

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 14

At the court, all ministers are talking and murmuring about the up-coming wedding tomorrow. Some want to disagree while some just don't care afraid of the emperor.

" Your Majesty is this appropriate that you will going to Marry someone with unknown family background?" The minister of finance took the courage to ask.

The minister of finance is one of the most influential and powerful personnel In tang dynasty, so he is kinda brave enough to raise his concern.

" Minister Lian, weren't you are one of those few who are keep on telling me to find an empress? So now that I've chosen one, What's your problem?" Zhao xianlan retorted. His voice was as calm as a Deep ocean but are filled with poison.

" You're Majesty, yes, I was one of those who suggested that you need to have and empress to stabilize ruling the empire. But isn't it nice that we will going to choose who is as outstanding as you, your Majesty?" Minister Lian said trying to convince the emperor. Though his word seems concern to the empire but honestly it was filled with malice.

" Minister Lian are you telling me that I've made a mistake choosing my empress?" The gritting voice of the emperor silence everyone.

" No, no, your Majesty. My mistake." Minister Lian bow down his head. Though he want to argue more but he lost the boldness when he was being oppressed by the spiritual energy of the emperor. So he didn't have the choice than to retreat.

' just you wait you stupid Zhao

xianlan. ' minister Lian thought.

" Okay, was there anyone who would raised his concern as well?" Zhao xianlan said, eyeing everyone in the court.

Even if there is, no one would dare to provoke the tiger.

" I guess we are settled then. Tomorrow prepare everything, if there is something bad happened tomorrow none of you will be spare. Court dismissed." Zhao xianlan said somewhat contented.

" Long live your Majesty, long live the emperor." The minister said in unison before taking their leave.

Some covered with sweat, while some are stabilizing their racing heart. They blamed the minister of finance to open his mouth, but of course they could not win over minister Lian so they just shut their mouth.

The court ended up faster than everyone was expecting. It was ended so far without anyone being stabbed, beaten or decapitated. So it was kinda harmonious.

On the contrary.

"My prince what are you doing?" The confused mara tilted his head observing xiao yu who is doing some kind of magical formation.

They are currently being guarded by magical barrier which can nullify someone's spiritual power who is in the inside. This spell was invented by the very own emperor of tang dynasty. He is quite a genius, who makes xiao yu curse him to the bone.

He called this spell as the " purifying dungeon" those who are with low cultivation of the emperor had no other way of getting out.

The purifying dungeon was just one of the most famous protection spell of the emperor. It was become known when the emperor captured the magnificent Phoenix bird using this spell. The Phoenix is so powerful that it can even burn the entire city by its flame, but it easily catched and tamed by the emperor.

Before xiao yu tried to do some magical formation as well to counter attack the the barrier, which he remembered being teached by the original xiao yu's mother whenever they are alone. He attempted to unlock and smashed the door with all his might but all failed. They even combine all three of their power but still failed, now they are all wasted.

' this is now or never!" Xiao yu sigh.

He concentrated both his three spiritual core which are consist of fire, water and fairy magic. He just discovered the fairy magic he possesses the day before they went here. And unfortunately he didn't know that he will going to try this out now.

Xiao yu controled his breathing while he is sitting in a lotus position. Fire and water encircled his body. Both elements slowly form into a triangular figure. Each end of the the triangle side revealed different types of constellation being carved. The center of the triangle there is a bright moon on it.

Mara and wang xian gasped in owe. When xiao yu releases all of his elements they think it will going to kill itself for exhaustion, because to control ones spiritual energy is already exhausting how much more three? But they changed their mind seeing xiao yu with this state.

Xiao yu sitted peacefully with some current of wind that is enough to blow his hair. His angelic small face are becoming more lavishing. He didn't stop generating his power until the " star warrior " formation is awakened.

The star warrior formation was unbeknown by everyone. So no one know it's power, they just heard it from a legend but never been proven truth.

Xiao yu enable to summoned the three zodiac sign , which is the Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn. Each creature unleashed their power in unison like they are just one body. The barrier slowly form a cracked and not long it was totally broken.

Xiao yu withdraw his power after knowing that the spell is already gone.

" Wang xian, mara we need to get the hell out of here." Xiao yu whimper when he felt like his body is all numb, but still able to deliver his command.

Mara is currently on the process of recovery by his injury, so using her Magic is forbidden for the time being. Plus xiao yu already lost almost all of his energy since he just walked up and already used to much qi in his body. Their only choice right now is wang xian.

Wang xian open the door and the three of them went outside. Before they could realized what is happening, all level 8 and 9 silver cultivator pointed all their swords to them.

Wang xian immediately held the hand of xiao yu and mara and teleported towards the outside of the palace.

All the cultivators chased them as well using their teleportation skills. Because their cultivation is much more higher than wang xian they arrived first at the gate of the palace where they surely know where the three of them will appear.

A strong gigantic wave of the barrier send back flying the three of them, disabling the teleportation spell.

Wang xian embrace xiao yu to protect him from the ground and to reduce the impact of the magic barrier. The three of them landed at the ground pitifully. Mara was being tossed at the corner while wang xian hug xiao yu thoroughly and manage to landed at the ground dizzily.

Cultivators directly attacked.

Thousands of swords which some are from the grade 1 Divine swords are now Floating up the sky.

" My prince these people are from the sword clan. They are really powerful, and looking at our state right now winning is impossible." Mara said when she finally able to stand herself.

" Gege don't worry I'll protect you" wang xian said tapping the shoulder of xiao yu.

" Mara, wang xian are you ready to fight With me?" Xiao you wanted to know If the two of them is whole hearted to fight with him. Because if one of them or the two of them don't want to risk their life then he would let it be after all it is his fight.

" Gege I'll always be by your side."

" Young prince I devoted my life to you"

Wang xian and mara said then prepare themselves to fight.