
He slept outside

This book doesn’t make any sense, trying to figure out what’s going on is useless. The story takes places in a country situated at the bottom of everybody’s mind, the place you go to when you sleep. Chapters aren't created chronologically and aren't necessarily linked to the "main story" This story is finished

Damned_liar · Urban
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14 Chs

dancing and singing

They were dancing and singing

underneath they were crying and raging

oh stinky oh fancy

dresses made from dead skin

suits of camel lashes

drinking criquet juice

didn't know did they

they were smiling and shaking

underneath they were pleading and begging

oh juicy oh sadly

fake lashes made with spider legs

shoulder pads of children knees

drinking laced juice

didn't care did they

they were laughing and dreaming

underneath they were smirking and wobbling

oh innocently oh stupidly

bright lipstick of innocent blood

bow ties of baby hair

drinking their last glass

didn't realize did they

they were screaming and running

underneath they were thriving and smirking

oh madly oh violently

blushes of their friend's blood

fancy watches telling the time of their death

drinking deadly poison

didn't get it did they