

"where's my child?"Maryanne asked her mom in panic . "Mary you have to calm down the doctor tried their best, u barely survived that accident so they could only save you my child " Cynthia Mary's mom tried to calm her daughter.

"No.... mom they could've saved my child mom you know how I tried to accept my child"Mary sobbed.

"you have to let go of the child, it was a mistake and u know it, u don't even know the father just let go . Besides you haven't gone to college you have to move on and Meet new people In your life Mary" Mary's mom adviced her .

"Mom please .... I can't do this I know you understand ...." Mary was still discussing with her mom when she was interrupted by the doctor who entered the ward.

After checking Mary he turned to her mom and called her.

"Mrs Williams a word " Said the doctor . Mary's mom stood up to follow the doctor outside the room .

"I'll be back and don't do anything stupid "Mary's mom told her before leaving the room .

Cynthia followed the doctor to his office, she made sure to look back to make sure her daughter was not trying to leave the room , when they reached to the doctor's office , the doctor offered her a seat , before he went to his.

"Mrs Williams I would say that it's a miracle that your daughter survived that accident , but I must say..... " he paused and looked at the woman before he continues.

" .... that it's either she stays here in the hospital for three months for further check-up her womb almost damaged but she was able to pass through it so I must that during this three months it's either she stays or like you said yesterday she should start school and she has to be really careful and not bring much attention to her self" the doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor and I understand what u explained and am sure Mary won't like to stay here in the hospital and I will make sure she comes for her check-up every weekend till she's fit "Mrs Williams said to the doctor.


Two minutes after Mary's mom left her ward with the doctor, Mary left her ward too cause she's already suffocating inside the room to take in fresh air outside while searching for the exit of the hospital she stumbled into a wierd room where she heard wired , annoying sound .

'am I supposed to hear such sounds in the hospital ' Mary thought to herself .

While trying to leave the room, she got curious and tried to peek 'O.M.G wtf !!! ' she screamed in her mind and shocked by what she saw .

' Not that I haven't seen a naked girl ' she thought to her self .

inside the room was a naked girl bending with her legs and a hands on the floor like a dog while the boy was just standing with his body well covered while f***king the girl she was too focused on what she was looking at that she didn't know that the boy was now watching her, she snapped out of her gaze when she heard what the boy said .

"I thought u were going to leave want to join her" the guy smirked while looking at Mary.

'shit I got caught' Mary thought to her self as she immediately apologized.

"Am... am sorry I lost my way here I didn't see anything" she smirked while she bowed quietly trying to leave when she heard the boy said what annoyed her.

"why are u acting like a wet kitten you look good why don't you join and stop pretending to be a good girl " he laughed and in fury she turned to the guy while trying to control her anger she said what she regretted at that moment.