
HEART'S OWNER: I Adore You So Much

Karin Advaantika (27 years) is a beautiful and friendly woman who lives happily in her marriage. With the birth of a son named Arnest Aliando, Karin's happiness was more complete. But that happiness almost ended when a man named Arion Darell (31 years) came, whose face and attitude were almost the same as Aska Aliando. "Cold and arrogant" Aska Aliando (30 years), a wealthy and handsome CEO, loves Karin, his wife and son. Jealousy began to come when her marriage was threatened by the arrival of Arion Darell. Can Karin and Aska maintain their marriage? And who is Arion Darrell? until his face and attitude are almost the same as Aska ??

Nickscart_2 · Teen
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144 Chs


"Wait a minute, Nat, Aska? Is it true that the number on this card is your active number?" Alice asked intending to keep it.

"Yes, right." Aska said as he continued his work without looking at Alice again.

Alice took a deep breath to get cold treatment from Aska, a man she used to still love.

After Alice left the room, Aska immediately stopped his work and sat back while grabbing his cell phone.

He saw that there was no sign of a message at all from Karin.

Suddenly there was a sign that appeared to be from Alice.

"Aska is my number, you keep it... who knows it will be useful because now we are working partners." Alice said in her message.

With a heavy heart, Aska replied with just one word.

"Okay." Aska replied curtly on his message.

While pressing his temples, Aska's heart suddenly missed his wife Karin and Arnest.

With great longing, Aska sent a message to Karin.

"Busy honey?" Asked Aska.

"Yes dear, what's wrong?" Karin asked back.

"I miss you." Aska replied honestly.

"I Miss you, too." Karin said quickly replying.

"Can we have lunch?" Aska asked hopefully.

"Don't know yet dear, I still have a lot of work to do. Ace gives me a big responsibility." Karin explained honestly.

"That's it... the spirit of work dear, see you at home." said Aska sadly.

"You too, dear... muachh." Karin replied for her last message before Arion glared for the umpteenth time.

"Can you concentrate on work like that?" asked Arion rebuking Karin indirectly.

"I always focus on work, you can see for yourself the results of my work." Karin said continuing her work.

"What was that with your husband?" asked Arion curiously.

"Other than work I won't answer." Karin said briefly.


"Your phone is ringing?" asked Arion straightening his back.

"Don't you remember your own cell phone?" Karin said excitedly.

Arion's face reddened as he realized that his cell phone was ringing.

Reluctantly, Arion received a call from Alice.

"What is wrong?" asked Arion in an even tone.

"We'll have lunch, I'll treat you." said Alice who vented her disappointment on Arion because Aska had refused his lunch invitation.

"Good." Arion answered while looking at Karin's face intending to take her to lunch.

"Karin, will you have lunch with me this afternoon?" said Arion like a tone of command not an invitation.

"I can't, I have to be with Arnest to feed and I still have a lot of work to do." Karin answered without further ado.

"Ohhh... okay, I'll accompany you later." said Arion was forced to later cancel his show with Alice.

By noon, Camila had just arrived with Arnest.

"Son Karin, in the area near here there is a restaurant that sells very good crab porridge for Arnest. Would you like to have lunch with us, Son Karin?" Camila asked with a pleading look.

Arion put his ear well so he could hear Karin's answer to Momy's invitation.

Karin was silent for a moment then nodded her head slowly.

Arion's heart cheered and wanted to hug Camila who was very meritorious.

"Okay, now Momy call the restaurant to prepare a table for us." Camila said with a smile.

Not wanting to be misunderstood, Karin messaged Aska that Momy Arion had invited her to lunch.

Right at noon Camila, Arion and Karin arrived at the restaurant with a special table order.

"Arion." called Alice who had been waiting earlier after Arion gave her lunch spot.

"Alice, come and sit down." said Arion in a flat tone.

Karin lifted her head, looking at Alice's face which was familiar because she had met her before.

"Hi Karin, we meet again... I just arrived this morning and immediately came to your husband's company. I've been working with your husband, it's very nice that we can meet again, right?" said Alice with a gleam on her face.

Karin frowned.

Since Aska contacted him and messaged him there had been no telling about Alice.

"You're daydreaming Karin, sorry I surprised you. Because I was also surprised that you ate together with Arion." said Alice while looking at Camila who was holding Arnest on her lap. With a subtle motion Alice took a picture of the four of them and immediately sent it to Aska with the message "Like a real happy little family"

"Karin...can I ask for your cell phone number? I already have Aska's number but don't have yours yet." said Alice not stopping talking.

"You can be quiet or not! You've been talking all the time, here we want to eat instead of hearing your babble." said Arion with spicy words.

"Arion, be patient dear...let's eat." Camila said who was feeding Arnest.

Karin just silently enjoyed her meal while thinking about Alice who had cooperated with Aska without her knowing the slightest.

"Karin do you want to add something?" asked Arion with a bad feeling about Alice's words. Arion really regretted accepting Alice's lunch invitation.

After lunch was over, Karin returned to focus on work so that all her piled up work could be finished without any second thoughts.

"Karin, it's five o'clock...aren't you home?" asked Arion feeling sorry for Karin who had not stopped working since this afternoon.

"In a little while, it's over. Is Arnest asleep?" Karin asked without looking at Arion who was holding Arnest.

"Sleep since earlier." replied Arion who had been taking care of Arnest since Camila came home because of some business.

"Just sleep when Arnest is asleep so it doesn't become a habit." Karin said still continuing her work.

Without replying to Karin's words, Arion put Arnest on the big sofa.

After putting Arnest to sleep, Arion went to the small kitchen to make warm lemon tea for Karin.

"Drink first, you must be tired." said Arion while giving a cup of lemon tea to Karin.

Karin couldn't refuse it anymore because Arion had already given it to her.

"Thank you, where's yours?" Karin asked feeling bad.