
He Wasn't Always a Monster

Carter Whittaker was an ordinary man, like everyone else. He had a stable job, a nice house, and amazing friends. Everything in his life seemed perfect. However, on one fateful day, everything went terribly wrong. (All SCPs seen in this story belong to their respective owners, and credit for this wonderful SCP-096 art goes to whoever drew it. Also, I think there are canon stories on the site for 096's origin, but I kinda wanted to make my own version of his origin!)

KempCarr · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

An Overwhelming Rage

I had been walking aimlessly for days. Eventually, I see a group of people. I start to ask them for help, but I realize that... I probably look like a monster. One of them screams: "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Before they all start to run. Suddenly, I get this uncontrollable rage. I start to scream and cover my face. After screaming for a few moments, I run towards them. Somehow, I knew exactly where they were. One by one, I tore their heads off, ripped their hearts out, and killed them in many other brutal ways. Then, my rage is replaced by hunger, and I eat their corpses. What the hell is wrong with me? I just killed and ate several innocent people! I get into a fetal position and start crying.

I was reading my rejected containment proposal for SCP-1529. A message from the O5 Council was written on the back. "With all due respect, Lieutenant Chambers, you're better suited as an MTF Member, like your father, than a scientist. There's a reason we have separate divisions. Not to say that your idea is horrible. In fact, it is actually rather intelligent. We just don't see any possibility of it working." I sigh. I suppose they're right. After all, dad trained me specifically to be the next General of Epsilon-11, in case of his passing. I just wish I was able to do more.

I was wandering a mountain. At this point, I didn't even know which one. Suddenly, I see a military-looking helicopter land a good distance away from me. Maybe a hundred or two hundred feet. Men, who look to be soldiers, hop out of the helicopter, and aim their guns at me. I tried to yell: "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" But no words came out. I start to scream, as I cover my face, yet again. Eventually, the rage takes over, and I run towards them. They shot their guns at me, but... nothing. How the hell am I still alive? They must've unloaded everything they had on me. Unfortunately, it was the last thing they ever did. Because I killed them and ate their corpses, just like I did with those other people. I get into the fetal position, and start to cry, yet again. I just want this nightmare to be over. All I wanted to do was find my friends.

Eventually, I hear a man talking from behind me. "Okay, and... Got it!" He says, as a bag gets placed over my head. I wish I could talk, so I could thank him over and over. Even though, he's probably just doing his job. I'm just glad that no one can see my face now.