
He Who Is In Haikyuu With 1 Wish!

Anpu Persefoni, has always been in love with Haikyuu, He likes to think of it as the thing that saved him when he needed saving the most- He was told to have insomnia and depression, when he was just at the tender age of 12 years old, later when he was 14 years old, he started having anxiety attacks, and cutting himself a year before, the thing that caused this all was his school life, and the orphanage he lives at. But then, one day when he was hiding from his bullies with his phone like always, he found Haikyuu, he fell in love with all the characters, and how they were always there for each other- From there he remembered, a quote that, his parents who left him at the orphanage when he was three years old used to tell him, “Through, death, and life, only the ones who truly love you, will be there, to help you get through anything, even a friend you have know for a long time will be blinded by their desires, but those ones, will have your back no matter what, my love.” His mother told him once, before she died saving him, he still remembers her words, because he truly believe she was correct. _______ So what happens when he died because of a careless god and his mistake? What if that god told him he can wish for something but only one wish, and be in any world he wants reincarnation or transmigration- what would he wish for, and we all know he will choose Haikyuu, but what’s his wish?

PsychoticTL · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 13. [My Love is Worth it]



When the limousine finally stopped, I quickly got out and walked to the front gates stopping right in front of it. A small faint smile emerging on my usually expressionless face at the thought of Hinata, it quickly disappeared as it came. I walked inside while Motivating myself inwardly.

The walk to the classroom was- well generally eventful. After I got there I opened the door and walked in. I sat on my usual spot by the window, the last desk in the back row. I looked out the window with a sign, ignoring my classmate's obvious curious stares directed at me.

Thinking that they didn't have the guts to come talk to me, I pulled out a pair of headphones and scrolled down for a song on my playlist. I felt a tap on my left shoulder and turned around to find a female classmate looking at me with a blush. "What is it?" I said with a forced smile.

"Umm, that sit is taken. If you want There's an open sit by me, you can sit there." I turned away, only giving her one more glance from the corner of my eye. "This is my sit." I said, not willing to give up the seat next to Hinata- I specifically 'asked' the principal to do anything to let me be with Hinata 24/7.

Just when she was about to say something else, someone cut her off. "Isn't that Anpu's sit, why are you sitting there?" A familiar voice inquired curiously. A genuinely bright smile graced my expression instantly at the familiar voice.

"I am Anpu." I said, turning to face the direction the voice came from, and sure enough, it was Hinata. "No you're not." he said with a pout, I smiled unconsciously at him.

"Wait a minute." I said.

I took out my disguise from my bag and put it on, he looked at me with surprise, his jaw dropped. "Hahaha! You look silly, Hinata!" I laughed at his expression, "B-but, why do you so different?!" he exclaimed still surprised, dismissing the fact that the whole class was also shocked.

"U-umm, well, I'll explain to you later why okay?" I nervously said, while gazing at him. Abruptly, the female who was standing next to me- started flirting with Hinata, why you may ask? I don't know. (To get closer to you ~. Protect your man!)

It infuriated me seeing her sticking to his arm, he didn't understand what she was doing and just let her be. I felt like cutting her limps one by one and feeding them to her, or maybe breakin' her bones slowly for even daring to touch him. I clenched my fists, almost spilling blood- and took deep breaths in order to calm down.

Soon after, I walked closer to Hinata, and the woman enough to be standing just in front of them. She visibly glowed, when she saw me, she was just about to say something but froze instantly after seeing my expression- i looked at her with a murderous sharp glare, before turning back to Hinata with a bright smile. "Sho, you want to go to the volleyball club with me? School hasn't started yet." I said enthusiastically, while skillfully taking her arms off him.

"Okay, let's go Anpu!!" Hinata said, a wide bright grin on his face. My ears slightly heated with a blush, my expression not giving away anything, but a sweet smile. I smirked at her quickly, a cold gleam flashing in my eyes.

We left to the Volleyball club, and practiced for a while, before it the ball rang.

___Time Skip___

After school was over, I told Hinata to follow me to explain why I disguised myself. When we got to the front gates- I told him to wait a moment and called Sebastian to tell me to come get me.

After, three minutes a white limousine drove in front of us. Hinata looked confused, it was honestly cute. Sebastian came out of the Limousine with a red carpet falling to a stop right in front of us. I face palmed, feeling embarrassed- It's okay if i flaunt my money in front of other people, but why Hinata?

I glared at him, he looked confused for a moment, before seeing Hinata, a look of understanding with a mix of what looks like tiny bit of guilt crossed his face. I signed, resigning to my fate.

"This is my ride." I said, while holding out a hand to Hinata like a gentleman, although it looked weird considering my height. He took it, still looking confused.

Once inside, I explained the situation to him- Half truth, Half lie. I told, i wanted real friends instead of fake ones who wanted my money, and since people already saw my face when i came here first in front of my mansion- He was surprised at that part, apparently he wasn't there to see my mansion- so, I decided to hide my face, but i didn't want him to be mad at me for lyin' to him about my real appearance, and house.

He didn't understand the first time i told him, but he eventually understood. He asked where we were going and told him to my mansion, he nodded and finally got a good look around the limo. Seeing the food on it, he took a coca and started drinking it- then he saw the meat buns I recently got for him, especially.

__Time Skip__

He told Sebastian to take him home, after awhile. I went upstairs with a content expression on my face. I took an apple with me to eat while watching something on my laptop.


I'm very sorry for not updating this book in while if anyone wanted an update here it is!~ ^_^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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