
United more than ever

In the dust, when the man looks at the old man, he can see how a white light overflows from him, the rays begin to act on their own.

the dust was disappearing, now I could see everything clearly, it was a bloodbath. His eyes could not believe what they saw, he drops the girl for a moment.

The girl gently changes her gaze to her mother's body, and sees her lying there ... her body burned, her stomach is open.

The trewa was already killed.

~ mom ~

with a slight whisper the girl called her

~ come on, we have to go home, dad must surely be worried ~

the girl began to crawl towards her mother ...


the man sitting there told him, he seems to have no enough forces to get up. He felt a weight in his chest, he doesn't know why but he felt guilty. maybe if he had reacted quickly, he could have saved the mother of the little girl. maybe he could even have saved many more lives, his head was a mess of thoughts ...

~ I can't, I have to go with mom ~

The man wondered ...

"How the hell did this catastrophe happen?"

he asked himself...

"Maybe the gods were playing a joke?"

he asked himself...

"Is it our punishment?"

he asked himself...

"Why us?"

the man had never before witnessed a massacre at such a level ... according to what the old man said "in times of peace the weak are formed"

He seems to be right but ... will he care about the deaths of his citizens?

"How much has he suffered?"

The girl was dragging her knees shaved, bleeding and even slightly burned. she went out of her way to approach her mother ...

~ come on mom, get up ... what's the matter? ~

~ mom, please ... ~

The little girl does not fully understand what is happening, just a few moments ago she was running with her mother, but now she has all these wounds. She doesn't know how they got there ...


With a heartbreaking scream, he cries for his mother's body, hits his chest with his hands, his hands burn, his body was so hot that it burned his skin. but his physical pain was less than he felt in his heart now, without noticing tears soon began to flow from his eyes ...


He burst into a deep cry, said his head on his mother's chest, was burning his face but that was the least important right now. So much was the heat that tears falling on the body evaporated.

"I will behave well, I will help you when you ask me, I will not make tantrums ... so please mom get up"

the man let out tears for such a scene, forcefully rises without encouragement and goes to her, tries to lift her. but she grabs the body doing more damage ...

"stop, you're going to hurt yourself"

~ mom please ~

Noticing that it will not work, he decides to separate it by force from the mother. he didn't know if he was doing the right thing ...

"Stop, maybe you also want to get away from my mother"


dragging the little girl on his shoulders, he notices the bleak landscape around him, the old man struggled in the air with the alkas. and even if they were shot down, they seemed to cause more damage by falling on houses or people ...

"It surely looks like the stories it tells"


The girl still wanted to go back to her mother, she extended her free hand trying to reach her, just grabbing the air, her nails were buried in her hands, with no more options, man had to say.

"girl, that's not your mom ... your mom is in a safe place"

~ lie ~

"Don't try to fool me, I can see when someone tries to do it ..."

when he lowers his head to look at her, he sees those eyes of a deep emerald ... full of sadness, his face is a little burned just like his hands and knees ...

"Then I will be direct, in such a world things like this always happen ... look at them, they are like you"

the young man pointed out some houses, where there were survivors inside, most of them had sad faces, losing body parts was the least. some lost their mother, fhaters, children and friends. and even in that situation they tried to help each other ...

"That's why, in times like these, we have to be more united than ever"

The man told him this with a childish smile, it seemed as if he had been playing ... with a face full of mud, blood dust and many other things.

When he said this, he gave him the only thing he could rescue from his mother's burned body ... a necklace, it was a fang, it was a little burned. But that didn't matter.

the girl grabbed him with both hands open as if it were the greatest treasure of humanity, at least for her it was, shedding another pile of tears in her already closed hands ...

~ th-AAan ~

He could not finish, his tears prevented him ...

"Well, take shelter somewhere, I'm going to help the old man"

"By the way, I almost forgot if you want revenge, strengthen yourself and don't let anyone go through the same ..."

The little girl heard all her words and say

"I have one last thing to do"

There are the Ufisas, Alkas, Trewas, Wakas, Kapuras, Zewus, Narkis, Kod, Filu and many more

Deucalamitecreators' thoughts