
Product 88 - Cliche Novel


I mentioned that 8th tier skills represent the foundational level of expertise development.

Beyond that, the 7th tier signifies the introductory phase of a particular profession. In essence, individuals at this level, despite being newcomers, can be regarded as professionals in their respective fields.

As an illustration, within the realm of combat magic, the 7th tier corresponds to elemental magic.

At this stage, practitioners acquire the abilities of projection, enhancement, and control that align with their elemental affinity.

In the realm of auxiliary magic, reaching the 7th tier grants one the ability to acquire "Ultimate Enhancement," a skill that remains indispensable even in advanced stages.

Setting that aside, the 7th tier serves as a significant marker for one's career path.

Now, let's discuss the Shining Patissier, an evolution of the Magical Patissier.

[Shining Patissier]

[7th Tier]

[You can create magical sweets directly blessed by the Goddess of Sweets.]

[While making them, be joyful♡happy♡. The act of crafting something sweet brings joy! Now, you can do it! The more people radiate happiness from savoring them, the brighter the heart shines! Glitter! Our hearts are woven into these Shining! Sweets!]

"Is this supposed to be my career path?"

You must be kidding.


No, that can't be it.

My career path leads me to the convenience store.

Naturally, my future resides there as well.

To be honest, after completing my fourth year next year, I'll decide whether to return to the royal palace, secure some capital and open a countryside convenience store, or remain in Jephryn and manage a convenience store!

Wolfram von Roengreen has numerous options.

However, among those options, there are no Shining Sweets that sparkle and gleam!

"Is this the kind of skill I possess?"

There are skills with descriptions like 'that.'

If you read closely, the above is a proper description.

Shining Patissier, as it's called, doesn't differ much from Magical Patissier.

It's merely about crafting sweets. Hence, there isn't much to elaborate on.

So, the description above is adequate, while the following one…well, it has its significance.

"My mind is greatly influenced."


Well, just because the skill is at the 7th tier doesn't mean I must become a master baker.

Overly specialized skills can be bothersome.

"I need to create other things. Enhance the range of items."

Let's assume I continue to invest solely in Shining Patissier.

Suppose my proficiency reaches its peak, and the reactions become more abundant.

"This place makes incredible sweets!"

"Eating them brings joy♡ happiness♡!"

"Wow! Radiant! My world! Blissful as a dream!"

Those would be the reactions.

"It's like enchanting the sweets."

Therefore, I need to alter my approach.

If everything is exceptional, who would argue that tasting the sweets feels like being enchanted, right?

Hence, let's attempt to create various outstanding items.

"Hmm. What should I include?"

I surveyed the interior of the convenience store.

Sweets and accessories are the staples, and if ordered, it operates as a miniature restaurant serving meals.

It wouldn't be wrong to describe it as a dessert-centric convenience store.

So, should I now focus on learning culinary skills that delight people when they eat?

…I'm truly becoming engrossed in this.

What to create… Something suitable for a convenience store.

I jotted down items in a notebook, tapping the pen thoughtfully, and soon had a small epiphany.

"Ah, of course, there's this."


In Jephryn.

According to the original narrative, an incident unfolds during Act 2.

The Midterm Exam Sharp Pencil Destruction Incident.

During the fourth year in the magic department, 'Milphew,' who had consistently been in second place, caused a significant magical mishap with a shout of [Disappear, exam!!!], temporarily affecting the pens of all fourth-year students in the magic building conceptually.

As a result, all 'pens' within the magic building were ruined, and makeshift items, not originally intended for writing, had to be brought in to compensate for the loss.

What's amusing is that the first-year newcomer 'Mille-feuille' and the fourth-year runner-up 'Milphew' are distinct individuals.

The rookie 'Mille-feuille' was expelled during the midterms.

On the other hand, fourth-year 'Milphew' faced expulsion after causing a major incident during the midterm.

They might have reused the name because they were considered insignificant characters.

"So, it seems the developers were lazy."

…Or perhaps their naming sense was so disastrous that they couldn't come up with a variety of names for the girls.

Anyway, leaving aside such trivial matters.

I noticed that the Sharp Pencil Destruction Incident didn't occur during the previous midterm.

I have a theory about why this is the case.

The subject that fourth-year 'Milphew' took for the midterm is 'Mage and Battlefield II.'

The professor for that course is Lantica Grace.


The same professor who is currently under investigation at the palace for 'Graduate Student Overwork Suspicion.'

Because of this, the third-year students had no midterms due to the professor's personal situation and instead completed assignments.

This was even more true for the advanced course of the fourth year.

Ultimately, the peace of Jephryn's Magic Department's sharp pencils was preserved.

And from that, I had an idea.

"A pen, I could make one, right?"

What I wanted to create was a writing tool.

In other words, a pen.

"Hmm. Making one is a good idea, but… I really want to gather some samples from here and there."

After all, stationery follows children's trends.

I'll inquire about colors, designs, and then attempt to create them.

It's essentially market research.


"Are you inquiring about writing instruments? I usually use standard-issue ones."


"Yes. Despite my royal lineage, the support funds are quite limited. Getting personal writing instruments is beyond my means. I use the same items as the other students."

The next day, I struck up a conversation with Emily, who had come to learn cooking.

Most of our discussion revolved around the school supplies at Jephryn.

"The support from the Haimelody royal family is meager?"

"Yes. They calculate an average amount, deduct taxes, and then provide it."

"They even deduct taxes?"

"They say they'll increase the support if I fully commit to the path of magic, but my calling is in cooking."

Emily stated this matter-of-factly while stirring the wok.

Hmm. She might be a good subject for observation.

"Emily, if you were to purchase personal school supplies, how much would you be willing to spend?"

"…Do I really need to buy them? Standard-issue supplies are sufficient."

"In that case…"

"No. If you, my Master, recommend buying them, I'd even go into debt to acquire them."

This stoic yet pure-hearted kindness is intimidating.

Don't say such things with such a frosty expression.


"I would follow any path without hesitation as long as I'm with you, my Master. I fear nothing, no matter what lies ahead."


She's not suitable as a subject.


Later, the next subject arrived, so I decided to ask them.

The next person was Nephti, who had shown an interest in Royal Guard lessons.

Nephti held the pen I had crafted, twirling it in her hand with a puzzled expression.

"So, did you make this writing tool? You seem to create intriguing things out of the blue."

"Well, this is a convenience store, after all. If it can provide convenience, then it's something I should make and sell."

"…A convenience store. Oh, right, that's what this place is."

Nephti, I might consider writing you a recommendation letter,

but your approach to the convenience store is somewhat problematic, don't you think?

"What did you think it was, then?"

"Oh, like a temporary job agency, maybe even a restaurant where the snacks are delicious and suitable for socializing with seniors or juniors, and there are unlimited drinks with a senior here too? Hmm, um?"


"What is it? This place? It's fun, that's for sure."


Nephti seemed perplexed.

Never mind.

What's the use of discussing this with you? Let's get to the point.

"So, are you interested in buying this new pen?"



Why such an immediate refusal?

"It's a prototype. Just give it a try."

"It seems oddly expensive."

"Just give it a quiet try."

Following my suggestion, Nephti began to swiftly write something on a piece of paper.

"Oh, wow. This is impressive. Truly high-quality. A luxury item."


What I emulated was a premium pen from Korea, the Monami 154.

I used it extensively during my school days.

"…Wow. It's incredible. Definitely a great pen."

"It's durable and rarely experiences any issues. Instances of the pen clogging are few and far between."

I proceeded to provide a detailed rundown of the pen's specifications.

After hearing all that, Nephti inquired with a smile.

"So, who's going to come all the way here to purchase this pen?"


You won't make a suitable subject either.

You're quite troublesome.


However, the last person I talked to turned out to be an exceptionally pleasant individual.

"Wow… You're amazing, senior."


Mille-feuille applauded several times while admiring my pen.

Yes, this is the type of reaction I had hoped for.

Not someone who offers to pay any price for it or questions why such a thing was created!

"The black pen is lovely, but I find these 15 colored pens really beautiful."

"You have a good eye."

"Hehe… Thank you, senior."

After Nephti left, in my frustration, I went beyond the 154 pen and created 15 different colored pens.

These pens also had a backstory.

It was about Lee Young-jin's high school days.

Back then, most students carried a few pens or computer markers in their pencil cases.

There was this phenomenon known as 'Tech High' among them, and one of my minor hobbies was collecting these items.

I amassed quite a collection of them, even working part-time jobs to gather more. They were inexpensive Japanese products with tips that would easily break just by brushing against the floor, but for some reason, I had a strong desire to collect them at the time.

Then, in my second year of high school, I suddenly realized something.

"Why buy these pens when I'm just going to graduate from school, join the military, and then work in construction?" It was a moment of truth.

Ultimately, I gave them all to a friend who planned to attend college, and I went back to using the Monami 154 pen.

But honestly, it really bothered me.

I should never have given them away.

I should have held onto them no matter what.

Why did the younger Lee Young-jin abandon his dreams and settle for an uninspiring life, thinking it was some kind of cool, nihilistic modern youth thing?

"Do you think there's a market for it?"

"Yes, I'd like to buy one."

Such a good kid.

This 'first-year Mille-feuille' wants to purchase several pens. What about the 'Milphew' from Act 2? As for the fourth-year students, they've slipped my mind now.

"Your baking skills are improving, and these pens with 15 colors, you said?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Wow… In addition to magic-infused cooking and trains, you're creating so much."

"It's nothing special."

Yes. This praise. This acknowledgment!

This is what I've been yearning for.

"I, too, am working really hard to pursue my ideals! …It's not easy, though."

Again. Again, with this self-deprecating drift.

Mille-feuille believes she can do better with more effort, but her low self-esteem is holding her back.

"But you won't give up, will you?"


That's right. That's the spirit.

"Mille-feuille, this pen is a prototype. Use it and let me know how it performs."


"Don't give up."

Don't be like Lee Young-jin, don't give up.

Mille-feuille looked at me with unwavering determination and nodded.

"Yes, I won't give up."


That's more like it.


The next day, in the student council room.

Mille-feuille stood before Eve von Roengreen, with a document placed between them.

Eve could discern the determination in Mille-feuille's composed expression and the fire in her eyes.

"You seem well-prepared."

"Yes, Senior Eve von Roengreen, Student Council President. I've made my decision and come here."

"I'm glad to hear that. It becomes problematic when a position remains vacant for too long, affecting the operations. I assume my guess is correct?"


Mille-feuille brought her right hand to her chest and took a deep breath. She inhaled once more.

In her pocket, she felt the 15-colored talisman given by her senior as she continued her speech.

"I, Mille-feuille Phon Sabre, from the first-year general department."

She can't settle for just receiving encouragement and support, always leaning on others whenever she faces challenges.

She wants to stand proudly alongside them.

"I'm challenging for the currently vacant position of first-year grade representative."

Now, her resolve is unshakable.

Her eyes conveyed those words.