
Heart across centuries: echoes of the silent abyss

"Heart across centuries" draws inspiration from the haunting depths of forgotten secrets and the chilling resonance of hidden truths. Imagine standing on the precipice, listening to whispers carried by unseen currents—a symphony of lost memories, regret, and ancient enigmas. The word " heart " evokes a sense of repetition, as if the abyss itself remembers every whispered confession, every betrayal, and every sacrifice. The "echoes of the silent abyss(heart across centuries)" conjures images of darkness—an unfathomable void where answers lie buried, waiting for brave souls to unravel their mysteries. Perhaps it's the silence that unnerves us most—the absence of sound, the absence of closure. What lies beneath? What stories remain untold? "heart across centuries " weaves a thrilling tapestry of love, time travel, reincarnation,mystery,suspense, revenge, crime, and the human capacity for both darkness and redemption. As Hye Jin, Sung Woo, and Kim Song grapple with their desires and the dangerous game they're caught in, they'll discover that sometimes, the boundaries we set are meant to be shattered. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey where passion collides with danger, and where love may be the ultimate weapon against the shadows that threaten to consume them all. In modern Seoul, Yoo Ji-hyun discovers an ancient jade pendant that unlocks memories of her past life. Centuries ago, Prince Sung-Woo and General Hye Jin loved fiercely but were torn apart. Now, as Ji-hyun and Doctor Park Min-joon unravel the pendant's secrets, they must rewrite their fate and reunite hearts that span time. Yet, shadows from the past emerge—malevolent forces determined to keep Sung Woo and Hye Jin apart. As the eclipse approaches, danger looms. Ancient curses stir, and betrayal threatens their fragile connection. Ji-hyun and Min-joon race against time, knowing that breaking the curse may exact a price neither of them is prepared to pay. And so, whispered by the wind and etched in the stars, a prophecy resurfaces: "When the moon bleeds crimson, the pendant shall pulse with forgotten magic. The Wolf Prince and the Sorceress shall stand at the crossroads of eternity. One path leads to salvation, the other to oblivion. Choose wisely, for the threads of destiny fray, and the celestial clock ticks relentlessly." As the lunar eclipse approaches, Ji-hyun and Min-joon must decipher the prophecy's cryptic words. Their love, their lives, and the very fabric of time hang in delicate balance. Release date: 4 June 2024 update:2 chapters everyday

Moonstone_novels17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10:Echoes Across Dimensions

In the dimly lit corridor of the police station, Hye-Jin stood, her heart racing like a fugitive on the run. The weight of the evidence she'd just handed over to the authorities pressed upon her, a burden both liberating and ominous. Kim-In-Ha and Kim Song, once untouchable figures in the city's elite circles, now wore the cold steel of handcuffs, their arrogance shattered.

Kim Song, his eyes like shards of obsidian, locked onto Hye-Jin. His lips curved into a sinister smile, a predator taunting its prey. "Don't celebrate too soon, Hye-Jin," he murmured, his voice a velvet blade. "There are deeper currents at play, secrets buried beneath the surface. You've merely scratched the veneer."

Beside her, Min-Joon's grip tightened. His loyalty to Hye-Jin was unwavering, but even he couldn't fathom the depths of the darkness that swirled around the Kim brothers. "Take care of her," Kim Song continued, his gaze shifting to Min-Joon. "For the storm has just begun."

And then, like a phantom, he stepped into the waiting police car. The door closed with a hollow thud, sealing him away from the world. As the engine roared to life, Hye-Jin's mind raced. What did Kim Song mean? What other secrets lay hidden, waiting to unravel her fragile victory?

But before she could ponder further, her phone buzzed—a cruel interruption. The caller ID revealed her sister's name. Panic surged through her veins. She sprinted out of the station, Min-Joon at her heels, their footsteps echoing like a desperate prayer.

The hospital corridors blurred as they raced toward the ICU. The doctors, stern-faced guardians of life, barred her entry. Through the glass, Hye-Jin glimpsed her sister, Jae-I/Seo-Dan, lying motionless, a canvas of crimson. The room pulsed with urgency, a symphony of beeping monitors and whispered pleas.

Destiny, capricious and cruel, snatched Jea-I/Seo-Dan away. Hye-Jin crumpled to the sterile floor, Min-Joon's arms around her. But grief was a tempest, and she drowned in its relentless waves. When she finally stood, her legs shaky, she found herself back in her own room—the room of her original universe.

Memories flooded her—a fractured mirror piecing together her fractured existence. Yet, a gnawing emptiness lingered, a forgotten truth lurking in the shadows. She traced her fingers over the bedside photo: Seo-Dan's laughter frozen in time, her eyes alight with mischief. Tears blurred the image. "Is this truly your ending, Seo-Dan?" Hye-Jin whispered. "Are we fated to be torn apart, even across dimensions?"

Determined, she went to the police station in her original universe . The evidence she'd surrendered now rippled through the city like wildfire. The handsome CEO and his enigmatic brother—their fall from grace echoed in hushed conversations, headlines, and coffee shop gossip.

As Kim Song prepared to enter the police car, he turned to Hye-Jin. His eyes bore into hers, a riddle wrapped in malice. "Don't celebrate too soon," he warned. "More conflicts await." His words hung in the air, a cryptic promise. And Hye-Jin wondered: What threads connected this Kim Song to the one in her alternate universe? What cosmic tapestry wove their destinies together?

The answers lay hidden, like stars veiled by storm clouds, waiting for her to unravel their secrets. And so, with resolve burning in her chest, she stepped into the unknown—a heroine in a tale of fractured realities, chasing shadows and redemption.


Four months later, the fabric of fate wove intricate patterns, stitching together lives across dimensions.

In the Hospital Room,his office was a sanctuary of sterile white—a place where life hung in delicate balance. Dr. Park Min-Joon stood by the window, Ji-Hyun's photographs spread before him like fragments of a forgotten dream. The room whispered secrets, its walls bearing witness to the impossible.

"Where can I find you, Ji-Hyun?" he murmured, as if the very air held her name. In this universe, he'd unraveled the enigma: Hye-Jin and Ji-Hyun—two souls entwined, separated by cosmic threads. Ji-Hyun, the reincarnation of Hye-Jin, danced on the precipice of memory.


The coffee shop hummed with mundane life. Hye-Jin, lost in her thoughts, collided with a stranger. Papers fluttered like autumn leaves, and he knelt to gather them. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice a gentle breeze.

"Never mind," she replied, her gaze avoiding his. But when their eyes met, recognition sparked—an echo from another existence. "Hye-Jin," he breathed, and time fractured.

"You've mistaken me," she faltered, her heart racing. How did he know? How could he see through her borrowed identity?

"Then can I say Ji-Hyun?" He smiled but with a teary eyes that has the mixture of sadness and happiness. His smile held secrets, a key to locked doors.

Fear clawed at her throat. "Who are you?" she asked, masking her vulnerability.

"If you want answers," he said, handing her a business card, "come to my office at 1:00 PM." Dr. Park Min-Joon—the name resonated, a haunting melody. She think the name feels familiar.

She pocketed the card, her resolve firm. Time travel had fractured her existence, but this man held the missing piece. She would meet him, unravel the knots of her past.


At Home the jade pendant lay on her palm, its green depths shimmering. It had crossed universes, whispered secrets, and now rested against her skin. "Beautiful," she whispered, tracing its contours. But beauty harbored mysteries.

"Anyway," she sighed, clasping it around her neck, "let me wear it." The jade pulsed—a bridge between worlds, a beacon in the cosmic storm. Hye-Jin—Ji-Hyun—she wore both names, a fragile vessel straddling existence.


The hospital corridors quivered with urgency—a symphony of footsteps, whispered prayers, and the wail of sirens. Dr. Park Min-Joon emerged from his office, the nurse's words a cruel echo: "Emergency patient—a car accident."

But reality blurred. Ji-Hyun lay on a stretcher, her lifeblood staining the fabric. His eyes betrayed him; disbelief clung to his soul. "Ji-Hyun," he gasped, as if the syllables held salvation. His legs wavered, and a friend (Jimin) steadied him—a lifeline in the tempest.

The nurse probed and they started to wonder who is this woman to Dr Park, but Min-Joon's friend wove a lie: "His fiancée." Pity swirled around him, a vortex of compassion. The other doctors barred him from her side not allowing him to enter the ICU. "Why?" he cried, tears carving rivers down his face. "She's my wife." A truth veiled in cosmic tragedy—their love transcending lifetimes.

Through the ICU glass, he watched the EKG falter—a heartbeat slipping into silence. "No," he whispered, knuckles white against the pane. "She can't die." But fate mocked him, cruel and unyielding.

Jimin, somber and gentle, emerged. "I'm sorry for your loss," he murmured. But Min-Joon shook his head, defiance in his grief-stricken eyes.

In the morgue's frigid embrace, he cradled Ji-Hyun's lifeless form. "Are we truly denied?" he wept. "Why this cruel symmetry? In our first life, you promised forever, Ji-Hyun. Is this the 'together' you meant?" His tears baptized her, mingling with memories—their love etched in stardust, torn across dimensions.

And so, in the quiet of loss, he whispered her name—a lament for love unfulfilled, a requiem for souls forever entangled.


Dr. Park Min-Joon, once a healer of bodies, now grappled with wounds that defied sutures. The hospital corridors whispered their condolences—the hallowed ground where he'd lost her, where eternity had slipped through his trembling fingers.

He coped as one copes with heartache: **silently**. His office became a sanctuary of memories—a shrine to Ji-Hyun. The photographs, once cherished, now etched pain into his soul. He traced her features, as if touch could bridge the chasm between life and memory.

At work the sterile walls absorbed his grief. Patients came and went, their ailments mere echoes. He stitched wounds, set bones, but his hands trembled. How could he mend others when his own heart lay shattered?

At night the moon witnessed his anguish. He sat by the window, staring into the abyss. Dreams—fragments of their past lives—haunted him. Ji-Hyun's laughter, her warmth, now ghosts in the night.

In denial he clung to her name, whispered it like a prayer. "Ji-Hyun," he'd murmur, as if syllables could resurrect her. But the morgue held silence, and he wept alone.

Angered at the fate, at the universe that toyed with their love. "Why?" he'd scream, fists pounding the walls. "Why tear us apart, only to reunite us in tragedy?"

He'd replay moments—their stolen kisses, shared secrets. "If I'd held her tighter," he'd plead, "if I'd loved harder…" But time mocked him.

In depression the weight of loss pressed upon him. He'd sit in the empty cafeteria, Ji-Hyun's favorite spot, and sip bitter coffee. The world blurred—a grayscale existence.

And so, Dr. Park Min-Joon navigated grief's labyrinth, a wounded healer tending to his own scars. Ji-Hyun—the love that transcended time—remained etched in his heart, a constellation in the void.

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