

Lying on the rooftop, I feel delusion when I see the sky shed tears on me. I am confused if I should lie here letting my diamonds fall in the disguise of the rain on my face or if I should let go of all my thoughts at this moment and just get inside the place where I used to belong before, a colorless white room with a lifeless ceiling. Not long before I had almost no relation with the sky, rain, and the diamonds falling from my eyes but now they are the most integral parts of me, of who I am now, and what made me change.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound from downstairs, "Rhea! Rhea!, are you up there?" 

I heard my sister calling for me, I replied after wiping the rain along with my tears, "Yes Shreya, I am here, at the corner of the roof."

She shouted at me angrily as she came in my direction with an umbrella, her big brown eyes giving me a death glare as if I committed murder, "What the hell do you think you are doing out in this weather? I had to bring an umbrella so as not to get caught in the rain and you are playing around here in this weather. Have you gone mad or something??" 

I replied in a guilty tone, " Sorry sis, I was just enjoying the rain, and it completely ran out of my mind that I shouldn't be here, but no worries, I'll go downstairs ASAP and change my dress. "

We went downstairs to my room, and I changed my clothes because I didn't want the devil to taunt me for the second time. As soon as I changed into a black sweatshirt and trousers, I heard Shreya again, "Rhi, come get the hot kadha, otherwise we'll have to spend this weekend at Dr. Rajan's clinic."

I strongly disliked two things: kadha and Dr. Rajan, my family doctor. Every time I encountered these two things, I felt a strong aversion and a strong urge to leave. If I were to compare my dislike for kadha and my dislike for Dr. Rajan on the scale, I am certain my dislike for Dr. Rajan would outweigh that for kadha. Therefore, I choose to drink the hot kadha for now.

I shouted to her," Sis, just get it here, I am already"

She entered my room and started giving me confusing looks, one of her gaze was as if she was worried for me while the very next second she gave me a deadly gaze as if I had pissed her off. There was a moment of silence in the room like a library but then she broke the silence. She was talking very cautiously as a wrong word would cost her life, "Umm..rhi... are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

I've been asking myself a question and trying to avoid it, but now I'm facing it because of her. I feel disturbed, like water in a bottle when it's shaken. To prevent her from getting worried, I lied to her, "Yes, Shrey, why would I be bothered? My exams are already over, and I don't have any practicals left. So what could be bothering me? Wait, yes, something is bothering me!"

What?, she asked

I asked, "Why is your hair this black when you're four years older than me and half of mine is already grey?" I laughed to make her believe me, and she did.

She laughed and replied," This girl is just impossible, now that you are good, I can feel assured and leave for Nisha's house. I am going to study at her place so take care of yourself and the house. Mom will be back in an hour, inform her that I am at Nisha's and I'll be back till dinner"

OK, just go and study, and don't worry about me and the house, I can take care of it, I assured her.

She left.