

As if it were the omen of something, a torrential rain falls, wetting the faces of many, it seems as if it cleanses their wounds, only to open others. Ones eyes look at the sky, he hair is wet and her clothes are moistened, but as if she didn't care, she keeps looking at those gray clouds. it seems as if he is looking for something ...


looking away, he sees the young woman who wakes up little by little. their clothes were unusable, the blood and the earth were already cleaned. a little confused, she grabs her head with one hand as she wobbles trying to get up ...

"my head"

while he complains, he slowly incorporates himself, when he sees the landscape around him he is silent. she doesn't seem surprised, her can't remember correctly what happened. Man stares silently at each of his actions ...


she realizes that her are in a hole not so deep but of a considerable diameter. feel the damp ground between your toes, looking down note in the state it is. she doesn't seem to care that the soil, now turned on mud touches her, on the contrary, she seems to like it, the cold sensation seems to relax her

"how do you feel"

something scared looks for the voice that calls her, there is the same man I dream of. Something confused by the situation answers with a question ...


the somewhat dismayed man looks at her, as if he were seeing an idiot, an idea shines in his head ...

"how is your body"

the woman again looks at him with doubt and slowly lowers her eyes to her body, it seems as if she remembers something and only releases an "ooh" and with her arms she covers what she reaches. the whole atmosphere of battle and seriousness was ruined, the man almost killed her right there.

He did not ask again because he assumed that his body is well, but he thinks something ruined his head. maybe the load was too much, with a question I confirm it ...

"how old are you?"

"13 why?"

He indifferently looks at her, he knows he just screwed up. he see how she plays with her breasts swinging them and looking at them with doubt. He doesn't care what happens to him, he only worries that she can't keep his promise, he wants to see new things with his own eyes ...

"What happened here, who are you, where is this place?"

stopping playing with her body, she asks ...

"pistis ..."

it seems that he cannot take this anymore, entrusting pistis to solve the problem, directs his view elsewhere. there was something that caught his attention, what the trees secreted, I speculate that it was medicine.

he walks step by step approaching, his feet are also naked, he feels the ground and in this one the little bugs. Regardless of this he kept walking and soon reaches the nearest tree down, resting one knee on the ground stretches his hand to touch.

but before he could, he notice something that catches his attention. he sees small silhouettes leaning on the trees, realizing that they are all over this in this great forest. They are small and brown in color, they are invisible for a common eye.

but his was anything but common, the small figures seem to fear him, but they will not give in to someone who plans to harm the forest. noticing this he speaks to them ...

"Show yourself I don't plan to harm you or the trees"

and although they did not want to show himself he would force them, becoming clearer in sight now he notes better, without anything remarkable they only seem as if they were a tuber with humanoid form. This world seems increasingly strange, but he loves that.

those things produce a sound, something strange since they have no mouth. as if he were talking about something, he keeps making those sounds, without being able to do anything, he looks confused at the actions the tuber takes ...


a shout takes him out of his conversation with the potato, after pistis did his job he goes to his shadow, the girl is crying and vomiting. a rather abrupt change, in his opinion but without caring in the least the flame ...

"hurry up with what you are doing"

The woman looks at him with hatred and resentment, apparently remembering everything that happened since he took her body until he kissed her. heading towards the girl, the little thing also follows he ...

"hey you know what pla"

Before he could finish, he is suddenly interrupted by a massive explosion. so large that all beginning to tremble, trees over 150 meters that still did not fall flew away like mere branches. He knelt by the pressure he felt at that moment, the girl watched as a massive earthquake occurred. but he did not understand well because he had knelt.

the sky that was darkened clears, the gray clouds are no longer found, it seems that they were absorbed by something. Little by little, the entire surface of this planet is dyed a dark red, the day is no longer seen, the sun disappears.

in the sea the water begins to swirl, it goes to the sky as if they were attracted to something, tsunamis began to form and volcanoes began to erupt. The sentence of this planet had arrived.

soon the tremors stop, he looks at the sky he and sees it, his entire body shuddered, a sun its color is a deep jet-black, a warm gold color surrounds it, with small flashes of light in a row. he realizes the shitty situation he is in. That was a black hole. he realized why the sun was suddenly gone ...

It was swallowed and replaced completely, apparently luck was smiling at them, but with mockery. they are far from the event horizon, but now the planet orbits around a black hole.

the planet deviated completely from its orbit, other planets that were closer to the black giant were swallowed, making the black hole shine more, something quite ironic. now the life of the inhabitants of this planet will change completely