
Heart across centuries: echoes of the silent abyss

"Heart across centuries" draws inspiration from the haunting depths of forgotten secrets and the chilling resonance of hidden truths. Imagine standing on the precipice, listening to whispers carried by unseen currents—a symphony of lost memories, regret, and ancient enigmas. The word " heart " evokes a sense of repetition, as if the abyss itself remembers every whispered confession, every betrayal, and every sacrifice. The "echoes of the silent abyss(heart across centuries)" conjures images of darkness—an unfathomable void where answers lie buried, waiting for brave souls to unravel their mysteries. Perhaps it's the silence that unnerves us most—the absence of sound, the absence of closure. What lies beneath? What stories remain untold? "heart across centuries " weaves a thrilling tapestry of love, time travel, reincarnation,mystery,suspense, revenge, crime, and the human capacity for both darkness and redemption. As Hye Jin, Sung Woo, and Kim Song grapple with their desires and the dangerous game they're caught in, they'll discover that sometimes, the boundaries we set are meant to be shattered. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey where passion collides with danger, and where love may be the ultimate weapon against the shadows that threaten to consume them all. In modern Seoul, Yoo Ji-hyun discovers an ancient jade pendant that unlocks memories of her past life. Centuries ago, Prince Sung-Woo and General Hye Jin loved fiercely but were torn apart. Now, as Ji-hyun and Doctor Park Min-joon unravel the pendant's secrets, they must rewrite their fate and reunite hearts that span time. Yet, shadows from the past emerge—malevolent forces determined to keep Sung Woo and Hye Jin apart. As the eclipse approaches, danger looms. Ancient curses stir, and betrayal threatens their fragile connection. Ji-hyun and Min-joon race against time, knowing that breaking the curse may exact a price neither of them is prepared to pay. And so, whispered by the wind and etched in the stars, a prophecy resurfaces: "When the moon bleeds crimson, the pendant shall pulse with forgotten magic. The Wolf Prince and the Sorceress shall stand at the crossroads of eternity. One path leads to salvation, the other to oblivion. Choose wisely, for the threads of destiny fray, and the celestial clock ticks relentlessly." As the lunar eclipse approaches, Ji-hyun and Min-joon must decipher the prophecy's cryptic words. Their love, their lives, and the very fabric of time hang in delicate balance. Release date: 4 June 2024 update:2 chapters everyday

Moonstone_novels17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: The unread letter

*30th November 2025*

The room was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, the air heavy with memories. The woman sat on the worn couch, cradling the unopened letter in her trembling hands. The paper felt fragile, as if it held the weight of a thousand whispered secrets.

Min-Joon's words echoed in her mind—the promise to open the letter only after a year had passed. A year since he'd left her, his laughter fading like a distant melody. She traced the creases on the envelope, wondering what lay within. Love? Regret? A final farewell?

As she unfolded the letter, the room seemed to hold its breath. Min-Joon's script danced across the page, ink bleeding into her soul. His words were a symphony of longing, a plea from beyond the veil of time.

*"My dearest love,*

*Maybe by the time you read this letter, I may not be by your side. As I pen down these words, my heart aches with the knowledge that you will read them only after a year has passed. By then, I will be gone, my existence reduced to memories and ink on paper. But if love transcends time and space, then perhaps this letter will find its way to your heart, even across the chasm of my absence.*

*Remember our walks along the shore, the sand between our toes, and the whispered promises we made under the moonlight. Those moments were our eternity, our stolen fragments of forever. And now, as I prepare to leave this world, I want you to know that you were my greatest joy, my deepest ache, my everything.*

*In this envelope lies my final gift—a piece of my soul, etched in ink. When you unfold this letter, know that my love for you was boundless. I hope it brings you solace, a bittersweet reminder of what we had. Open it when the seasons have turned, when the leaves fall and the world changes. Let the memories flood your senses, and know that I am there with you, whispering love into the winds.*

*My love, life is fleeting, but love endures. Hold onto our moments, our laughter, and our shared dreams. Find solace in the sunrise, for it carries my kiss to your lips. And when you read these words, know that I loved you beyond measure, beyond reason, beyond time.*

*Until we meet again, my beloved.*

*your forever*

Min Joon "

Tears blurred the ink, and she clutched the letter to her chest. But fate was a cruel mistress, and Min-Joon was lost to her forever. Or so she thought.

The door creaked open, and her friend entered, cradling a newborn. The baby's eyes held ancient wisdom, as if they'd seen lifetimes. The woman's gaze met hers, and she spoke softly.

*"You need to stop crying, they are already gone."*

*"Why is fate so cruel?"* she whispered, her voice breaking.

*"I have to change their past life,"* the woman said, her hand brushing the chronokey keys in her pocket. *"Min-Joon and Jae-I deserve more than this ending."*

*"You can't gamble with fate,"* her friend warned.

But she knew she had to try. The chronokey hummed, its golden glow promising whispers of forgotten moments. She stepped into the shimmering portal, determined to rewrite their story.

And so, the woman embarked on her quest—a journey through time, love, and sacrifice. What happened to Jae-I in the past? Why did Min-Joon die? The answers lay hidden in the folds of time, waiting for her to unravel them.

As the chronokey's light enveloped her, she whispered Min-Joon's name, hoping it would echo across the ages. Love, like ink on paper, could rewrite destinies. And perhaps, just perhaps, she could change their ending.


Present time

*March 2nd, 2024*

The booth call station stood like a forgotten relic, its glass panels smudged with time. She stepped inside, the air crackling with possibility. Her attire—black hoodie, pants, and a cap—masked her intentions. The chronokey hummed against her chest, its golden glow pulsing in rhythm with her heartbeat.

*"Hello,"* Hye-Jin's voice echoed through the receiver.

*"Listen carefully,"* she whispered, her voice a thread connecting past and future. *"You must find evidence of Kim Song's crimes. Jae-I's fate hangs in the balance, and Min-Joon's life is at stake."*

*"What do you mean, and who are you?"* Hye-Jin's confusion was palpable.

*"No need to know,"* she replied. *"Watch your uncle, his son, and Kim Song closely. And stay by Min-Joon's side—he'll protect you. My greatest regret is losing Min-Joon, and I don't want you to bear that burden."*

"I am you from the future 30th November 2025."


*The call disconnected.*

Hye-Jin paced the room, the chronokey's weight heavy against her ribs. The woman's words echoed—she was Ji-Hyun, and she was Hye-Jin. The future bled into the present, and Min-Joon's face haunted her.

She remembered his invitation—the 100th ceremony at the royal suite hotel. Kim Song would be there, a viper in silk. She'd rejected Min-Joon's offer, fearing the tangled web of fate. But now, she had to change their story.

*"Did you find a female companion for the ceremony?"* she asked Min-Joon over the phone.

*"No,"* he replied, curiosity lacing his voice.

*"Then I want to go,"* she declared. No more hesitations, no more regrets.

*"Hye-Jin, what are you up to?"* His concern cut through the line.

*"You'll know when we get there,"* she said, determination fueling her steps.

*"Ok,"* he said. *"I'll support you."*

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