
New body

"just a little more" "pistis care my back"

With those words, pistis turns from a viscous black liquid, wich goes to her feet forming a black dome around her.

the young woman looked anxious ...

The bearers of silence. where they come from is a mystery, but one thing is for sure.

They'll be there, no matter where you are ... or who you are. they will find you

while the body inside the dome is forming, they slowly begin to walk in their direction ...

with humanoid forms they do not seem to have eyes, nose or mouth, resembling a shadow.

Being able to walk in broad daylight ... noting that they are responsible for monitoring that no anomaly happens, quite ironic.

Soon they crashed into the dome


There was no noise.

the wind spread around the trees felling off or inclined by the pressure of the wind, all within a radius of 10km.

no animals were injured, since they had long since left ... all this would generate a chain effect

the light inside the dome was getting stronger, but the pressure too.


the light inside the dome disappears suddenly, only one body is seen ...

"Damn, it's now or never"

approaching the body can see the emptiness of his eyes, but she not giving importance gives him a kiss.

That was the only way to quickly transfer its essence to this body.

Soon the young woman's body falls ...

The man's eyes glow slightly, a sharp glow is noticeable in them.

he just said a word ...
