
change in metabolism of body when fall in love

Organ muscle need more oxygenated blood for the forceful contraction and oxygenated blood output increases here ultimate heart beat more prominent.

Conduction System of Heart

-During the emotional condition (depends on what types of emotions like sad, happy, fear or love) signal comes from hypothalamus and as according to the situation expression are on the face which weather you happy, sad, or in love as accordingly on the basis of emotions heart beat increase or decrease but guide by hypothalamus because of emotional center are there.

How hypothalamus send signal to adrenal gland for the release of cortisol?

-Via hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HTPA axis). Hypothalamus release corticotrophin releasing hormones (CRH) which acts on anterior pituitary for the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and finally ACTH acts on adrenal gland to release of cortisol..

Emotional center a hypothalamus which guide adrenal gland present on kidneys on the upper side on both kidney, gland which releases adrenaline and non-adrenaline both hormones are acceleratory in nature but difference is adrenaline work in normally in body but during emergency conditions non adrenaline work.


It is the process which initiated by the kidney and accomplished by liver, lung and hypothalamus for maintain blood pressure, water balance, and acid-base balance of body.

It initiated by the kidney when glomerulus filtration rate(GFR) will increase and NACL( NA




) filtration will increases, senses by macula densa cell present at the junction of distal convoluted tube(DCT) of nephron and trigger the release of renin in blood and also signal comes from hypothalamus to the liver and lungs . Liver releases angiotensinogen and from lungs angiotensin converter enzyme (ACE blocker). Renin acts on angiotensinogen and form new molecules by changing amino acid number and arrangement called angiotensinogen-1 again ACE blocker acts on angiotensinogen-1 and form new molecules again by changing number and position if amino acid called angiotensinogen-2 finally angiotensinogen-2 acts on adrenal gland, pituitary gland and sympathetic tone.

How adrenaline and non-adrenaline works?

-Adrenaline and non-adrenaline triggering the release of glucose, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle, brain cell and other organs. The actions of nor-epinephrine are carried out via the binding to adrenergic receptors.

Not only Adrenaline or non- adrenaline increase heart beat here lots of factors are there in increasing blood pressure or heart beat like Sympathetic stimulation, tachycardia and some indirect factors are there. Means indirect factors, some metabolism which induces increase in heart rate like high salt concentration can cause high blood pressure because sodium is required absorption of water.

In adrenal gland,

Aldosterone causes absorption of NACL from loop of henle of nephron by counter current mechanism.

In pituitary gland,

By feedback mechanism trigger posterior pituitary for release of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin which cause the opening of aqua porin of DCT of nephron for absorption of water.


For water absorption NACL is required because during counter current mechanism salt and water exchange together by concentration gradient.

In sympathetic tone

Sympathetic tone can cause release of calcium (contractile nature) for the contraction of afferent arteriole leads decrease in glomerulus filtration rate.

And during romantic situation heart beat increase, quit nervous, excess sweating, voice discontinue, vibrating hand, low confidence this is normal during romantic situation or any kind of emotions because suddenly metabolic rate high, brain use more glucose and required more and more oxygen simultaneously other organs like heart, kidney required more blood cause high blood pressure (increase rate) not a medical condition because it back to normal after sometime. one's blood intake rise than definitely blood output will increase cause increase in pressure on kidneys filtration membrane and people think sound comes from heart well non-scientific world runs over old ritual but exactly all these functions because of hypothalamus an emotional center.

Hypothalamus doing lots if function called master of master gland because of it control master gland which is pituitary gland…

Function of hypothalamus

Temperature regulation, Body fluids maintenance, Blood pressure maintenance, Autonomic nervous system, Feeding center, Sexual regulations, Behavior regulations, Biological clock and lot more..

Role of male and female sex organ in romantic emotions

Committed people are thinking that they can hear voice of partner and can feel how difficulty face by the partner but reality is totally different, here no Wi-Fi system are there, they can feel because of facial expression, body language and voice pitch. In couple a very common word is emotion, here emotion has their own meaning depends on thinking of couple on individual of sex.

Romantic emotions

On an average male has more sexual desire as compare to female because of it help in sudden and powerful release of sexual stress(sperm). In relationship sex is very important because when two unknown individual come in contact by the sexual desire (romantic). Sex can help the women trust on male partner because of release of oxytocin by the hypothalamus for the contraction of uterus, it indirectly depends on penis because during intercourse oxytocin release can cause uterus contraction.

In case of male same thing happen sex help in emotionally connect with female partner.

Sex help in maturity of both genders, well-being behavior in society and able to hold responsibility of family and most important desire of offspring, that's comes parents together.


Well, very much clear that emotions of both sex is totally different not because of gender there is other factor which differentiate the emotions of gender. Start from the birth,

Well, at the time of birth there is no different expect of sex (gender) but here difference is start after the birth here how,

Up to the age of puberty almost similar even voice pitch is similar because of still sexual development not initiated but after the puberty there is lots of changes takes place and hormone imbalance as I already explain the complication of hormone imbalance. Here most visible changes are voice and body muscle growth but I'm talking about how emotion changes as according to sex?

Environment is major factor which cause the change but not only factor, friend circle is too these two factor are more close but indirect factor is behavior of person towards other person, as we know than behavior of male towards male is quite rough as compare to female. And another difference in type of work (don't think beyond your limits) and also way of doing his work I mean quite lunatic, as we know that female has menstrual cycle at the early age that's why female has quite slow after few age of birth also estrogen is reason but the real matter is female has early onset of puberty and menstrual cycle too.


According to study, reason of early onset of puberty is good food.

As we see during the anger male has more anger because of works pressure, lots of stress but female is not far away no matter its illogical (don't think beyond your limits) most of time in a relationship, and the arrival of happiness obviously on male because of responsibility and female needs a attentions because they love too much if love is priceless.

THOUGHT by Aman kumar chaudhary

"Not a thing single happen in this world is illogical, everything matter just need a focus on them"

Date & time of completion: 14 may 2020 at

Details of Author

Aman Kumar Chaudhary