as he takes steps. You can feel the ground rumbling with every step he takes. As he gets closer he leaps up in the air and throws a punch, knockings Arges off his feet. Hercules then proceeds to stand over but not before Arges swings his arm knocking him off of him a few feet away. I stand there in awe of what is going on. I start to move back some only to bump into a tall man standing behind me, watching the fight the same as I. He looks down on me and smirks. He is a tall man with golden brown hair. A gold headband also dressed in a robe. He has a hint of a golden glow around him and is a very handsome man.

He looks back at the fight and pulls out a bow and arrow. Calmly he aims his bow at Arges and swiftly shoots and arrow striking him straight to the knee and fires another almost instantly at his other knee. Arges screams in pain as he looks and notices who it is. Hercules looks over and yells out "Why would you get in the way of my fight Apollo?" Arges pulls out the arrows and starts to run towards Apollo blindly as Hercules swiftly cuts him off and uppercuts him knocking him down instantly. "Herc, you know better than to try to prolong a fight where the mortals lay there heads" he calmly says in a condescending tone. "He started it, He just came down here and immediately started a fight.

" Hercules says in a aggravated tone. Agres seems to be gaining consciousness but not before Apollo ties him up and leaves him on the ground so he cant move. "Still Herc, you have mortal who can seriously get hurt down here. They are meant to work for us and worship us not hurt them in silly fights." Apollo looks at me and tells me to forgive his friend as he takes Arges away. I stand there shocked at what is going on. Still not understand what is going on I ask my self if I'm dead. I have to be if I'm looking at gods in the face. I stand there thinking to myself trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. "Hey" Hercules yells out startling me. "I'm sorry about all that but I have to go now. I'm going to get reprimanded for this by my father." He looks at me and pats me on the head. "If you want answers on what to do next, recommend going Nemea and I will meet you there. The site is in Peloponnese it's just south of this area in which we are now. It is a week worth of travel by foot but along the way you will reach random cities that will help you and provide beds if needed. I will see you there soon." Just as he finished his sentence, he vanishes in a bright light that beamed down over him. I stand there in wondering how the hell I got into this situation. I look around as people start to come out of hiding.

Kids crying and screaming. I barely heard anything through all the commotion that was going on. I look around and see the true wreckage of the fight that happened. I walk over to an Elderly couple who was cleaning up rubble of what used to be there house. I offer my assistance and help them clean up. "Does this normally happen?" I ask them. The elderly man looks at me and smile "It happens here and there but we can always rebuild." I look at him and he smiles. "Go, the Gods have given you a task. You mustn't waste time." He proceeds to thank me for the little help I gave and his wife hands me a bag of bread and a flask of water. I thank them for the kindness as I make my way to Nemea.