

He was in pain under the whiplash of jungle justice, yet he was not the real culprit, but a looked alike of the real culprit. She risked her life and stepped out to save him by revealing the real culprit who happened to be a deadly notorious kingpin. To reciprocate he found her a job in his own office, but this angered his girlfriend who happened to be a born with silver spoon in the mouth neighbour who is secretly envious of her flawless beauty! In anger she visited him to take it out on her, but she was shocked by her physical strength, she got beaten and got dumped by the man of his dream. When the man dumped this envious petty girlfriend he decided to befriend his saviour, but for two reasons she refused to give in for a long time. Later, due to his persistence and a strange arrangement she said yes to him; but there is a condition attached that pleased him not because she knew him to be ladies man, she said there will be no sex until the wedding night. This dimmed the shine of their relationship, though he would have married her, but for a bad twist he dumped her. This bad twist occurred when the real culprit of the first day showed up with acid and poured it upon her. She survived it but came out of death looking like a monster! And her lover refused to acknowledged that she lost all because she stepped out to save him. This agony set up a long tortuous journey of vengeance, how did she finally served the deserved justice? You need to read this book to find out, but be warned, this book is highly emotional, romantically over teasing and you won't be able to put it down to eat your food; if you know your heart is strong please read on

olufemi02 · Realistic
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First, I want to apologized to all my fans that I had kept waiting for close to two years that I had suspended the writing of this ongoing publication, please please forgive me!

Now, I want to continue with this publication, but before I will publish the next chapter I want to edit and rewrite the chapters that I had written before, please bear with me.

This does not mean there will be that big change in the already published story line, but it some minor changes will be added so that the finishing of of the story will be very heartwarming!

Once I finished with the rewriting and editing of those chapters and republish them, then I will take the book straight to completion.

Support me in this journey please, what is coming will be so great, because I am giving you a book like no other books, thank you.

Vote for my book to encourage me and give donations.
