
He is poisonous-Beauty doctor vs rough man

Isabella escaped marriage and accidentally fled into Harrison's wolf nest. Isabella: "I will go to the morning shift tomorrow." Harrison: "Get leave." Isabella: "Doctors cannot ask for leave casually, unless there are force majeure factors." Harrison: "Is being unable to get out of bed considered force majeure?" Beauty doctor vs rough man。 We just exchanged glances, yet my heart is in shambles. If I have to die in this lifetime, it must be at your hands.

DaoistiTRtkJ · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Isabella was clad in an orange windbreaker, sunglasses perched atop her shoulder-length hair. Her straight legs were encased in denim, tucked into ankle boots, exuding a casual yet confident vibe. In Kyrgyzstan, surrounded by snow-covered mountains, Isabella, having completed two months of VR training, finally had the opportunity to step out into the real world.

The Bishek Bank was crowded, primarily due to the inconvenience of using traveler's checks. Currency exchange outside the capital was challenging, and the bank's cash reserves were limited.

Isabella stretched, surrounded by a diverse mix of travelers. Everyone seemed to be in pairs or groups, except for her. Before her journey, friends joked about the boldness of Kyrgyzstan men, suggesting that any man could easily snatch a girl off the street. A chance encounter, however, led her into an unexpected chaos.

She had just finished her transaction when a hooded figure tossed a glass bottle into the bank, causing a deafening explosion. Isabella's mind went blank, expecting shards to pierce her skin and blood to spray, just like in her virtual experiences. However, the reality was different; she found herself sheltered by a man, the shattered glass raining down on his back.

As armed intruders stormed in, chaos erupted in the bank. The man shook off the glass fragments from Isabella and left her side. She remained frozen, kneeling on the hard marble floor, tears welling up from the pain in her knees and the weight on her back.

Though unharmed physically, the encounter with real danger left her shaken. The man, towering over her, had dark, intense eyes, a high nose, and a calm, yet ominous, expression.

Regaining her composure, Isabella stood up and thanked him. Concerned about his well-being, she asked, "Did you get hurt?"

The man nonchalantly brushed off glass shards from his shoulder and replied, "Take care of yourself."

As three armed assailants entered, the bank descended into chaos. The man, after saving Isabella, left her and confronted the intruders, shattered glass falling on his back.

The assailants demanded everyone's compliance, threatening to shoot anyone attempting to escape. Isabella found herself pushed into the crowd, and her eyes met the man's gaze once more. The situation escalated when a wounded person attempted to flee, resulting in a gunshot and cries of pain.

Isabella, feeling the harsh reality of the situation, tried to maintain order. She pleaded with the assailants to allow the wounded to receive medical attention. The man, observing from a distance, seemed detached and indifferent to the unfolding events.

As despair spread among the hostages, Isabella's attention was drawn to a man shouting and pleading for his life. Attempting to escape, he was promptly shot, adding to the terror in the bank.

The man, who had saved Isabella earlier, approached her and provocatively remarked, "Scared, huh?"

Isabella, shocked by his sudden advance, tried to distance herself. Ignoring her protests, the man kissed her passionately, creating a spectacle that amused the onlookers.

The assailants, initially surprised by this unexpected turn of events, joined the laughter. Isabella, feeling a mix of embarrassment and fear, complied with the man's actions.

The assailants, now amused, let their guard down. One of them slung his gun over his shoulder, dismissing the scene as entertainment. The man, after his bold move, warned Isabella, "Behave yourself."

With the situation still dire, the man suddenly shifted from kissing Isabella to violently attacking one of the assailants. His swift and brutal actions surprised everyone, leaving the assailant injured.

The man, displaying proficiency in Israeli combat techniques, incapacitated the assailant. Isabella, witnessing the brutality, was torn between gratitude for his previous rescue and shock at his violent methods.

As the man took charge, allowing people to escape, Isabella hesitated. The man, looking at her, inquired, "What's your name?"

"Isabella," she replied without second thought.

The man smirked and warned, "Don't let me catch you again." As people rushed away, Isabella, led by the crowd, distanced herself from the man, his face disappearing into the chaotic flow.