
He was ferfect

Once upon time there was a man on the street he found a women. and she was homeless and then the man said to the homeless women do you need shelter. and the homeless women said yes in a painful voice.and then the man took her to his car and they went to his house and he was rich.his house was huge and che had loads of money and the man said to the homeless women would you Mary me and she said yes and the man asked her what is your name and she said Mary and Mary asked the man what is his name and he said Ethan and there marrage was on Tuesday it is Friday and Mary was so happy and so was ethan and thenfour day after that day they got married and Mary and Ethan lived a happy life together and then Mary saw Ethan on the phone talking to someone and it was another women and then Mary said to Ethan who's that your talking to Ethan took a long time to answer it is a doctor mary said ok ima go back to sleep and then Mary woke back up she was it was the next day and Mary was tied to chains and there were dead people inside 'this dungeon or cage and I was shocked my husband that I got married to put me inside this cage and he set up a camera of him with another women and then a bother women that was in there she was alive and the same things happened to her the end