
The Truth of What Happened When She Was Five

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Gu Mang and the others stood backstage at the school's Culture and Sports Center.

On the surveillance camera's screen they could see Meng Jinyang walking from one side onto the gorgeously decorated red-colored stage.

Gu Mang's face was icy, her eyes terrifyingly grim, holding back an deathly aura. Her hands, hanging by her sides, were clenched tightly and the joints were pale.

"Parents, hello. I'm Meng Jinyang from Year Three Class Twenty." Meng Jinyang bowed politely to the parents.

The Class One parent in the first row frowned and said, "Why is the school making you come up here? This has nothing to do with you. Who we want is to expel Gu Mang!"

"Yes! We want to expel Gu Mang!" A woman dressed like a rich upper-class person stood up. It was Ruan Qingqing's mother, Xu Hui. "Let her come out and give her apology. If she were sensible she would drop out of school!"