
He who Sacrificed the Gifts of The Gods

Lough Freed, a boy who served the kingdom in the RMMT (Republican Military of Magical Talent) at a young age, is a veteran at war, but he was cast aside after being the sole reason for victory, since he had no artefacts, and was thrown down into poverty. He lives his life with a held back rage until he enters his usual workplace and finds something interesting... ----------------------------------

Lance_Godspell · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Episode 8: The Capital of Humans

Lough Freed


I walked through the town of Tenella, where I'd lived for the better or worse part of 4 years, and I'd never heard it this silent before.

I stepped up to my one storey house and unlocked the front door. Eagerly rushing to my bed, dropping my stuff, what little I had on me, and stripping off my clothes, I jumped into the bed and tried to fall asleep.

Orebrul had already fallen asleep before me, having 'passed out' from the awful stench of the town. A smile crept along my lips as I thought about this and the possible future adventures I'd get to experience with him. While he could be sarcastic and critical in nature, he made up for having a good sense of maturity, which I kind of expected due to his age, which sat above at least four times my own.

I sighed, unable to sleep at all. The only thing I could think of was the ring and how I needed to get stronger. This opportunity doesn't pass just anyone. In fact, this is the only one of its kind, according to Orebrul, so I had to use it to its full potential.

Sitting up, I slipped on a brown tunic, some black training pants, and a pair of black socks. I made my way to what I thought was the centre of my cramped room.

It was a tiny room, 5 metres in length, and 3 metres in width. Inside, there was a bed which sat opposite the door and a wardrobe, if you could call it that, which stood beside the front door.

I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, sensing the power of the ring, which coursed through me. I listened to the surroundings, tasted the air, and felt the humming of the ring. It began to glow a soft blue, and I could see, even with closed eyes, the room zooming out and the symbols appearing before me.

I let out a deep breath and felt the way the magical energy flowed through me and into the ring.

What are you doing? I heard Orebrul ask in a sluggish and tired voice.

I'm training my mana reserves, I heard it was possible to release mana at the same time you take it in. I replied, deep in concentration. Also, morning... and night... whichever you prefer honestly.

Yeah, hi to you too. Also it's possible, but it's very difficult. I mean... oh, you cocky son of a... I could hear Orebrul's chuckle of surprise as I'd managed to partially recycle the flow of mana in and out of the ring.

You know, Lough, your brain scares me. How is it that you know all this? You're truly terrifying, I hope you know that...

Well, I was in a squad with an A-rank strength-class and 2 B-rank mages when I was in the RMMT. I reminded him.

I could almost touch the flow of mana, and I was amazed as to how the ring operated. It would take mana from my body and power itself, then using sheer willpower I would pull mana back into the ring, from the surroundings, and forcefully pull it out and back into my body, essentially recycling the mana I'd given it. It was a very fascinating but arduous process as I knew this would take hours, maybe even days, before it would show some decent results.

Jeez... this town is definitely way too small for someone like you. You need to go to the capital, Nova. Orebrul sighed as he told me this, I agreed with him, of course. This town was too small. If I wanted to get stronger and gather artefacts, I needed to get to the pinnacle and go straight to the capital of the Laexanad Empire, Nova.

The Laexanad Empire was the kingdom ruled by humans. This is where this town, Tenella, also resided. There was an academy in Nova, and there was also a military base, both of which would contain powerful artefacts.

Military base, code: b2749... my old base...

I clenched my jaw as my thoughts wavered, and I lost control of my mana recycling. I sighed, defeatedly, and lay down on my back. Peering at the ring, my heart leapt as I saw the capacity for mana had increased within the ring. However, slight it was, it was still progress.

Standing up, clumsily from lack of mana, I walked to my bed and grabbed my jacket. "We're leaving... are you ready to go to Nova?" I asked out loud. Anyone would think I was mad, talking to no one. But I wasn't just anyone, and neither was the voice in my head.

Orebrul laughed at my thought of me looking mad and answered, yeah well you are mad. Plus, I'm sure even more people will be looking at you when we get to Nova.

I sighed. Yes, I'm sure, but that's what this mental connection is for, right?

True... well, enjoy yourself in the capital city of humans. He replied back as I exited my room and locked it tightly. Embuing a little mana into the door through {Upgrade} from the {Enchantment} path, I fortified it, and I was surprised at the potency of the protection. "You forget I'm human too," I retorted.

Yeah, it makes sense that i forget... you're a monster.

I pretended to be shocked and heartbroken. "How cruel of you!"

We laughed and began our long and tiring journey to Nova.

---------------------------------- a week later:

We finally arrived in Nova, and the air was fresh, and I felt light-headed. Having come from a musty and grime filled place like Tenella, it was a whole new sensation, breathing clean air and seeing buildings made of marble, with statues and sculptures. My eyes couldn't stop looking around like a tourist's, which, in a sense, I was.

Reality snapped back to me as I felt the presence of artefacts all around me, and I quickly reminded myself what I was here for. On the way to Nova, Orebrul and I had agreed that it would be best to keep the ring's powers hidden and act as though I was a fire mage.

We had discussed magic and artefacts and what they were capable of.

Every artefact had a type it was fixed to: Magical or Physical.

The magical artefacts usually stuck to a single aspect of magic:

○ Destruction

○ Alteration

○ Conjuration

○ Restoration

○ Enchanting

These five aspects were, unsurprisingly, paths that the ring offered since the ring was an archive of every magic type along with physical properties too.

The physical artefacts also followed their own respective aspects:

○ Boosting

○ Stealth

○ Dexterity

○ Strength

Every artefact abided by these classes, well every one except for this ring of course. I still couldn't wrap my head around this ring's existence. How could a single artefact hold every single magic aspect as well as one of the physical aspects, not to mention the very overpowered {Alchemy} path.

Throughout the conversation, I'd managed to realise that choosing {Destruction} first was the best choice. {Enchantment} relied on having lots of skills, this was provided by {Alchemy}. However, {Alchemy} was only good if you had the skills to combine and create, so you needed the other magic paths like {Destruction} or {Alteration}.

I looked around and spotted a sign pointing to the Academy. Am I really about to go back to school? I can't be bothered.

I heard a snort in my mind, and I knew it was Orebrul.

You want to get stronger, right? Besides, it's a university, there will be loads of people around your age. You're nearly 20, suck it up.

Shut up... I know that. I shot back at him, only to be met with a michevious laugh.

People were bustling around, but it was different from Tenella. The stench wasn't there. The sweat and heat from busy people weren't there. It was heavenly. I basked in this feeling, making sure I would remember it.

Alas, it was not always meant to be. The smell of the city brought back my time here in the military base, and images of my friends smiling and then shifting to their corpses flashed before me, and I began to shake. My breath got quicker and sharper. All the sound around me collided together to create a constant ringing in my ears. My eyes darted around, seeing things that weren't there. Blood. Dead corpses of both allies and foes. My friends. Tears swelled in my eyes.

Gh... lough... Lough!

Orebrul's shouting pierced my head, and the ringing subsided. I quickly rubbed my eyes of their tears and wiped my face with my tunic. Sorry... I...

It's fine... I know... I could sense it. You don't need to say anymore. Orebrul said in an attempt to console me, making me smile at his empathy for me.

I took a deep breath and steeled my heart. "Let's go." I dictated firmly.

Orebrul remained silent, and I sensed his 'nod' in my head. It was a reassuring thing having him there, inside my head where it was hard to hide things from him. It gave me a net, one that I'd never had before. At a time, I'd have never told him anything and just dealt with it myself, but having a mental connection was a lot different from having a verbal one. It was hard to block the connection, and even then, emotions and some lingering thoughts couldn't be fully blocked out. Beyond the cold and icy persona I'd had to use during the war was just me, a person, a boy who needed to survive, but not alone.

This was a weakness I'd always known about me. But it wasn't one I'd ever worked on nor admitted to anyone before. Until now, I'd hidden my emotions from people. Lillie, Marcus, and Jason were the only people who ever knew a fraction of how I felt about the war. I was good at what I did. It didn't mean I enjoyed it, however.

This long trail of self-deprecation and reflection lasted until I arrived at the application office for the University of Nova, named Aurora University.

The woman at the counter saw me and waved me over.

"Are you here to apply to Aurora University?" She asked, and I nodded in response. I didn't want to talk to too many people or make myself known. Since I wasn't here to enjoy university life, nor was I here to make friends.

"Please sign here and declare any artefacts you have so you have freedom to -"

"I know, thanks." I cut her off and felt guilty straight afterwards as I saw the look in her eyes. "Sorry, it's been a week long journey here to Nova... I came from Tenella."

"Tenella? I see... well then, I hope your jounery was well." She gave me a small dip of her head, and I reciprocated the gesture as I handed back the sheet of paper, with a few details about my artefact omitted, and went on my way inside.

Is it really that easy to get in? Sounded Orebrul's voice in my head, obviously filled with confusion.

I shook my head. There's an entrance test, that's just the application that they will hand over to the examiners. It's just a formality that they have to go through.

"Well, my companion... let's just get this exam over with, shall we?" I said in a serious yet quite playful tone as I headed over to the exam hall, grinning ear to ear.
