
Chapter 23

Flora’s P.O.V

I knocked on Ezra’s door once again.

I was very much aware that it was past two in the morning and she must be tired and asleep, especially after the ceremony tonight, but I didn’t…just couldn’t wait till morning to discuss this with Ezra.

I raised my hand once more to knock on her ornate mahogany door, but before I could rasp my knuckles on the wood, the door opened to expose a tired looking Ezra in a bath robe and her hair wet. The scent of her lavender shampoo told me she had just gotten out of the shower.

“Flora?” Ezra looked at me in confusion. “What brings you here at this hour?”

“I need to talk to you…its urgent.” I told her, the weight of the book unusually heavy inside the bag.

“Of course.” Ezra moved aside to let me in and I snuck into her room, feeling much more relieved after she had shut the door behind us.