
This Time I will Make UpTo you ....❤️

Wherever you go, I'll be by your side,

No matter what this world may decide,

For in the past, I lost you before,

And the pain I endured, I could bear no more.

Regret filled my heart for the love left unsaid,

For all the words I should've shared instead,

But this time, my love, I'll cherish each day,

And go to every extent, come what may.

I won't let you go, my heart's now aware,

That together, we're stronger, beyond compare,

Through all the objections, we'll rise above,

Bound by a love that's unwavering, true love.

So let them judge, let them disapprove,

For our love knows no limits, no boundaries to move,

In each other's arms, we'll find solace and peace,

And from the shackles of doubt, we'll find our release.

Wherever you go, I promise to roam,

With you as my anchor, my heart's true home,

For this time, my love, I won't hold back,

I'll shout from the rooftops, our love will not lack.

Through life's winding journey, hand in hand we'll tread,

Facing every challenge, no matter how dread,

For wherever you go, know I'll be there,

A love that's unyielding, forever we'll share.